Thanks for the information, i called the phone number and Randy from the Marina who is putting this thing together was very helpful...thanks again TJAM :thumbup:
Are there any details on the Dennis Green Bass Tournement scheduled for May 15, 2004...........beyond that it is to be at lake Pleasant. Ie cost, times, What might be furnished, like a boat etc It's a long haul from Illinois.
Jeff, you hit it right on the head. Billy G is nice guy, makes a cool desert with cake and cream, but his fate was all but sealled by first week in Dec. He knew the hand writing was on the wall and even said so.
I agree...........Josh showed some flashes, but looked overwhelmed, like the game was happening in super fast mode. he has not had enough game time for him to get comfortable and let the game slow.
Take the best player available ...........if that is a future franchise be...
Ryanwb you seem to be implying that Hodel does not earn his "huge pay check".
Bach referenced the Sporting News player rankings. They had 3 rankings...the highest of which was "Can Play for any Team". Only 10 of the 32 LS recieved this ranking...that puts him in their top one third...
Ryanwb you seem to be implying that Hodel does not earn his "huge pay check".
Bach referenced the Sporting News player rankings. They had 3 rankings...the highest of which was "Can Play for any Team". Only 10 of the 32 LS recieved this ranking...that puts him in their top one third...
The other thing that is strange is supposedly DA needed a couple of operations, removed his spleen, sewed him backup, etc..................but no one but family is allowed to visit, supposedly teammates are to be able to visit by end of week. None of his injuries are career threatening supposedly.
Is there no xmas feeling in Phoenix. I know there will not be any snow out there, but its nice to know that a little giving and kindness fits into the bigger scheme of life.
2001 season the bengals field was tore up. at the end of games there would be chunks of turf 4' by 4' missing and redistributed. The 8" sand base quickly turned the field into kicking off a beach with way to approach the ball and noway to set the plant foot.
The owner...
supposedly about half of his tryout kicks went into the end zone , which may have given him the edge over Chandler. Made all his field goals or maybe missed one. Rackers and Hodel were pretty efficient when at Illinois doing field goals. They were a duo for at least 2 years maybe 3.
1 Stumbled onto this board when trying to find Cards info after several college players I followed signed with the Cards.
2 Latesixties
3 Jackie Smith had retired or was forced out.....Dallas picked him up going into the playoffs................he dropps a touchdown pass that hit him...
It would be nice if someone could stepup and learn to LS. Bush is the listed backup. Unfortunately the position has become so specialized that not many guys can learn to throw a football standing on their head 15 yds in .7 sec with 5 and onehalf spirals, laces up hitting the punter exactly...