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  1. S

    We're $10,000,000 UNDER the salary cap

    After watching the Raiders play last night, our line looks like All-Pro.
  2. S

    Cards 49ers Game Thread!

    Ok, we officially deserve to lose this game
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    Cards 49ers Game Thread!

    I wonder if we can break the record for most missed tackles in a game
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    Cards 49ers Game Thread!

    NIce drive
  5. S

    Cards 49ers Game Thread!

    Let's see, our Defense couldn't tackle my 2 year old and we have no running game. You do the math.
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    Cards 49ers Game Thread!

    The Cards D looks like complete ass
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    Send good DirectTv thoughts ...

    DirecTV will not be the HD leader within a year. The 2 new birds don't go up until early 2007. After that they will have months of testing. They will add channels slowly just like everyone else. Contracts take a lot of time. Satellite HD quality looks great. I switched to Dish 2 weeks...
  8. S

    Season Kickoff Miami-Pittsburgh.

    This proves once again preseason means absolutely nothing. The Steelers are still the Steelers. Let's hope the Cardinals are still NOT the Cardinals come Sunday.
  9. S

    Will ABC show the Cards Denver game in HD?

    Anyone know?
  10. S

    2006 Cardinals: Roster Decisions

    I expect Lee to get some time tonight. Business is business but being friends with Fitz goes a long way I am sure.
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    HD Cardinal games over the air

    Not really worried about the money, I was more worried about the OTA quality which if "crystal clear" would be great. Thank you for the replies.
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    HD Cardinal games over the air

    I am thinking about making a switch to DirecTV. For 49 bucks they will add an HD Off-Air Antenna. How is the HD quality for off-air? I really don't want to get the shaft on local HD channels compared to cable local HD.
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    DirecTV versus Cable?

    If you have Hi Def there is zero comparison pricewise. Cox blows DirecTv out of the water. I would have to pay 100 bucks to DirecTV to get what I have with Cox. I pay Cox a little over 100 for Cable, Internet and phone combined and that's with an HD DVR. I have HD and HBO. The only thing...
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    A few words on Greg Lee

    I have been Pitt fan all my life. I buy the NCAA gameplan package so I can watch as many Pitt games as I can. I can safely that Fitz had a lot to due with this signing. Lee went into this past year ranked #1 in many WR rankings. He was on his way to be another Pitt WR to get high up in the...
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    I Tricked MIKE TICE

    hellooooo photoshop I dont think so bud. You could have tried a little harder. Thats a pretty crappy job.
  16. S

    Cards vs Lions Game Thread

    Feels so good to be the joke of the NFL.. thanks Jimmy
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    Cards vs Lions Game Thread

    Thats it I'm going to go drink
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    Cards vs Lions Game Thread

    I can't watch this anymore. Even when we do tackle we push him forward and give them a first down.
  19. S

    Cards vs Lions Game Thread

    LOL the only way we stop the run is if he falls down
  20. S

    Cards vs Lions Game Thread

    Why can't we get just one break :( He should have had that.
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    Cards vs Lions Game Thread

    Why are we punting? The season is over. Go for it.
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    Cards vs Lions Game Thread

    Not another injury
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    Cards vs Lions Game Thread

  24. S

    Cards vs Lions Game Thread

    Ok, how about a nice drive. I can't give up this early.

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