Arizona's #1 Problem: Dennis Green


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
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Wrentham, MA
1. For all his ability to spot NFL talent, it's ironic as to how poorly his team in Arizona is being built. Green has touted and projected his team as a playoff contender since he arrived, proclaiming his offense is a Top 5 system...but Green has shown egregiously little understanding of what makes for a Top 5 offense...the following decisions corroborate this notion:

A. Not signing or drafting a franchise lieu of first hailing Josh McCown as the QB of the future; second by benching McCown on the eve of a rare two game winning streak the night before an away game, thus starting what has become a QB carousel; third by using $4M of cap space to sign an over-the-hill QB veteran who has clearly struggled to stay a starter in the league with two other teams (wouldn't that $4M have been far more wisely spent on the offensive line?).

John Navarre, Green's seventh round draft pick in 2004, is the only QB signed on for next year. Yet, his brief tenure with the team has been a tenuous one...getting a sip of coffee as a starter in the throes of last year's mid-season decline.

Next Year's QB: TBA...but it would be a major surprise if it's any of these three players. Green built a reputation in Minnesota as being able to win with new QBs left and right...but that charm has worn out in Arizona.

Answer: The Cards don't have a chance to become playoff contenders until they have their QB of the future firmly in place.

Best Solution: Getting their hands on a proven young veteran like Drew Brees.

Likely Result: A rookie will be playing QB for the Cardinals next year after the poor choice free agent QB they sign this off-season struggles.

B. Showing no understanding of how to build an decent offensive line. Not only does Green cut the best player without getting anything in return for him or having any respectable depth behind him, Green cuts (re-assigns, yeah right)the veteran offensive line coach and puts the line in the hands of a coach with zero NFL coaching experience.

When asked why he didn't address the weaknesses at both guard spots through free agency, Green quipped, "We like what we have in Reggie Wells and Jeremy Bridges." Did Green even watch the tapes from last year's games? How can he possible believe that either one of these players can solve the running attack woes? Green's eye for NFL talent is obviously more honed to perimeter players.

C. Green saw that last year's OC, Alex Wood, was too inexperienced to be what does Green do? He hires another coordinator who had never called a play in an NFL game...someone who almost no play-calling experience at any level. Green believes that because Keith Rowen coached in Green's "system" years ago, that Rowen is the most qualified coach for the job.

BTW...doesn anyone still have an idea what Green's offensive "system" is?

The reason why the Cardinals have struggled awfully on offense is Dennis Green. No QB of the future, no offensive guards to propel a running attack and no experience at the OC spot.

For those of you who want to blame Rod Graves for these egregious errors in judgement...get real...Dennis Green has been calling the shots since he arrived. Rod Graves is a token GM...a sycophant to Green. Rod Graves would have held on to Pete Kendall (who is STILL better than any offensive lineman on the team...and was one of the few Cardinal players who had the cajones to get in guy's faces when the team was laying an egg...a guy who's been unjustifyably villified by many of the fans on this board).

D. On defense, Green has implemented "his" slant NT philosophy...yet hasn't signed or drafted a player who is capable of playing it properly. What's all the more comical right now is that the slight Rodd Kolodziej is starting at the position...and getting blown eight yards down the line of scrimmage almost every play...because the guard to his outside has perfect leverage on him and RK doesn't have the strength to hold his groung against that kind of leverage. Heck, he isn't even being taught to take a knee and collapse the block at least, so there isn't a 5 yard wide hole in the middle.

The fact that we as fans have to watch this idiotic strategy being employed by so-called professionals is outrageous. I know it's not working. You know it's not working. The FOX broadcasters know it's not working. Yet, Dennis Green must still think it's working...because there it is game after game.

Don't blame Clancy Pendergast for the strategy...and don't blame him for the fact that he has to try to devise unorthodox startegies to try to compensate forn the lack of talent he has in the middle of this defense. Pendergast has tried everything he could under the circumstances...and he is the only coach on the staff who has shown any clue as to how to try to adjust to weaknesses...which is why, Clancy Pendergast will be fired by Dennis Green and made a scapegoat. Green will cite philosophical differences as he did with Bob Wylie the exiled o-line coach.

In the draft and free agency, Green stockplied perimeter players on defense...Rolle, Green, Blackstock and Mitchell (who is too slight to play MLB). Green hails speed as his m.o. Fine...but speed without bulk up front to occupy the offensive linemen is a moot point, as we are seeing first hand.

