Why is Bickley still in this town?


Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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Treesquid said:
Well if you take a step back and listen to Bickley he cares more about these teams than you may think. He gets negative because he actually was a big fan of the team last year and hates Sarver like a disgruntaled fan for breaking up his team. I think that's pretty cool because it's honest.

I hate cheerleader writers, they teach me nothing about the team with their filtered good news and good feelings and I definately don't want a media like the cactus ranch runs their boards, very sensored and all positive no matter what discussion is limited at best that is what you get when you just put a bunch of guys with strong ties in the media. Being a hard headed crybaby like Bickley is being is better than a bunch of cheerleader sensor nazis would won't write a bad thing about their team unless it fits their yeahooo agenda.

Treesquid, I understand what you are saying and I like journalism and talk that is honest. However, I find Bickley too negative to read or listen to for more than a few minutes at a time. I have had this perspective well before the JJ and Sarver contract negotiations of last year.

Bickley could do well to address both sides of an issue in a more objective manner and willing to consider alternative perspectives. He just does not have to be so negative and insistent that his views are always correct. I really don't care for a journalist or commentator/reporter that is a mindless cheerleader either.

I guess that's why I like these discussion boards. I like the diversity and willingness of posters to express differing opinions and respond to differing logical arguments.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
Treesquid said:
Well if you take a step back and listen to Bickley he cares more about these teams than you may think. He gets negative because he actually was a big fan of the team last year and hates Sarver like a disgruntaled fan for breaking up his team. I think that's pretty cool because it's honest.

Are you describing Bickley or yourself? :biglaugh:


Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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George O'Brien said:
Bickley is not objective and does not present both sides. He's not a journalist, he's a columnist who would rather make people angry than get his facts straight.

Exactly and much shorter than my version. :)


Feb 22, 2005
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Phoenix, AZ
Treesquid said:
Well if you take a step back and listen to Bickley he cares more about these teams than you may think. He gets negative because he actually was a big fan of the team last year and hates Sarver like a disgruntaled fan for breaking up his team. I think that's pretty cool because it's honest.

That's just blather. This season bears-out yours and Dickley's need to be negative JUST to be negative, since nothing Dickley predicted in all his gloom, "fan-ness", and "honesty" has come to pass. Not a one.

It's funny.

JJ wanted to leave, it's Sarver's fault. Sarver insisting on compensation for what he felt JJ was worth (he obviously felt that JJ was worth a lot--would YOU gamble 70 million on a disgruntled employee?), it's BC's triumph.

Even last year's EOY, with full-credit given to BC for "getting" Q, when it was Sarver that courted him for most of the way. 56+ million paid by a man shelling out 400 million to a player that by all accounts was above average, but not much else--entrusting his money to his COACHES' vision.

And now, after honoring their gentlemen's agreement that he would never get in BC's way, Sarver gets Dickley hate, when, as I stated in another thread, it's the Suns' scouting and coaching that assembled this team. Bryan just wrote the names to the checks, and SARVER signed them.

Remember the Suns.com blog? Who was out scouting in Europe? Yep. Griffin, who just might be BC's successor if he leaves, or who will still be with the organization, even if another gets named GM. Or did Dickley give you "insider" info (hint: he ain't got NO info on ****) that Griffin is at odds with Sarver too?

Treesquid said:
I hate cheerleader writers, they teach me nothing about the team with their filtered good news and good feelings and I definately don't want a media like the cactus ranch runs their boards, very sensored and all positive no matter what discussion is limited at best that is what you get when you just put a bunch of guys with strong ties in the media. Being a hard headed crybaby like Bickley is being is better than a bunch of cheerleader sensor nazis would won't write a bad thing about their team unless it fits their yeahooo agenda.

Nice rhetoric, but meaningless. The team beat writers are there to keep the fans upbeat about the team, so that tickets keep getting sold. They DO report bad things such as injuries, and possible disgruntled players though. Gambo and Ash, since this past off-season, have been nothing but completely accurate with all their reports, days before the actual team move/decision happens.

Wait. They're supposed to predict 0-6 road-trips, barely making the playofs, and whole seasons without one of their best players on the floor, right? Or what about assuming situations about relationships between front-office folk, without concrete evidence either way?

I mean...we don't want "cheerleaders" now, do we?


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
HooverDam said:
(Obviously) I disagree. Phoenix does have a lot of transplants now, but those transplants are having kids. No need to sour those kids on Phoenix sports. I know growing up before school I read the sports section every day. Also, there is no reason those transplants wont either change allegiances or begin to follow a valley team as well as their home team.
Yeah, but it's not the media's job to sell the local teams to it's audience. The media's job is to provide information and opinions to as large an audience as possible. If the Suns, Cardinals, Dbacks, Coyotes and ASU want more fans they should get off their asses and provide a quality product and not complain to the local media outlets about giving them more positive press. You'll generally notice that putting a quality product will garner positive press as it's an inevitable result of success.

