2011 NBA FINALS: Dallas Mavericks Vs Miami Heat

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
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Jan 27, 2005
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Bottom line is, Lebron is an amazing basketball player, wether you like it or not.

Who said I don't like LeBron being an amazing basketball player? I have already established I am not a "hater". I actually like LeBron and Wade.

I doubt he will top MJ, because MJ had a certain charisma about him, a drive to win that is unrivaled. But on the end of the day, Lebron will too be remembered as one of the greatest to ever play the sport.

At the end of the day his charisma won't factor in. I don't even know why that matters. I also agree with you that he will probably be one of the greatest to ever play. Most of the points your making are not being debated. If you read the post it's more about his overall legacy compared to other great basketball players. LeBron set the bar for himself by saying he wanted to be the best ever. He wants 7 titles to eclipse Jordan. Point being his 7 can't stack up to Jordan's six if he has Wade right beside him and he won't be considered better because of it.
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Registered User
Feb 3, 2007
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after reading some of these posts...I don't understand why people keep comparing lebron to other great players like kobe. I actually think that lebron is a very likeable guy(more than kobe) but yes he hurt his reputation by not just simply leaving clev, ohio, but the things he did after he left. we can all agree that we would probably have left too under those situations. but I wouldn't have done the decision, held a celebration, been in the restroom when my name got announced to the clev crowd several months later. its choices like that in which hurt his reputation whether he wants to face it or not.

What I don't understand is why people defend the way he did the decision and his pep rally. it was stupid and it pissed a lot of people off. then to hear them whine when people like barkley or other fans/media make fun of them when they lose(or even win lol) is dumb. Like barkley said they need to quit being so soft about it...and their fans too. at the end of the day they are winning when it counts.

I like lebron james. He is a likeable guy at the end of the day the way I see it. he just made some dumb choices and has to deal with the aftermath like a man and I think he will.
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ASFN Lifer
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Apr 17, 2008
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Phoenix AZ
Dallas needs to step up their play. This is a statement game for them, yes it is the 3rd game but it will go to show if they can actually beat the Heat at their best as opposed to when they have a mental collapse.


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Feb 3, 2007
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Dallas needs to step up their play. This is a statement game for them, yes it is the 3rd game but it will go to show if they can actually beat the Heat at their best as opposed to when they have a mental collapse.
I agree. and I think they have to score some points tonight at a high % to win.

dirk, terry, and the dallas bench didn't shoot the ball well on the road and still earned a split so that is good. but they have to shoot better at home.
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ASFN Lifer
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Apr 17, 2008
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Phoenix AZ
Wade is having his way in the Mavs paint right now, as expected he is playing with a vengeance.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2007
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wade hit some great shots that is for sure. but i like the way the mavs are making him work. hopefully those will get harder as the game goes on. hopefully lol.


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Feb 3, 2007
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excellent quarter by miami. probably the best offense of the series. dallas is still turning the ball over and they are careless ones that are killing them. you miss a wide open 3 and give them a chance to score a 3 to end the qtr.. a 6 point swing because of a bad turnover.


ASFN Addict
May 28, 2002
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Are you an LPC? PsyD? LCSW? MFT? AASP certified even?

If not, you shouldn't associate a colloquial term like "Nero Complex" and "Being a small, small person on the inside" to anyone. Plus, you consistently referencing him as "LeNero" and wishing failure upon him shows an agenda. Potential bias or envy? :oops:

And what I think you meant to say describes most every elite professional athlete or persons of elite status, such as business men or women: Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Donald Trump, Drew Rosenhaus, Mark Cuban, etc. They all have type A personalities, which generate jealousy, envy and hatred from others. But they still succeed despite your input. And if offered the opportunity, you'd gladly step in their shoes and enjoy the success they've earned and achieved....even if it's just for one day.