Green inherited a talented free safety in Dexter Jackson...who knows what in the world happened with him...yeah, most of you will claim that Jackson was too soft and couldn't take Green's off-season that really the truth? Why then did Tampa Bay scoop him right back up again? Why then is he a starter for one of the best, hard-nosed DCs in the game, Monte Kiffiin?

In Jackson's place...Green first turns to a decent waiver wire pickup in Ifeanyi Ohalete...but then turnsthis off-season to a long in the tooth strong safety in Robert Griffith, who couldn't get to a deep ball if he was on a motor scooter...and hasn't been all that reliable in open field tackling either. Shrewd move? To make matters worse, he cuts Ifeanyi Ohalete, leaving Griffith absolutlely no competition or reasonale backup.

The middle was weak enough...but to add a SS convert to FS without range and suddenness was a flat-out brain fart.

Add to all these poorly thought out personnel move...the dubious atmosphere he's created for the threatening to cut them all one minute, and doing nothing to coach them up on the sidelines the next...really, what player would really want to play for this guy?

Yesterday, there was more disgust in Mike Holmgren's face when one of his players got called for a penalty, with his team up by 14, than we saw all afternoon in Green's face as his "playoff contender" team was getting its lunch handed to them again.

Green offers no emotion whatsoever to the players...even during the team's best game at Mexico when things were going well, Josh McCown actaully had the temerity to try to talk with Green and Green seemed basically disinterested...and started walking away.

Yesterday, Green's prize ballboy and perhaps most loyal supporter, Larry Fitzgerald, walks off the field with 20 seconds left on the clock. Sure, maybe Fitz had to take a dump...but, either way, Fitz's walking is symbolic. This team has no heart left...none. We saw it quite visibly in the players' faces yesterday...even when BJ caught the TD to make it a game again...token signs of excitement were shown at best...even when Edwards made his spectacular TD catch and run...the look of stoned tuned-out faces awaited Edwards back at the huddle after BJ's bonehead penalty (at least BJ was hustling on the play and was trying to help Edwards out...yeah he should have thought better...but he was hustling...give him props for that at least).

The defesne flat-out QUIT, yesterday. Yes, the Seahawks' line was superior to the Cards'...but watching Kolodziej, Dockett and Moore get blown out play after play...and watching the linebackers tiptoe around blocks and over-run the ball at every chance...and watching one missed tackle after another, was INEXCUSABLE.

Like the FOX announcers said...there are no leaders on this team. Why? Because there's only one ego allowed on this team...and it's Dennis Green's. The players yesterday played the way he coaches...with little to no emotion...just zoned out...disconnected...isolated...removed...on the peripheree, not in the middle of the action...of the play...of the WORK.

Green's two year hiatus from the game made him soft, if he wasn't soft to begin with. He's not the worker that a Dick Vermeil is...he's not a worker that a Tony Dungee is. Green's merely a figurehead...a Bear Bryant (let everyone else do the work), but without one iota of Bear Bryant's charisma. The game has long passed Green by. Yeah, he can still draft good players come April...but that's about all the hard work Arizona is going to get from Green. That's about it. It spoke volumes last year when Alex Wood couldn't call a play to save his life and Green sat back and did nothing. With all his experience? One would think he would at least take over and call asome plays for the players who have to suffer from poor coaching. But, maybe that's a function of merely running the scout team in practice. Yet, one would think he would know his system, wouldn't he?

You see, Dennis Green doesn't really care all that much about the players...heck recently he doesn't even know some of their names...he's been calling LeRon McCoy--LeBron James and Langston Moore--Langston Hughes...and this is NOT a joke.

I feel fully vindicated for my instincts way back two summers ago in the aftermath of the Kendall and Shelton debacles that Green must go. You guys can still villify me if you want...but the facts speak the truth. And if you want to keep making excuses for Green...and if you actually believe the team will be a playoff contender next year...don't waste your time getting all too excited (like you got suckered into this year)...the way this guy coaches (or doesn't coach), combined with the brain farts he makes in games, in hiring staff and in ignoring key areas of the roster...none of this is going to change.

And, worst of all...who is Dennis Green loyal to? The fans? Yeah, right. The media? What a joke! His coaches? He's been hanging CP out to dry lately. His players? You have to be kidding yourself if you think he's loyal to the players...if he was loyal to his players he wouldn't stand there stoic as a staute while his players are getting their proverbial butts kicked.

