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  1. archicard

    Whisenhunt: GROW A PAIR

    It was a horrible call but not the sole reason for the loss. However, while I was watching Rex Ryan tonight I wondered if the refs would've had the balls to stick with that call if they had to go to the sideline and explain it to him or some other 'alpha male' coach. Maybe we get these...
  2. archicard

    I Am Totally Out

    For some reason this thread reminds me of the old Tangodanzr "Ode to Jake Plummer" thread. :D
  3. archicard

    Anquan - HBO's Inside the NFL

    exactly what I was thinking...
  4. archicard

    Anquan - HBO's Inside the NFL

    So, in essence, we blew our best opportunity to score by faking ourselves out. That's brilliant strategy. Can't wait to see what Rowen comes up with this week. "I'm just taking an educated guess" Don't you know that educated and cardinals playcalling are rarely mentioned in the same sentence? :)
  5. archicard

    Anquan - HBO's Inside the NFL

    Perception vs. Reality...Who cares what the Rams think we are going to do? Why wouldn't you put your two best players on the field in a goal to go situation? We ran the Jumbo package twice with marginal results, put Fitz and Q on the field on the for third down, and if you are still hell bent...
  6. archicard

    Anquan - HBO's Inside the NFL

    What I didn't understand at the game (and still don't) was why they had both Q and Fitz standing on the sidelines in the 3rd quarter for the three downs near the goalline leading up to the Warner pick in the endzone. I know that they wanted to prove that they could run it in (or maybe appease...
  7. archicard

    If you don't have season tix yet.. Get em just for the hotties Matt will draw!

    I wonder if anyone still has that photo of Matt and the co-eds that was posted here a while ago...
  8. archicard

    We could be 2-0

    Certainly you can't leave Tommy Knight off of this list. He's the poster child for drafting to fill a need...
  9. archicard

    We're getting love from Dan Patrick

    Great point, because both Portis and LT carried their teams into the superbowl last year...well worth the money! I don't post often, but this concept is severely flawed.
  10. archicard

    Game thread

    Are we back into the Mike McKenzie sweepstakes if Starks' injury is serious?
  11. archicard

    Game thread

    time out, cardinals? great clock management!
  12. archicard

    Game thread

    Does anyone know if Shelton is playing today?
  13. archicard

    where can we listen to the game?

    My stream is gone as well. I suppose its better than hearing the "Randy Moss touchdown!!!" sound bite after every commercial break. I hate the Vikings...