My main point was, there is a difference in the types of being negative. When you cover a local team, I think you should at heart like that team. If you are criticizing because you want them to improve its one thing, if you criticize to get ratings, stir the pot or try to propel yourself to a job elsewhere, thats another.
Go ask any media person in town whether they wish any local team to do poorly. They will all tell you that they want the local squads to be asgood as possible. Want to know why? Because a successful local team will only increase the audience which means more subscribers or listeners which means more advertising revenue which means more cash for them.


Basketball Junkie
Sep 4, 2003
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WOOoooooo Not the medias job to sell sports?

It should be, because if you have ever been in a sports crazed city... probably 80% of the papers purchased is to read the sports.

If a columnist like Bickley lived in Pittsburgh and wrote that way about the steelers they would drive him out of the town in a hearse.

Rah Rah owns as long as its warranted.,,, blah blah negative talk is great also when it is warranted.

But the idea of blasting everyone, all the time, painting this city as a loser and the people that attend the games as bigger losers.

Its like listening to national tv the sports casters want you to stay tuned in so they tell you the strenghts of both teams and how one is going to try and beat the other.

Sports talk radio in phoenix goes like this and I havent listened to it in 5 years.
Phoenix is playing good but they arent in the same league as Dallas and San Antonio.
Phoenix doesnt play defense... doesnt matter they lead the league in offense
Sarver is an idiot
Bidwill is an idiot
Owner of the Diamondbacks...idiot
Fans of Phoenix sports ...idiot
You listening to this show....idiot
Now we are giving away 2 tickets to the first person that answer the phone and says Im an....idiot

Treesquid PhD

Pardon my Engrish
Apr 12, 2005
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Chaplin said:
Are you describing Bickley or yourself? :biglaugh:

made amends for this team months ago my ego while large is no where near Bickley's. I have no problems calling myself out and calling any of you out too.

Deep down I am still worried about foamy, he is looking like a genius now but some of his tendencies are not what I have come to expect as a suns fan.

Treesquid PhD

Pardon my Engrish
Apr 12, 2005
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Mainstreet said:
Treesquid, I understand what you are saying and I like journalism and talk that is honest. However, I find Bickley too negative to read or listen to for more than a few minutes at a time. I have had this perspective well before the JJ and Sarver contract negotiations of last year.

Bickley could do well to address both sides of an issue in a more objective manner and willing to consider alternative perspectives. He just does not have to be so negative and insistent that his views are always correct. I really don't care for a journalist or commentator/reporter that is a mindless cheerleader either.

I guess that's why I like these discussion boards. I like the diversity and willingness of posters to express differing opinions and respond to differing logical arguments.

Nice rebutal Main! gives me something to think about while I am chewing on my Sarver voodoo doll.

Treesquid PhD

Pardon my Engrish
Apr 12, 2005
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carrrnuttt said:
That's just blather. This season bears-out yours and Dickley's need to be negative JUST to be negative, since nothing Dickley predicted in all his gloom, "fan-ness", and "honesty" has come to pass. Not a one.

It's funny.

JJ wanted to leave, it's Sarver's fault. Sarver insisting on compensation for what he felt JJ was worth (he obviously felt that JJ was worth a lot--would YOU gamble 70 million on a disgruntled employee?), it's BC's triumph.

Even last year's EOY, with full-credit given to BC for "getting" Q, when it was Sarver that courted him for most of the way. 56+ million paid by a man shelling out 400 million to a player that by all accounts was above average, but not much else--entrusting his money to his COACHES' vision.

And now, after honoring their gentlemen's agreement that he would never get in BC's way, Sarver gets Dickley hate, when, as I stated in another thread, it's the Suns' scouting and coaching that assembled this team. Bryan just wrote the names to the checks, and SARVER signed them.

Remember the Suns.com blog? Who was out scouting in Europe? Yep. Griffin, who just might be BC's successor if he leaves, or who will still be with the organization, even if another gets named GM. Or did Dickley give you "insider" info (hint: he ain't got NO info on ****) that Griffin is at odds with Sarver too?

Nice rhetoric, but meaningless. The team beat writers are there to keep the fans upbeat about the team, so that tickets keep getting sold. They DO report bad things such as injuries, and possible disgruntled players though. Gambo and Ash, since this past off-season, have been nothing but completely accurate with all their reports, days before the actual team move/decision happens.

Wait. They're supposed to predict 0-6 road-trips, barely making the playofs, and whole seasons without one of their best players on the floor, right? Or what about assuming situations about relationships between front-office folk, without concrete evidence either way?

