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  1. K

    The Kandi Man visits the Suns

    Uhhh.... NO!!! I'm sorry, I'm more of a lurker type, but this thread/possibility has me seriously concerned and I've got to rant... er, I mean, present the argument that it's a horribly bad idea to brink in Olowokandi in, even if he was free or paid us! I don't exactly recall the specific...
  2. K

    Sun's prepared to give JJ max? CNN/SI

    I'm thinking Kiki takes his $200 shirts out of the packaging right before coming to work....
  3. K

    Sunday's LA Times

    The LA Times requires registration, which is free. I only think you need to be a subscriber to get access to their social/cultural pages.,1,7135757.column?coll=la-headlines-sports-nba-lakers
  4. K

    Damp hasn't heard much from Phx

    Damp's not worth it While I've been disappointed with Marion's obvious unwillingness to take the ball to the basket anymore, I believe he's still valuable and is worth more than Damp. I watched a lot of Warriors games when I lived in the bay area and I saw what happened right before and...
  5. K

    Email Adonal Foyle to come to Phoenix!

    I think if we can get him for a little over the MLE it'd be a steal. There aren't many defensive big men out there to be had and we need one.
  6. K

    Trade Joe Johnson??

    So not to be a JJ basher here... but is anyone else concerned that since Amare has come back, JJ's reverted to not being so productive? Like when before Marbury and Penny left? After they did and he was The Man, he produced big numbers, but when he's not, he can't? D'Antoni's move of JJ...
  7. K

    question about JJ....

    Hi y'all, Just a question: Is it just me, or does it seem like JJ's become quite a ballhog?