Search results

  1. C

    Snack Cake Thread.

    Holy crap kids, cut it out! This is a FOOD FORUM!!! Please take your issues with stalking one another and crap to PM's! Or here's another idea, if someone bothers you, put them on ignore, then you'll never have to be annoyed by them again! (Unless of course it's a mod that's bugging you...
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    Snack Cake Thread.

  3. C

    Snack Cake Thread.

    :stupid: OMG I think Nutty bars are a tiny piece of heaven!!!!
  4. C

    Reading last post of a thread

  5. C

    Do you use A1 Sauce on your steak?

    Welcome to your vacation from ASFN for changing your bad word to my name. Personal attacks like that will not be accepted.
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    Do you use A1 Sauce on your steak?

    Oh good, so now that you have accepted your warning, I'm going to go make dinner for my kiddos. I do hope when I come back that your language in your previous posts has been edited out. I really don't feel like doing it myself. :) EDIT: actually, I'm just going to delete some of the mud...
  7. C

    Do you use A1 Sauce on your steak?

    Hold your horses there schutd, I haven't finished reading this thread, but you my friend are getting a little overly worked up here. Consider this your warning. Behave or take a break. Just a reminder to everyone here, using profanity or symbols to replace profanity isn't allowed on ASFN. I...
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    Lord of the Rings Online

    I have a friend that works for Turbine and got my husband and I in the closed Beta awhile ago. It is a fun game!
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    Children of Men

    Saw this last night. VERY GOOD MOVIE!!!!! Left us thinking and confused, yet at the same time, hubby and I both liked it. The cinematography was really interesting in so much of this movie. Made you feel like you were IN the movie in some scenes.
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    Saw this last night. I haven't yet read the books, but my hubby has. I thought it was a good movie, but I could see areas where the script could have been better. I thought the way they did the dragon was awesome! Too many dragon movies make the dragons look too pretty. This one, she was...
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    Food search: Peppermint Ice Cream

    Schwan's has a really yummy pepermint ice cream.
  12. C

    Favorite Christmas Movie?

    How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The old cartoon one.
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    World of Warcraft

    I'm just pissed that the addons aren't working since this patch and last time I checked, new ones haven't been made yet. :mad:
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    World of Warcraft

    NDA swd, NDA. ;)
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    World of Warcraft

    That's funny, you're one of the biggest goof balls I've ever known also! :D
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    Bears @ Cardinals game thread

    Either that or they'll be talking about how we DID blow the game. I'd rather almost blow it than to actually blow it.
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    Best Keanu Reeves Performance

    I think my all time fav performance of his was in Bill & Ted. He was so stupidly funny! I also really loved him in The Replacements, Constantine, Matrix & Walk in the Clouds.
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    Best Pauly Shore Performance

    I voted Encino Man because that's the only Pauly Shore movie I can imagine ever watching again. (And that's only because Brendan Fraser is in it!!!)
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    Best Tom Hanks Performance

    I voted Big, but it was a very tough choice between that and Forrest Gump. In both of these rolls, he did such an amazing job of becoming the character. I only voted Big because I feel it is a teeny bit more difficult to do such a perfect job of showing how a child would respond and behave to...
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    World of Warcraft

    I am too, lol! He went to BlizzCon a year ago, and most of the people that went and activated their murloc that was given out at BlizzCon got invites to join the beta. The NDA has been lifted and he has screen shots on our guild forum in the gallery. Amicus gallery His name there is Jalti. We...
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    Best Johnny Depp Performance

    I picked other. My #1 fav of his is Finding Neverlad. Second fav is Don Juan DeMarco. Depp really is an amazing actor! I watched a documentary on him awhile ago and it was really interesting to watch. That man has done so many movies that are so totally different from each other! Don't...
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    World of Warcraft

    My hubby's in the beta of BC right now. It's AWESOME!!!
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    World of Warcraft

    I missed it! Someone told me about it after it aired. I'm going to have to look on YouTube to see if it's there.
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    World of Warcraft

    Just wanted to push this movie again! They are being stomped on in the votes by parody and knock-off movies. Linger is an original song, brilliantly put together! Go check it out and if you like it, vote here for Linger!!!
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    2 Tickets for Mondays game vs. the Da Bears

    If you still have them, I'm interested!!!