Would Rosen fetch a number 1 pick; sure. Would I make this deal; no way. At some point everyone has to understand that KK’s hiring is a major gamble. I was good with gambling on Taylor so I’m okay with this move but it’s an even bigger risk. Compounding it by going with Murray makes the risk untenable for me. Can Murray play in this league; maybe. I like Rosen’s odds a great deal more. He’s no sure thing but I like much of what I’ve seen. If KK can’t make his offense work with him, he can’t likely work it in the NFL. Of course this is assuming Keim gets KK an O-Line and some receivers. Running a 5 receiver set with the current group would be a disaster. Let’s take one gamble at a time. If Rosen proves a stumbling block next year’s QB pool is excellent. Frankly I’m more concerned with the DC.