QUOTE: There seems to be a lot of conspiracy in Vikesfan's world.
RESPONSE: The media and NFL have repeatedly attacked Moss unfairly no conspiracy fact. I can document it for you.
QUOTE: Chris Carter is highly respected in NFL circles, his spot on Inside the NFL only adds to this perception. He also has overcome immaturity in his life, and tried to help Randy to not make the same mistakes he (Carter) did, early in his career.
RESPONSE: CC is a joke in Minnesota. Anyone remember his class performance when he was with Mia telling everyone Anderson was gonna miss that kick. The look on his face when he made it was priceless. They guy acted like a baby in Minn. and his phoney holier then thou attitude was a sad pathetic act. Anything he says take with 100 grains of salt.
Someone called me a homer I am not I call them as they are. The man is a jack a##. He played for my team and he is one of the best WRs in history and will go into the HOF as a Viking. But everyone in Minne. knows the dude was a phoney. Or ask people in GB or TB. He was a trashtalker and whiner how classy and professional is that?
QUOTE: Claiming a wide receiver needs to take plays off, because he has to run so far, is ridiculous. The only people on a football field allowed to be "tired" during a game, are the linemen. Linemen do hand-to-hand combat on every play from scrimmage. Randy weighs half what a lineman does, and runs against no resistance.
If Randy gets winded running 40 yd dashes, he should cut down on the pot smoking, and open up some more lung capacity.
RESPONSE: Argue with John Madden he said it. By the way he is not really taking plays off the plays are being called to the other side of the field.
QUOTE: Oh by the way... that unbreakable lease till 2011, doesn't need to be broken, they just make the payments, (chicken feed) and move on.
RESPONSE: Payments are a lot of money. Neither the LA group nor Red wanted to pay out those payments. Both the NFL and Red have admitted it was unbreakable. Do you remember when the Twins were folded the courts in Minne. would not allow it The courts in Minne. are very pro-sports. Hey they can leave in 2011. Just a few more years to go.
RESPONSE: The media and NFL have repeatedly attacked Moss unfairly no conspiracy fact. I can document it for you.
QUOTE: Chris Carter is highly respected in NFL circles, his spot on Inside the NFL only adds to this perception. He also has overcome immaturity in his life, and tried to help Randy to not make the same mistakes he (Carter) did, early in his career.
RESPONSE: CC is a joke in Minnesota. Anyone remember his class performance when he was with Mia telling everyone Anderson was gonna miss that kick. The look on his face when he made it was priceless. They guy acted like a baby in Minn. and his phoney holier then thou attitude was a sad pathetic act. Anything he says take with 100 grains of salt.
Someone called me a homer I am not I call them as they are. The man is a jack a##. He played for my team and he is one of the best WRs in history and will go into the HOF as a Viking. But everyone in Minne. knows the dude was a phoney. Or ask people in GB or TB. He was a trashtalker and whiner how classy and professional is that?
QUOTE: Claiming a wide receiver needs to take plays off, because he has to run so far, is ridiculous. The only people on a football field allowed to be "tired" during a game, are the linemen. Linemen do hand-to-hand combat on every play from scrimmage. Randy weighs half what a lineman does, and runs against no resistance.
If Randy gets winded running 40 yd dashes, he should cut down on the pot smoking, and open up some more lung capacity.
RESPONSE: Argue with John Madden he said it. By the way he is not really taking plays off the plays are being called to the other side of the field.
QUOTE: Oh by the way... that unbreakable lease till 2011, doesn't need to be broken, they just make the payments, (chicken feed) and move on.
RESPONSE: Payments are a lot of money. Neither the LA group nor Red wanted to pay out those payments. Both the NFL and Red have admitted it was unbreakable. Do you remember when the Twins were folded the courts in Minne. would not allow it The courts in Minne. are very pro-sports. Hey they can leave in 2011. Just a few more years to go.