As for LeBron, what has he done to you to generate such a hate-filled response? Did he decimate your favorite team? Did he step on your toes? Did he rob you of any pride or dignity? No. He did what he thought was best for his career and his chance to win. He even took a pay cut to have a better opportunity to achieve his goal of getting that ring. Cleveland couldn't surround him with the talent needed to win anything. Why sit and waste away God-given talent when you know better opportunities are available. LeBron simply did what any of us would do in our professional lives. If we find a better opportunity elsewhere, we take it. Only difference is he is in the spotlight and you and I aren't, so his decisions will be unfairly scrutinized.

Besides. If you are a Suns fan, why the hell are you rooting for a rival?

ROFL because I need to be one of those to be able to tell. Maybe YOU do, but not me...but fwiw I did take a high school, and a couple of college classes, as well as a full minor in human communications. I don't want to float my own boat, but NOTHING IN THIS WORLD fazes me mentally. NOTHING. I can learn anything. Do I know everything, hell no, but alot, and anything I don't, I can learn NO PROBLEM. Back to psychology, since I learned so much in those classes (A's), I've been able to branch off and watch what they mean for the past decade and a half, pick other stuff along the way, I'm a big reader of stuff, and can spot out many things. It also helps when you ACTUALLY LEARN and RETAIN what the A grade corresponds to. Doesn't mean I know everything in psych, hell no, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist, to see a nero, especially with how EASY LeNERO makes it with HIS actions, put on FULL DISPLAY, to the world. He has a nero complex, it's sad you do not see it. Blaming me because YOU can't see it, does not mean I'm wrong because I'm not a professional at it. That's called sophistry, look it up. (also don't forget...everything is psychology now...the markets, business, it's theories, etc)

Envy? ROFL. You couldn't give me 100 million dollars to live his life. It's pathetic, any poor man is richer than him in almost every conceivable way. I can't believe you'd project envy...rofl like I envy to be ANYBODY but MYSELF. Go play 'insert idiot comment' with somebody else because those words/ideals would never come out of my mouth/be thought in my head.

What I say does describes to a degree most athletes, but LeNero is in a ****** class by himself. Seriously. A type personality? That has NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING to do with it. Does he really have A type when he needs to go to SOMEONE ELSE'S TEAM..where THAT PERSON IS THE LEADER. It's sad that on 'his team', he isn't even the leader. He defers to Wade EVERY CHANCE HE GETS. I see it every time I watch him. A REAL 'a' type would want to work and get it themselves. I think I even lip read him like, 'you all can stay in and finish this game' during this series. Yeah.

You have some very weird projection issues, maybe YOU'D step into his shoes, but I sure in the hell wouldn't. Fame, glory, and money, don't mean much to me, because they are all worthless in the grand scheme of things...and NO ONE 'needs' a million dollars. Maybe a business needs it. But a person? No. You need food, shelter, clothes, and a few more things, and you can get all of that for under a million.

He didn't step on my toes, I actually liked him as a player, always thought he was a dip small brained idiot, but I didn't 'hate' him UNTIL, and this is many years since I was watching him in high school on tv, UNTIL, it all came to a head and I couldn't ignore the fact that he is a complete scumbag Nero with the way he left clevelend, his whole 'take his talents to south beach' episodes, etc, etc. He forced that issue upon me, and I made a correct judgement.

Best for his career? Because anything one chooses is the best for their career, if they choose it? Only AFTER THE FACT can you say that...and we aren't there yet. He took the scumbag, easy route, and his career was FINE in Cleveland. A better opportunity in Miami? No, the appearance of grass is greener, 'wall-street' style 'fixed', easier time from his perspective, where he can club all night and lay around on 'south beach' all day opportunity (he's rich and there is a long offseason so....he doesn't need to live there, to club there or anywhere) . Then on top of that, he did it in such a scumbag fashion....holding meetings, doing it on an espn special. You can't lead a horse to water, and people blinded by idiocy, cannot be lead to the truth. Don't apologize for the *******, by defending him, by saying I'm being unreasonable, because it simply doesn't hold water.

