What could have happened to Boldin?


Oct 15, 2002
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Chandler, Az
Cause Drew himself only cares about one thing.


Everytime a player signs a contract he gets a commission. The bigger the contract, the bigger the commission.

Drew says "Sign this 5 year contract for 30 million" and gets his comission off the 25 mil. 2 years later he tells his client the same thing, bad advice, and bad business for his client because it will cause a stink but what does he care ? He gets another chance at a 5 year 30 million dollar commission.

Drew R. doesn't care if he runs his clients' name through the mud, and his own. Just as long as he gets his money.

Why else does Dockett ask for a new contract a year after signing a 5 year contact, same for Q ?

Why else does Drew try to get his clients signed by big money teams ?

Anquan Boldin cares about MONEY! He wants money, money, money.

He likes to play football that is for sure, and I don't doubt it for a second. I don't doubt that he respects his fans, and his teammates. But not more than his wallet.

I also don't think he cares about making his mark in the history books, personal records, team records, yadda, yadda, yadda. The evidence is how Boldin has plateau'ed and Fitzgerald has passed him by in regards to being an NFL WR.

Anquan Boldin wants his money, and wants it now. The "dissrepect" he feels is the money he has lost by staying with the Cardinals, and not getting a new contract two years ago with a big money team.

I fail to believe Boldin is niave to not know how this business works in the NFL. The front office lied to me, is B.S. The front office didn't offer enough money, or make him the #1 priority at all times, is the problem.

So now, as we all know, he feels slighted, that the organization cost him money. He doesn't want to spend another day in Arizona, listening to the same B.S. they have told him before. "They will get to him and his situation".

He wants his money NOW!!!!

At least that is how I see it.

This is not a slam on Anquan Boldin at all. That is what he wants, and how he wants his situation to be. It is what it is.

I can't fault a player who wants to get paid. He has the skill to deserve more money, and attention by an organization. He is a #1 WR and the Cardinals have two #1's making for a volitile situation.

Boldin is the man, and I will always be a fan of him. I stopped caring about off the field stuff, especially when it comes to business in the NFL. All players, actions, and situation are under a micro-scope so it will never look "good".

What will hold for the future for Boldin, and the Cardinals ? I have no idea. I take it all with a grain of salt at this point.

Till somthing is in stone, I really don't care.



Herfin BIg Time
Apr 1, 2003
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In A Cigar Bar Near You
If all he wants is money then the right thing to do is STHU.
1.) Because getting traded doesn't guarantee a new contract.
2.) If the card make him play out his current deal he'll be two years older and if he has two bad or injury filled years his value would be diminished.

IMO he would get more guaranteed money ( or the "G" money) to deal with the Cards right now. that is what players want the "G" money, if he plays out his deal there is no "G" money at all, maybe 5 mil if he plays the 2 remaining years. One injury and that money is out the window too.


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Supporting Member
Oct 3, 2003
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He needs to shut up or start airing the dirty laundry.


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Mar 25, 2005
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SE valley
he got lowballed and whiz said to "just sign the deal"

pretty sure thats what he got so miffed about

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