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  1. M

    When will we stop losing to inferior opponents?

    Suns fans should always be grateful to Mike Bibby. It was the way he embarrased Nash in the playoffs when Nash was with Dallas that made Cuban unwilling to pay more to keep him on the Mavs. He knows exactly how to expose Nash. Fortunatly, he'll be retired by the time the Kings make it back to...
  2. M

    Why don't the Suns get respect?

    As a Mavs Fan I have Huge Respect for the Suns First you have the Magic Man, little Stevie, who proved last year he can make the Suns win with very iffy talent. And you have the Freak of Nature, Amare, who is the scariest talent in the NBA, if he gets back to 100%. Every meeting strikes fear in...
  3. M

    The Vent Thread

    The fouls hit the Mavs just as hard in the 1st half. They played with NO point guard for most of it. PHX should have put them away then. They were using Marquis Daniels at point guard for 12 minutes, and cut the PHX lead in half. Yes the fouls were screwy. But the Mavs took advantage, and...
  4. M

    The Vent Thread

    As a Mavs fan I felt the same way when both of our point guards had 2 fouls in the 1st 4 minutes, and had to use Marquis Daniels at the point. Depth matters. But I really just popped in to praise your team. They are the ultimate overachievers, and you guys should savor the joy of every 3 they...
  5. M

    The Vent Thread

    Just got home from the game. That is one exciting, scary team you guys root for out there in the desert. I never felt this was in the bag until the Mavs led by 14 with under 2 left. That is the level of respect and fear I have for the Suns. I'm not here to rub it in. Just imagine how much...
  6. M

    Mav fans think they are already in the finals. Sun players need to read

    Dallas doesn't win too often when Dirk has a bad night, and that was as bad a night as I can remember him having in years. As he has gone 40 plus games scoring at least 20, I'm not too worried he won't come back. I was pretty proud of the Mavs for staying close with no help from him or Terry at...
  7. M

    The Vent Thread

    My apologies for Nowitkness. By my definition, he's a troll. I'm trying not to be, athough your mods seem to have an itchy trigger finger. So does mine at Its a tough job, thats why I don't do it. Your team deserves props for effort, as they are so banged up. Dallas played the...
  8. M

    missing thread

    I'm not over-confident. But I sure don't expect the Suns to hold home court. I seek you out because you know more about the Suns than I do. I tell you stuff I doubt you know about the Mavs... You tell me where you disagree, and I know what to watch for. I was hoping for some insight into...
  9. M

    Tied 1-1, Mavs fan asks, Is This Series Really Even?

    After our series against SA, I had to quit playing blame the refs. One game we got 20 more FT's, the next we got 20 less than the Spurs. The Mavs always plan to get into the bonus. Thats why Dirk and Terry and Howard attck the basket so relentlessly. I''ll give you a few Dirk superstar shuffle...
  10. M

    Tied 1-1, Mavs fan asks, Is This Series Really Even?

    Since you were all so nice to me last time I started a thread here, I thought I'd try another. The Suns got the split they wanted in Dallas. Now all they have to do is hold serve. Confidence on this board is sky high. But so is mine. Here's why. The Mavs played a horribile game 1, gave up 70...
  11. M

    Meet The Mavs: For Dallas Fan, It's Like Looking in a Mirror at Your Former Self

    Ok folks, I'm not gonna spend a lot of time arguing who's team is better. We'll know that in 6 or 7 games. Let me address a few issues. If Amare comes back healthy, PHX will be incredibly difficult to beat. I look at this as a chance to eek out a ring before he and LeBron take over the league...
  12. M

    Meet The Mavs: For Dallas Fan, It's Like Looking in a Mirror at Your Former Self

    I'm home sick today and have time to banter and I'm enjoying the give and take. There's not much disagreement here, really. The only reason the SA series went to 7 games is because of Terry's suspension.We would have won at home easily. To beat the champs, when Duncan has his highest...
  13. M

    Meet The Mavs: For Dallas Fan, It's Like Looking in a Mirror at Your Former Self

    After the way PHX destroyed us in the playoffs last year, I don't see how any Mavs fan could be overconfident. Yes, we are giddy over beating the Spurs. The Mavs have had 5 straight 50 win teams and never made it to the Finals, because somebody else always had the best player, be it Shaq or Kobe...
  14. M

    Meet The Mavs: For Dallas Fan, It's Like Looking in a Mirror at Your Former Self

    You are right. I haven't watched many Suns games. But I have watched a few. I love how Raja has blossomed. He was the teeth of our other 60 win team. But I don't worry about matchups so much, because we have versitle players. If you think if the Marion body type, long, lean leapers, we have 2...
  15. M

    Meet The Mavs: For Dallas Fan, It's Like Looking in a Mirror at Your Former Self

    Dallas not a premier running team? In '03, we won our 1st 16 games, won 60, and beat Sacramento in the playoffs. We lost to SA after Dirk hurt his knee, but actually won a game in SA without him. We had Nash, Dirk, Finley, LaFrenz and Van Exel who could all spot up. We just couldn't slow down...
  16. M

    Meet The Mavs: For Dallas Fan, It's Like Looking in a Mirror at Your Former Self

    Marion has been the primary defender on Dirk so far, and had some good games. Held him to 26 once this year, then gave up 36. Dirk never covers Marion. That's usually Howard's job.
  17. M

    Meet The Mavs: For Dallas Fan, It's Like Looking in a Mirror at Your Former Self

    Better than anyone else in the NBA. The biggest tweak Johnson did to the offense was to wait for a better shot, instead of taking the 1st good one like PHX/Nellie does. Shooting percentage goes up, long rebounds and fast break opportunities go down, rebounding improves. Our scoring is down, but...
  18. M

    Meet The Mavs: For Dallas Fan, It's Like Looking in a Mirror at Your Former Self

    Thanks. I put a lot of work into it. We got into a real immature bout with, and I wanted to get this off on the right foot. Check us out at The mods are death on trolls, but we enjoy some well informed sparring. Come tell us stuff we don't know.
  19. M

    Meet The Mavs: For Dallas Fan, It's Like Looking in a Mirror at Your Former Self

    I'm enjoying reading your board, because you guys sound so much like us Mavs fans. And why not. You guys are us, 3 years ago. You got Stevie being Stevie, and Raja as a combo of himself on D and Finley on offense. We love those guys and hated losing them. You have centers who can shoot from...