Waste away in cleveland? You must be joking. They bent over backwards and signed those people to those contracts FOR LEBRON. What a foolish perspective. You don't even realize that. So WHEN it happens in MIAMI, expect the same scumbag to rear his head again. LeNero...it's all about HIM. You'll see. Even if they win now, it still will never satiate LeNero. Hell you can see the 'crazy' in his eyes at times. Oh also forgot, he did make it the Finals in that 'waste away' city and is still how young? He had plenty of 'time' to win.

Besides, he can have his money, it won't be worth squat soon, so we'll be equal on that note....ha ha ha. Glass-Steagall (like I've been saying for YEARS!!!!!)

Rooting for a rival? Are the Suns involved? Didn't think so. I generally go for Western Conference usually (like pac-10, or even UofA [because of AZ]), and seeing how there is Terry, Marion, Kidd, and I've always liked dirk as a player, I'll root for him, instead of the great Nero where scumbagging is a way of life. I understand nuance, because life is NEVER black and white.

So, because he is in the spotlight, he gets more cover? Sorry, I make the right decisions when the camera ISN'T on, but somehow LeNero can't make the right decisions, even WHEN the cameras ARE? But somehow we can apologize and give leeway to him, just like every other thing wrong in this country, because the camera somehow makes it harder to make the right decision? It makes it easier fwiw, he just didn't care....NERO. I could do a thesis about that one (wrong with country), but it would get too P and R for this discussion.

LeBron didn't take a paycut, but since people love listening and believing bs, you can keep telling yourself. Remember, NO state income TAXES in MIAMI = more take home, for less. Plus bigger endorsement opportunities, new jersey sales, but regardless, until the hyperinflation/hyperdeflation hit, he is fine with ANY amount of money, and it's just more needless numbers in his account, which again is a sign of NERO....because they 'mean' so much to him. It's about prestige, more than 'feeding his family'. I love people that use bunk metrics akin to the BLS.

Michael Jordan's personality is NOTHING like LeNero's. You say LeNero is like this or that, but again what LeNERO did set a horrible precedent, that NONE of these guys would ever do, and quite frankly many came out and bashed him for doing it. If he WAS such a competitor, he wouldn't of gone to Miami. It's also why even if he is on the best teams rigged style in Miami, another city after this contract, so on and so forth, this idiot will NEVER match jordan, because he doesn't have the heart and will in his whole body that Jordan had in his nut hair.

But it's all about rings, right? So much so that he did what he did....NERO anyone? Sure in a vacuum, you want to win, but so much so to his ego that he needed to screw everyone else like he did in the fashion he did? Your arguments are completely apologetic to someone who doesn't deserve it. Because his goal is to be able to talk with the 'greats' and out do them, yet he's never won one yet? What makes him think he'll ever be in that circle...given that he's never won one yet. NERO.

I wish against him, because I'm sick and tired of losers with loser mindsets rigging the game and screwing everything up. Like LeNero, like wall street, like our fraudulent debt based imperial monetary system...and everything involved with it....which happens to be everything...even leading to both the NBA and NFL labor troubles. LeNero is a microcosm of what's wrong in this world. So yeah, when I see people who actually deserve to win, let alone going against this idiot, which compared to LeNero is everybody else...not to mention Bosh is a 'follower' as well, I will root against such losers....and do so proudly and emphatically.

Remember, up until 'the decision', I would have actually called myself a fan of his. But when you're a scumbag Nero, eventually everyone deserts you....and rightly so. That was 'my time' to ditch him.
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ASFN Lifer
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Apr 17, 2008
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Phoenix AZ
Wade is the glue that holds this team, he came out and was assertive. Lebron with all his talent lack that special quality. If Wade weren't on this team, you can bet Dallas will close out the Heat in Dallas.