Dennis Green is loyal to one person only: himself. Period.


Things have changed.
May 14, 2002
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Groundhog Day...

Nothing that you have said about Green's tenure is any different than every other coach that has been here since 1989.

Green has at the very least drafted solid players and from that stand point alone, whether or not he will be here to see them develop, it is a significant improvement over the Wadsworth, Knight, Bryant, Pace, Johnson, debacles that have been our drafts.

Is it time for you to move on...


May 14, 2002
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Excellent and dead on target.Green has made several questionable (poor) player moves during his reign in AZ. Fitzgerald has been a good player although many have to wonder how Rothlisberger or another QB would be doing in AZ.Green has whiffed big time so far in AZ. I hope he can turn things around during his time. :shrug:


Nov 14, 2004
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Albuquerque, NM
Ok, long read. I have to say I agree with you on just about everything. Especially Green's attitude. I think that is the key problem. He comes in here and starts making it look like he is going to do something positive when in fact all he has done is painted a turd.

You can stock the team with all the talent in the world, but if you look at guys who have had success with previously struggling teams (i.e. Marvin Lewis) they have passion. They let their players know when they have done something stupid and they commend people for doing things right. I don't think I have ever seen him talk to somebody during a game now that you mention it. Yesterday I saw more shots of Clancy then I did of Green. But then who wants to watch him just stand there looking like he just lost a bet? At least Clancy was waving his arms around.

Players' attitudes tie directly to their coaches' attitudes. If my boss wouldn't talk to me or make any effort to look like a human being I would leave work early too. I didn't really make any new points so I am sorry if anyone has read all this dribble. Just frustrated and need to get it out. I really wish some of the people at the head of this organization would question Green. Light a fire under his butt and lets start winning.


ASFN Addict
Mar 24, 2004
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If you remove the personalities from the arguement and look at the W-L standings over the last 10 (20, damn near) years, the results are the same. It's true I'd like to see a coach going ape poo on players when they are getting beaten badly (Mac and Green don't do it publicly). It at least makes it feel like the coach is involved in the game. And yeah as much as I like Green's player evalutation, if something's not working, maybe call some of your own, but I understand the mindset as "head coach" he's trying to instill.

It actually reminds me of Robert Heinlein's "Starship Troopers"


R U gonna B My Girl
Oct 21, 2002
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Chandler AZ.
The biggest

mistake Green has made is the O line. Maybe after Sun. performance it will start to gel. The second is the QB carousel. It has to stop.


May 5, 2003
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Green shows no emotion on the sideline so he must be cut.

Bill Belichek must be fired too. He has the same style. Coaches during the week, stays back during the games. They must both suck simply because they let the assistants run the game. :sarcasm:


Sep 28, 2002
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Walter, you really don't look at everyside when you go about your constant and consistant bashing of Dennis Green. Before Green arrived this team was in a tailspin of no talent. Dennis Green inherited the worst NFL roster from Dave Mac bar none. There was little to no talent on it outside of Wilson on defense and Q on offense. There was a hope that thru there frugal ways that maybe Josh McCown could be the big armed Qb for a cheap price. That has failed. He needs better guys for him to succeed cosistantly. Dennis Green first has had to go about building a talented roster before the workof building a competitive team can begin. I think that Dennis Green did both himself and the fans a diservice by saying we had a playoff team because it was painfully obvious that that was not the case. He overestimated the talent on the roster. Coaches do. There are 250,000 coaches in America...I would rather hear critic from almost any of them even though they do not have your passion for this team, because they are not biased like you have been from day one. Greens problem as many have seen is gameday coaching and delegating it to guys that he thinks can do the job. He does not have the eye for coaching talent that he has for player talent. These guys that are just learning can't seem to adjust on gameday. This Green has tried to fix on the Offense by moving Woods out. I would still like to see how it goes with Rowen. Things may yet come together on that side of the ball. Your Green must Go mantra is old and tired. We needed some credibilty that he brought with him to build a competitive team. It has been 1 and a half seasons. This could not have happened any sooner if Lombardi himself was coaching.


Nov 14, 2004
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Albuquerque, NM
swd1974 said:
Green shows no emotion on the sideline so he must be cut.