I mean...we don't want "cheerleaders" now, do we?

I do know David Griffin met him several times (nice guy) I am a co worker and friend of his mother Mary. Other than that I didn't even read that crap you call a post.


Feb 22, 2005
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Phoenix, AZ
Treesquid said:
Other than that I didn't even read that crap you call a post.

So how'd you know? Put your fingers over my post and let your mind-bending powers tell you it was crap?

Wow. In one small sentence, you managed to sound inane, self-contradictory, and negative.

Bickley? That you?


Feb 4, 2006
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Treesquid said:
Well if you take a step back and listen to Bickley he cares more about these teams than you may think. He gets negative because he actually was a big fan of the team last year and hates Sarver like a disgruntaled fan for breaking up his team. I think that's pretty cool because it's honest.

I hate cheerleader writers, they teach me nothing about the team with their filtered good news and good feelings and I definately don't want a media like the cactus ranch runs their boards, very sensored and all positive no matter what discussion is limited at best that is what you get when you just put a bunch of guys with strong ties in the media. Being a hard headed crybaby like Bickley is being is better than a bunch of cheerleader sensor nazis would won't write a bad thing about their team unless it fits their yeahooo agenda.

Sarver did not break up the Suns!!! We lost JJ because he is not a max player and the STUPID Hawks paid him max. Sarver did the right thing. And the Suns are better today because of it. time has proven that... and Bickley does not even mention that. He has egg all over his face.

Treesquid PhD

Pardon my Engrish
Apr 12, 2005
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carrrnuttt said:
So how'd you know? Put your fingers over my post and let your mind-bending powers tell you it was crap?

Wow. In one small sentence, you managed to sound inane, self-contradictory, and negative.

Bickley? That you?

Joe Dirt wishes he could be Treesquid.


Jan 4, 2006
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Dickley is a joke of a writer

He never has anything intelagent to say. he is a joke of a journalist

And I like Mike Jurecky. Its a shame i cant listen to him because i cant stand the crap that comes out of his Dickleys mouth

Treesquid PhD

Pardon my Engrish
Apr 12, 2005
Reaction score
Bunker said:
Sarver did not break up the Suns!!! We lost JJ because he is not a max player and the STUPID Hawks paid him max. Sarver did the right thing. And the Suns are better today because of it. time has proven that... and Bickley does not even mention that. He has egg all over his face.

Sarver did the right thing because it worked out. Look I am not anti Sarver but I am still at that phase where I dont feel totally comfortable with him and his huge index finger and propensity to be afraid of dishing out the cash. Amare and Nash do not count. Amare is a no brainer and would ruin his career as an owner he has no choice and amare had all the leverage after the JJ disaster of the time and Nash was all about Jerry showing Foamy how phoenix puts players first.

Give me a tough signing where he alone makes the call to keep someone at all costs (maybe Marion in 2 years) and I will believe him and support him like I do Jerry. I have seen way too many jerks chasing nickels in this sport to not worry about my Suns!

Treesquid PhD

Pardon my Engrish
Apr 12, 2005
Reaction score
CardsFan222 said:
Dickley is a joke of a writer

He never has anything intelagent to say. he is a joke of a journalist

And I like Mike Jurecky. Its a shame i cant listen to him because i cant stand the crap that comes out of his Dickleys mouth

Jurecky aint much to listen to anymore either trust me. he is so out of the cards loop now he talks national football more than cards these days. And he is just as negative about the Suns as bickley is.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
Round Rock, TX
Treesquid said:
Sarver did the right thing because it worked out. Look I am not anti Sarver but I am still at that phase where I dont feel totally comfortable with him and his huge index finger and propensity to be afraid of dishing out the cash. Amare and Nash do not count. Amare is a no brainer and would ruin his career as an owner he has no choice and amare had all the leverage after the JJ disaster of the time and Nash was all about Jerry showing Foamy how phoenix puts players first.

Give me a tough signing where he alone makes the call to keep someone at all costs (maybe Marion in 2 years) and I will believe him and support him like I do Jerry. I have seen way too many jerks chasing nickels in this sport to not worry about my Suns!

There is no evidence that Sarver is cheap. There is one move--one--that shows any kind of fiscal responsibility, and that's the JJ move. It's not like everyone in the organization was telling Sarver to pay him, and then he just thumbed his nose at them and said, "It's my team, I don't have to pay him if I don't want to." And Amare and Nash DO count, because besides JJ, they were big dollar signings.

Who knows? Maybe BC and/or JC came to him and told him if Joe said he doesn't want to play here, and to keep him would cost us 70 million bucks, we should just let him go.

The key words there are Joe said he doesn't want to play here.