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Nov 17, 2003
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Gee From The G
Some people really care about a show called the desicion.. Big deal.. If thats what fuels your hate for LeBron, then thats pretty petty.. Especially if you have no ties to Cleveland.. I know people that became fans of LBJ after he decided to go to Miami.. Dont know where all these people deserting him are.. He had the #1 selling jersey this past year..

King James!


LD @ F.O.H.
Aug 2, 2002
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The Vortex!
Some people really care about a show called the desicion.. Big deal.. If thats what fuels your hate for LeBron, then thats pretty petty.. Especially if you have no ties to Cleveland.. I know people that became fans of LBJ after he decided to go to Miami.. Dont know where all these people deserting him are.. He had the #1 selling jersey this past year..

King James!

Bow to your King!

Didn't I hear you bought a jersey of your King?

That's really sticking it to Stern. :D

LBJ, still a punk!


Phoenix native; Lifelong Suns Fan
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Jul 31, 2005
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Phoenix, AZ
Wade is the glue that holds this team, he came out and was assertive. Lebron with all his talent lack that special quality. If Wade weren't on this team, you can bet Dallas will close out the Heat in Dallas.

Yep, you're absolutely right. And I think LeBron knows it too and is why he joined up with Wade and why he will never come close to matching Jordan's greatness.


ASFN Lifer
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Apr 17, 2008
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Phoenix AZ
Some people really care about a show called the desicion.. Big deal.. If thats what fuels your hate for LeBron, then thats pretty petty.. Especially if you have no ties to Cleveland.. I know people that became fans of LBJ after he decided to go to Miami.. Dont know where all these people deserting him are.. He had the #1 selling jersey this past year..

King James!

How anyone can think "The Decision" crap is not an affront to people who love, respect and look up to Lebrat is beyond me.
I for one would not want my son to look up to him as a role model, but hey it is my opinion. It is one thing to leave, it is another to get on national TV and tell 'em F U. Even Lebron kinda admit it's a mistake.


ASFN Addict
May 28, 2002
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Some people really care about a show called the desicion.. Big deal.. If thats what fuels your hate for LeBron, then thats pretty petty.. Especially if you have no ties to Cleveland.. I know people that became fans of LBJ after he decided to go to Miami.. Dont know where all these people deserting him are.. He had the #1 selling jersey this past year..

King James!

Well I hope you weren't talking about me and my post, since I said quite clearly it was about more than that, just THAT was the turning point, the last straw, etc. I don't care about the show, I care about the CONTENT and pertinent INFO that came OUT of that show. Because we really got a character shot of LeNero. He agreed to do it, so it's on him for giving that info to us. No one twisted his arm to do it, but he sure stabbed a lot of people in the back on national tv. The petty thing WAS 'the decision'.

Since when can I not make the correct decision because it doesn't involve me personally. I guess I should say eff the greeks and their problems, because I'm not greek??? Sophistry. I can have a poignant and spirited position about things that don't involve me because they are the right position to take.

Lots of 'followers' (not saying those are those specific people) started liking james afterwords I'm sure, much no doubt BECAUSE so many people responding negatively to it, and lots of people play head games with themselves, like the bandwagoners they were and jumped on board because they like 'rig jobs'. Millions of Americans are little idiots inside and would sell out their grandma. I also don't hate on Miami fans themselves, because they aren't to blame. But I would personally think higher of some miami fans to say, that was wrong...I'll buy a wade jersey instead...instead of rewarding narcissism.

Lots of idiots in this country jump on the 'winning' or 'rigged' side. If a million people jumped off a cliff...a million people were really stupid. Millions bought MERS home loans, yet are we supposed to say they are somehow valid and legal? So just because there are x amount of jersey sales doesn't change anything I've mentioned. Nor would 'any number' of idiots behaving idiotic, change anything from one factual perspective to one of fantasy because they ganged up in their idiocy.