Bill Belichek must be fired too. He has the same style. Coaches during the week, stays back during the games. They must both suck simply because they let the assistants run the game. :sarcasm:

1 big difference is that Bellichek's assistants and players know what they are doing. This is obvious. He can afford to kick back because he doesn't have to teach as much. He has players who can teach each other.


Drive By Poster
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Oct 13, 2004
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Viva Las Vegas!
Walt - I am not going to villify you, but this is just a re-hashing of what you have thought for the last two seasons. At some point you need to re-evaluate just what motivates you to follow this team.

And Superspck - I've read Starship Troopers at least five times and am missing the analogy. Is Denny a brain bug or the Lt.?

The Shark


Sep 25, 2003
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Northern California
Couldnt agree with you more and the more I read the more depressed I got because we all know that the cheap Bidwills will not buy out Denny Green from his contract and we will have to endure this for at 2 more years unless the Cardinals really go in the toilet and lose the rest of their games, secure either the 1st or the 2nd pick in the draft and Denny Green is fired. But lets not let Rod Graves off the hook because Byron Leftwich should be our QB right now. He pulled off that great trade where we traded down and we had to throw in our 2nd round pick, great trade :) But you are absolutely correct that you need to build your team from the inside out, it applies to every sport. The Lakers are nothing without Shaq, a hockey team needs a good center and a goalie, a baseball team needs a good catcher, ss, centerfielder and yet our OG, DT, MLB and FS are the weakest positions on the team. Also, you forgot to mention how we let Edgerton Hartwell get away and signed Orlando Huff instead, another smart move. Yesterday was the first time I heard Huffs name called and that was on just one play.


Things have changed.
May 14, 2002
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I've decided I've had enough...until Dennis Green is gone...I'm gone. To some of you this your happy day. To others, well, I bid you fair adieu, until we meet again under far more favorable Green is gone...and a first-rate football coach like Charlie Weis is our head man.

Green is still here a year later and so are you. You changed your name but lost your credibility.


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
TheCardFan said:
Green is still here a year later and so are you. You changed your name but lost your credibility.

Thats funny considering Denny has lost his credibility with his coaching decisions and his mediocre personnel moves as well.


Aug 10, 2004
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TheCardFan said:
Green is still here a year later and so are you. You changed your name but lost your credibility.
What in Mitch's opinion is wrong TCF?

I think he is pretty much right on here...


Sep 25, 2003
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Northern California
You guys are unbelievable. You rip on Walter for his criticism of Denny Green yet he is absolutely right. I cant believe all of you who are still defending Green, he is 8-16 in his year and a half here. I dont see any improvement in our running game, our QB situation isnt any better and will probably be worse next year as we will be starting all over again with another QB, I would take the OLine that coach Mac had over this piece of cr*p line that Denny has built.
Shelton Kendall ?(Grudz. retired) Davis Clement
Davis Wells Step. Brown Ross
The more I see of Denny's team and system I am beginning to think that his coordinators were the reason for his success at Minnesota and not him. He had Dungy and Billick who were both good coordinators.


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
LoyaltyisaCurse said:
What in Mitch's opinion is wrong TCF?

I think he is pretty much right on here...

People are just upset at Mitch because he hasent liked Green from the beginning and has always voiced it loudly without fear of backlash.

Now that he seems to be the one who is right they get their panties in a bunch.


I see you.
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May 13, 2002
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Shane H said:
People are just upset at Mitch because he hasent liked Green from the beginning and has always voiced it loudly without fear of backlash.

Now that he seems to be the one who is right they get their panties in a bunch.

Why should he "fear the backlash"? It's only a message board, and it's just opinions. :shrug:

If anyone is feeling superior and saying "I told you so" because they're "right" (at least at this moment in time) about Green, and someone else has "their panties in a bunch" because of it... they're both screwed up.


Comin for you!
Super Moderator
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
ajcardfan said:
Why should he "fear the backlash"? It's only a message board, and it's just opinions. :shrug:

If anyone is feeling superior and saying "I told you so" because they're "right" (at least at this moment in time) about Green, and someone else has "their panties in a bunch" because of it... they're both screwed up.

I agree. However there are many people on here that dont speak their mind because they dont want people jumping down their throats.

Its obvious many peole have their panties in a bunch over walts thread. Just look at some of the drivel posted in response to it. Can you not see that aj?

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