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  1. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    :rolleyes: Nice try. You did hit a nerve. Insinuatin' that one of the nicest, most heartfelt coaches in the game would put a "hit" out on anutha' player is the most asinine charge I've heard since I've been here. Almost. Also if Pop was puttin' a hit out on the Suns roster, WHY WOULD HE INJURE...
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    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    I said IF you checked. I understand now. And actually, i'd been lurkin' for a while. I was even here durin' the WCFs last season. Just decided not to post. Actually, I didn't accuse. I inquired. All players have to know where they are on the court- true. But does it happen ALL THE TIME...
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    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Ding ding ding. We have a winner.
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    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Once again. I have that tape. It's easy to pick out an article and try to use it as a basis for argument. In this case, it's not effective. I HAVE THAT PLAY ON TAPE...(DVD RATHER). If you would examine the tape, you would clearly see that this play was COMPLETELY incidental and vastly different...
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    More Reasons to hate San Antonio

    And they win.
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    More Reasons to hate San Antonio

    The Mavs and their fans have an inferiority complex.
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    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Contrary to popular belief, i have understood from jump. I just don't have to agree with everyone's opinion of Manu. SOme I agree with, some I don't.
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    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Kinda'. Many here take "flopping" and apply it to Manu's ENTIRE game. Then they say he's dangerous because he's a "flopper". That's inaccurate and ignorant. You could take something on everyone's game and apply the same rule. You had a more realistic view of things. I disagree that Manu's game...
  9. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    That his "flopping" or style of play is somehow sumthin' that has been a risk to other players' careers. That's an overstatement and an emotionally-charged, PHX Suns-colored glasses statement at that. He never garnered any attention until the SPurs started winnin' and he became a star in the...
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    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Those who don't care, don't respond. I don't talk about family members. Congrats to ya' bro. However, I won't stop postin' the way I wanna post because you don't like it. I don't think that's fair to either one of us. In basketball, you make enemies. Bowen has plenty of 'em. he hasn't...
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    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    I like this post. What many have failed to realize is that I agree with half the opinion. It's the part I don't agree with which bring enemies. Parker's on my fav team and draws my ire quite frequently. As does Rasho. I've liked Manu's game even before he put on the jersey. He's reckless, yes...
  12. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    I am answering these questions to be facetious. Most of the people here believe that the injury was an accident. If you were a kid, playing with your dad's gun, and it accidently hurts someone, it is still an accident. However, you were doing something dangerous (intentionally flopping) to cause...
  13. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    I'm hurt. Devastated. Look. Can we get back to the discussion or can I ignore you now? If you don't like my style of post, my apologies. I've done it for years. I appreciate your "weak attempt" at an insult. Thanx for playin' though.
  14. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    I assume you've played. Have you ever drew a foul expectin' to hurt someone? Of course not. That would make you a dirty player. Have you unintentionally hurt someone due to the fact that you were stronger than you opponent, or runnin' too fast? Do you have a habit of pokin' at the ball and...
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    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    What part sounds ridiculous? "It's" or "Many".
  16. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Where in those pics do you see a man outta' control? This is basketball not chess. It's a physical game. If you can't stand it, why play it? This is a league that showcased Piston goons, Karl Malone's elbows and knees, Utah's forearm picks, Rodman's headbutts, and the Celtics flyin' tackles and...
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    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Who said he doesn't act? Now you're just grabbin' for anything.
  18. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    That's just flat-out ridiculous. Everyone else posts serious type stuff and you come with trash. Pop is NOT Buddy Ryan. He's never made a "hit" on someone. Get real! That's just stupid. And why don't you look at the tape from the 2003 WCF. I have it on tape. THAT WAS CLEARLY INCIDENTAL CONTACT...
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    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    I'm not a Spurs apologist. You read right.
  20. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    If you check the Spurs board, I defend other players who ARE NOT Spurs. I've had defend Nash over Parker many times on a Spur board. NO, I'm not a SPur apologist. That is my squad though since I've been watchin' them as long as I can remember. Iceman used to be my fav player. Any other...
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    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    I suppose you believe that Iverson is 6 feet also. You know half of the league are listed taller than they actually are. Charles Barkley's height was fluffed his whole career. And you are correct about the soccer background. Many foreign players overexaggerate contact due to the "soccer"...
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    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

  23. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    I remember the Pistons of the 80s VERY well. I was a young kid but I watched them frequently along with the rest of the league. Plus, I like watchin' "vintage" footage. I once had my hands on one of the games in the Pistons/Lakers finals. I remember as far back as the Celts/Rocks finals.
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    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    LOL. Spurs are a dirty team? How long have you watched this game? Do you remember the Pistons of the 80s? Did you watch any of the Lakers/Celtics rivalry games? Ever heard of Thump N Bump? How about Maurice Lucas? You don't know the meanin' of dirty.
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    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Many Suns NOR Spurs would last a second playin' ball on the streets. There you could lose your life playin' in some areas. It's not that drastic in the league. Guys get payed millions. I think Nash and Manu's games would translate well on the streets.

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