People do desert Nero's, and many of those fans are probably just barely, and in a few years won't be wearing his jersey. He's the flavor of the moment. (plus he had the advantage of being on another team, and lots of people had to rebuy his jersey as compared to others meaning his 'statistics' are a bit misleading...and even then...I don't know the comparison...was he 1st the last year in cleveland?)...Hell I'm sure some of those idiots would even jump ship and follow lebron even if he screwed them over. So no doubt many of those jerseys were probably sold in Ohio.

Nothing I said was petty. If anyone thinks that, they are sadly misinformed and mistaken and didn't take the time to see the complex viewpoint I took with him (which proves in of itself without even re-reading it that it was more than just some tv program). Nero he is, and there is nothing petty in calling somebody, what they are and treating them accordingly. I don't reward scumbaggery, but that's what this country does, just ask any of the bailout recipients.

This country has built up narcissism and put it up so much on a pedestal...everybody forgot that you were supposed to avoid being one (it is quintessentially un-american from 'the spirit of' perspective), not gladly strive to be one. If this country's people could learn to spot and neutralize Nero's we'd be much better off. Instead we teach each other it's a fine tactic.

Is there no wonder, that as long as we celebrate that which destroys us, our country and society will do what? Exactly. LeNero is the embodiment of what our society has screwed up and it taught LeNero he could be this scumbag and we'd call him our hero. Especially since most people are still turning a blind eye to it.

Man did our society set him up to fail or what? If one looks back and says that having more championships than some other player is the most or one of their best accomplishments in life, than they wasted that life. Nothing I said was petty, actually quite the opposite. If in this world real scum bag actions do not illicit a stomach churning response, than either we are too focused on something else, or there is something seriously wrong with our perspective. We've allowed ourselves to be desensitized about all the little 'pauses' we had inherently built in to check the horrible decisions that result of such mindsets. People that are scumbags Nero's deserve to be called out 100 percent always. The alternative is unthinkable, except I can look around and seeing how we are, I don't have to think, it it's all around, and it is suffocating us. We as a country better wake up and quit pretending the bad guy is the good guy.

Had the game on dvr paused, so start of the 4th. GO MAVS!


I see you.
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May 13, 2002
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Yep, you're absolutely right. And I think LeBron knows it too and is why he joined up with Wade and why he will never come close to matching Jordan's greatness.

Yeah, maybe after these Finals the stupid James-Jordan comparisons will finally taper off. It's obvious that LBJ is the 2nd best player on his own team. It speaks volumes that in the biggest game of the year the ball was taken out of his hands and put into Wade's down the stretch.


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Jan 2, 2003
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damn... Dallas almost stole that one. Me thinks they win Game 4 and series still goes 7.


Frank Kaminsky is my Hero.
Apr 2, 2005
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South Bay
Yeah, maybe after these Finals the stupid James-Jordan comparisons will finally taper off. It's obvious that LBJ is the 2nd best player on his own team. It speaks volumes that in the biggest game of the year the ball was taken out of his hands and put into Wade's down the stretch.

It's 1 and 1a. W/o James, the Bulls are in the finals. Wade didn't play particularly well in the ECF. James was out of his mind in that series and pretty much singlehandedly won games

Whoever is playing well that game gets the rock. That's the beauty of having Wade and James on the payroll.
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ASFN Addict
May 28, 2002
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Dirk was amazing again, but shot outside a bit much when he should of taken it to the hole down the stretch.

Good game. Can't way for #4


I see you.
Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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It's 1 and 1a. W/o James, the Bulls are in the finals. Wade didn't play particularly well in the ECF. James was out of his mind in that series and pretty much singlehandedly won games

Whoever is playing well that game gets the rock. That's the beauty of having Wade and James on the payroll.

Exactly. A much better argument is Wade v. James. Yet, Wade is never compared to Jordan, but James is. LBJ is so overrated, it's not even funny.

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