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  1. L

    Chris Williams signs with Rams

    Another outstanding move by our front office. Chris Williams signs with our divisional opponent. Lets see, we have more talent than the...
  2. L

    the day the cards win it all will you bawl?!

    Guaranteed! I cried when Chris Jacke made the field goal against the Chargers in '98 that put us in the playoffs. :)
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    Cardinals 2007 Opponents

    I was out of the country at the end of the regular season so I missed the posting of who the Cardinals opponents will be next season can someone repost it for me, thanks.
  4. L

    Gene Upshaw meet Bob Goodenow

    Lets see, the NFL player reps dont know whats going on, veteran players are getting cut today, teams have 10 million less to spend on free agents than they were hoping for this year, next year every team will have an additional transition and franchise tag-not to mention that players will have...
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    Arizona's #1 Problem: Dennis Green

    You guys are unbelievable. You rip on Walter for his criticism of Denny Green yet he is absolutely right. I cant believe all of you who are still defending Green, he is 8-16 in his year and a half here. I dont see any improvement in our running game, our QB situation isnt any better and will...
  6. L

    Arizona's #1 Problem: Dennis Green

    Mitch, Couldnt agree with you more and the more I read the more depressed I got because we all know that the cheap Bidwills will not buy out Denny Green from his contract and we will have to endure this for at 2 more years unless the Cardinals really go in the toilet and lose the rest of their...
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    Chargers Part II

    The Chargers turned things around in the 2001 draft by taking LT and Drew Brees. The Cardinals should follow that plan and take Reggie Bush and then Brady Quinn in the 2nd round. And say a prayer that Seattle isnt able to resign Hutchinson and offer him whatever he wants to be our LG next year.
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    Denny & R. Graves are to blame

    I agree with Mitch in his assessment of yesterdays game. How is this team better than the one Denny took over? We are 2-4 and soon to be 2-5. We all complained that Coach Mac didnt replace and hired some very ineffective assistants. So Denny comes in and hires an O.C. who had no previous...
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    Jamie Winborn

    Just listening to KNBR and they are reporting that the 49ers are attempting to trade Jamie Winborn. Granted the Niners probably wouldnt trade within the division, but this guy is a good football player and he is better than anyone we have at MLB. What do you guys think? Also, this really makes...
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    Cardinals or Clippers

    I am going to vote for the Clippers because I dont know how many times that I have heard someone say that the Cardinals are the NFL's version of the Clippers.
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    Cardinals or Clippers

    Which franchise has the worst history? The Clippers have always garnered more media attention but I think the Cardinals are starting to catch up.
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    Where is Walter Mitchell?

    Walter, We miss your insight and anaysis.
  13. L

    Roll Call

    Besides me, who else is going to the game this Friday against the Raiders?
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    It seems we are a little thin at...

    DT, MLB, CB, OT We sure dont have that flexibility at OT like last year. Is Fred Wakefield are primary backup after Davis and Ross? I guess they could slide Wells over to RT if Ross got hurt but Lord help us if Davis is injured. I really wish we would have re-signed R. Hill or signed R.W...
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    Any news on the following?

    I was wondering if any of you guys have heard anything on the following players and how they are doing in camp thus far? Marcel Shipp, Lance Mitchell, Harold Morrow, James Hodgins, Leron McCoy, Ernest Shazor and Bobby Blizzard. Thanks for your help.
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    Cardinals Pre-Season Games

    Will those of us that have Directv be able to watch the Cardinals this pre-season or will they be on NFL Network? Can someone let me know? Thanks.
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    ? for Walter

    Walter, Who do you think are the best remaining free agents? Do you think we are waiting until June 1st to add veteran depth to TE, CB and possibly OT if we cut Shelton?
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    Computer Experts

    The uniforms are starting to grow on me but I dont like the red pants with that white stripe. Did I hear correctly that the Cardinals will also have another jersey that will be black or have more black in it? Anyway, I was wondering if someone could post an image of the new Cardinals jersey next...
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    Compare "Cadillac" to Thomas Jones

    This question is for those of you who saw both T. Jones and C. Williams play in college. Does "Cadillac" look like a better prospect coming out of college? I remember Player Personnel guys raving about T. Jones 5 years ago.
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    NFL Draft show on ESPN

    Did anyone watch the NFL Draft show on ESPN today at noon? If so what did they cover? Was it worthwhile? I forgot to Tivo it this morning. :rolleyes:
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    AZ Cards 2005 RB

    Does anyone else share my feeling that it would be a total mistake to trade a draft pick, especially a 3rd, for Michael Bennett when this has to be one of the best offseasons we are approaching to get a RB. In free agency, L. Jordan, S. Alexander, C. Taylor, A. Thomas, R. Johnson and E. James...
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    Where is Walter Mitchell

    He hasnt written anything since his "Green Must Go" article. I miss his commentary and optimistic outlook to this dreadful team.
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    Draft Questions

    I think you are wrong about us picking 3rd in each round, just look at last years draft when we picked 6th behind the Cowboys in the first round but had the 37th pick in the 2nd round while the 'Boys picked 38th.
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    Draft Questions

    1)I know that the order for determining selection for the first round is decided by opponents winning %, but what about the following rounds? Since we finished in a 4 way tie for worst record, what round will we have the first pick, is it the 3rd? Also, has anyone heard what type of compensation...
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    Eli Manning

    If we end up with a top 3 pick again there will be several players that will interest me but the more I think about it the more I come to the conclusion that the Cardinals have to draft Manning if he is available. We havent had a franchise QB since N. Lomax. I am tired of the revolving door at...

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