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  1. R

    NFC Championship Official Game Thread - WE DO THIS TOGETHER!!!

    Because you're incorrect and replied to say that you're right and welcome to your opinion and won't let my comment go unmentioned. So there ya go. That's the video. If you're done, don't reply to this. But you will. That's the internet way. I have no beef with you. CtCardinals is already...
  2. R

    NFC Championship Official Game Thread - WE DO THIS TOGETHER!!!

    *sigh* indeed. 8:30 mark. Slow motion replay. Curtis doesn't usually go into a guitarist power slide when going for a ball being thrown high and in front of him. That's what occurs...
  3. R

    So Eagles fans?

    Here's a link to the kickoff item. The Cardinals actually got the best of that outcome - better field position and a saved timeout.
  4. R

    So Eagles fans?

    Thanks. And hey, if it helps any haters out there, take solace that Eagles fans are equally notorious for holding nothing back when it comes to picking apart our favorite team's failings. The clock nevers stops on that one.
  5. R

    So Eagles fans?

    Add that hit to the Santa Claus and Booing McNabb at the Draft list. Celebrated by few Eagles fans, forever attached to the fanbase. My usual site was filled with comments that Demps was foolish and classless on that hit.
  6. R

    NFC Championship Official Game Thread - WE DO THIS TOGETHER!!!

    Funny then how the announcers both jumped on it quickly and PFT had it up in a minute after the play. But sure, however you want to see it. You'd probably be irate in my shoes but I'm not claiming it was the entire reason for the loss. Nothing incidental about a defender who loses his footing...
  7. R

    The truth about the Eagles

    Two for each team, I believe. One declined on the McNabb scramble.
  8. R

    NFC Championship Official Game Thread - WE DO THIS TOGETHER!!!

    Well, be a football fan. Root for good calls. That was a trip by Hood. If Hood was still standing up then maybe it's incidental. But with Hood on the ground it's clearly PI. Cmon, man. Your team won. It doesn't make it a clean no-call.
  9. R

    NFC Championship Official Game Thread - WE DO THIS TOGETHER!!!

    Yup. Even in victory, some folks will do that. But I think most Cards fans wouldn't argue it - the same way most Eagles view that hit by Demps on Warner as a classless, idiotic move. And just so we're clear, it was the Eagles that truly lost out on that kickoff call. If the play HAD been...
  10. R

    Congrats to Larry Fitzgerald - AGAIN!

    Unreal how three straight teams have run single coverage against a man of his size and talent.
  11. R

    The truth about the Eagles

    Not really. It was loud, yes. It didn't rattle the Eagles. It did help the AZ defense. The crowd noise didn't call single coverage on Fitzgerald all day. It didn't make the no-calls that didn't go Philly's way on 3rd down a few times. It didn't make McNabb throw short balls. It didn't...
  12. R

    Crowd control

    Congrats on the win. Not happy, sure. But here to get blasted as I said I would be. Your crowd showed up. Not much rattling on the Eagles but certainly helped your D get fired up. Some shady no-calls killed 4 or 5 Eagles drives. Yeah, call me a bitter liar if you need to but that's what I...
  13. R

    NFC Championship Official Game Thread - WE DO THIS TOGETHER!!!

    Lower bowl looks 95% red on TV.
  14. R

    NFC Championship Official Game Thread - WE DO THIS TOGETHER!!!

    That even sounds unlikely to this Eagles fan. About 2-3x more than any max I would reasonably expect. Lets see if my weeklong "won't be as loud" theory plays out.
  15. R

    Great Pic From The Tailgate

    Nah, Philly girls are good. My wife hits me in the head now and then. Judging by that pic above, it looks like possibly-fat girls like to hide in oversized clothing and behind poorly-imagined signs. ;) How does a flock reference work when both teams are birds? 15 minutes to go.
  16. R

    Great Pic From The Tailgate

    Three girls and an old woman with a giant man hand. Looks like typical AZ fans to me ;)
  17. R

    Crowd control

    We share the same opinion on that. To me it has always made sense to root for the one that beat you. Wouldn't you rather be beaten by the champ than by another also-ran? I was out of town yesterday and just got back for the game. Kickoff fast approaches. I'll probably be back here...
  18. R

    Rams hire Spagnuolo

    Spags is a fraud. It was on his watch that the Eagles has pretty much the worst LB squad in the league for six years running. I read that he might try and grab WR coach David Culley. Most Eagles fan wouldn't miss him, either.
  19. R

    Eagles finally get what they wanted.

    Everyone tears into Reid. Philly fans, opposing fans, the media, everyone. Here is no exception. He can't even pay a humble compliment to a good athlete without being jumped on by someone.
  20. R

    MEGAPHONES! The Small Plastic Ones

    Officially, it's a penalty on the home team if the opposing QB asks the refs to make a ruling and they determine crowd interference via noisemaker. No BS.
  21. R

    Write Monday's Sports Headlines Today Part Three!

    Cards Fans Extremely Loud In Sunday Defeat. Page 4: Local Reporters All Suffer Hearing Loss. "Like nothing we've ever experienced."
  22. R

    New Bang Cartoon -Eagles McNabb - Fans commit sucide

    Bang jumped the shark about three years ago. He's just as tedious now but with better graphics.
  23. R

    Cardinals now 4 point dogs...

    Vegas generally hands out more points for the favorite to cover when bets for the favorite increase. I don't bet on games. Bad mojo.
  24. R

    Post Quotes of Disrespect

    Most programmers at least store the IP along with the cookie ;)
  25. R

    Post Quotes of Disrespect

    Gotta agree on the logic. That isn't the sort of poll that teams or even fan sites try to rig in any direction. It was probably a decent sampling.