Anticipating Clippers adjustments


Plucky Comic Relief
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Jul 2, 2004
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Here's what I would expect to see from the Clippers in Game 2:

  • Reduced minutes for Chris Kaman. I predicted 5 or 6 turnovers a game. He had four last night in 30 minutes. I would expect Kaman to rest more, but will probably be used to give Brand more of an early blow to prevent the fourth-quarter collapse of Game 1 when Brand went out mid-4th quarter.
  • Reduced minutes for Quinton Ross. He was not nearly effective on defense as I think they'd hoped he'd be, and he took minutes from the rotation that might have been better spent on, say, Corey Maggette.
  • More posting up of the guards. The Clips believe if they make the Suns backcourt work harder on defense, it will disrupt the offensive flow. If Cassell's low-post work was making Nash tired, I don't think we'll see it for another game or 2. And does Barbosa ever get tired?
  • More minutes for Radmanovic. He's just better suited for this series, and he had two -- two! -- blocked shots in 19+ minutes. He's a much better matchup against Diaw, and it's unlikely they'd lose much in rebounding.
  • More minutes for Livingston early in the game, less minutes late in the game. When the Suns forced him to become a scorer, he made mistakes. I think Cassell has to be that man when it counts. I was relieved he didn't have the ball in his hands or Maggette's hands. The Suns were going to let anyone but Brand beat them with less than two minutes to go.
I think the Suns better have something up their sleeve for Game 2 or they may be going to LA in a 1-1 heat. I think the Clippers can get more from their supporting cast.


Registered User
Dec 3, 2004
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Well, the losing team always has an advantage over us. We won the game and I can't see us making any major adjustment.

What amazed me is how coach D put Marion on Cassell in late 4th. That's one quick adjustment that coach D was not known for. Livingston is not ready to take over in clutch time.

I think the Clip did a good job defending our 3pt in the first half. Our shooters had to pump fake many times. We took advantage of our speed and penetrated and kicked out. That's our game.

PS: I know many of us have noticed how much classier Clippers are. I wonder if the Clip did that on purpose to show they are not like Laker? It's almost "too nice" in playoff atmosphere. I am not complaining because I think even we are trying to show we are not a "dirty, physical" team that Laker was trying to portrait. A good example is when Bell was chasing after a Clipper player during a fast break and Bell accidentally tripped the player and he fell down pretty hard. Bell looked soooooooooooo frustrated on that play. He even almost walked back to the bench and put his hands behind his head. I hope we can keep this good blood going.
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Nov 2, 2005
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Gilbert, AZ
jibikao said:
PS: I know many of us have noticed how much classier Clippers are. I wonder if the Clip did that on purpose to show they are not like Laker? It's almost "too nice" in playoff atmosphere.

Elton Brand is all class, I've never even seen him complain, Magette, likewise. Maybe they were taught that at Duke. The clippers share the ball and play hard but clean. Its easy to see that Artest wouldnt fit in there. I expect them to get more physical, but not in a cheap shot way.


Board Certified Suns Fan
Jul 23, 2004
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Mesa, AZ
I'd like to see Raja guarding Cassell a lot more, letting Nash guard Ross when he's in the game.

The Commish

Jun 16, 2004
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San Francisco
First of all good post gaddabout. I would expect similar adjustments made by the Clippers for game 2, and I definately think they will make it a point to get Cuttino Mobley going early. He was a non-factor for them last night and he needs to hit his shot if they hope to win this series.

In regards to the good blood between the two teams I think it has to do with the fact that most of the Clippers players are just good guys. Elton Brand has always been a good, clean player. Cassel and Nash played together at one point. Mobley trains with a lot of the Suns players in the offseason. Maggette much like Marion is just a workhorse and just goes about his business. The team is very business like in the way that they conduct themselves which I think is a reflection of Dunleavy as a coach. The only two players I could see us having a confrontation with is Radmonovic or Kamen. But I highly doubt it.

Nonetheless this series has a much different feel to it - a free flow series with a "may the best team win" attitude. I don't mind it because I know the Western Conference finals will be much tougher (if we make it there).


May 7, 2006
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It was a great game last night, even though my team lost. I think without the Suns having healthy bigs the Clips have the superior team, but it remains to be seen if the Clips can make the adjustments on defense to counteract the uncanny shooting of the Suns. It also remains to be seen if the Suns can continue shooting that well from beyond the arc. I tend to think that some if not most of the games will go more like the last time the Clips visited during the regular season.


ASFN Addict
Sep 12, 2002
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Phoenix, AZ
saxmanager said:
It was a great game last night, even though my team lost. I think without the Suns having healthy bigs the Clips have the superior team, but it remains to be seen if the Clips can make the adjustments on defense to counteract the uncanny shooting of the Suns. It also remains to be seen if the Suns can continue shooting that well from beyond the arc. I tend to think that some if not most of the games will go more like the last time the Clips visited during the regular season.
The Suns will definately struggle if they're not hitting their outside shots or if they get in foul trouble. We're really only playing 7 players with spot duty for Eddie House (whose been a big zero in the playoffs). The Suns really seemed to find their groove against the Lakers in game 5 and their offense has been very good since then. We've got much better ball movement, spacing & confidence than the 1st 4 games vs the Lakers and it carried over into game 1 last night. Hopefully it continues and we keep it up in every quarter.


Chopped Liver Moderator
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Aug 19, 2005
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saxmanager said:
It was a great game last night, even though my team lost. I think without the Suns having healthy bigs the Clips have the superior team, but it remains to be seen if the Clips can make the adjustments on defense to counteract the uncanny shooting of the Suns. It also remains to be seen if the Suns can continue shooting that well from beyond the arc. I tend to think that some if not most of the games will go more like the last time the Clips visited during the regular season.

You don't expect Brand to shoot 80% from the field in every game do you? Without Brand's heroic effort, this game is a game 7 Suns vs. Lakers type blowout.

There is no way that the Clips will shoot 60% from the field again as a team either. I can see them eclipsing 50% a couple more times, but nowhere near 60% again.


Oct 24, 2002
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jbeecham said:
The Suns will definately struggle if they're not hitting their outside shots or if they get in foul trouble. We're really only playing 7 players with spot duty for Eddie House (whose been a big zero in the playoffs). The Suns really seemed to find their groove against the Lakers in game 5 and their offense has been very good since then. We've got much better ball movement, spacing & confidence than the 1st 4 games vs the Lakers and it carried over into game 1 last night. Hopefully it continues and we keep it up in every quarter.

The Suns will ALWAYS struggle if they are not hitting outside shots. They ARE a jumpshooting team.

The good thing is that they have so many good shooters that they can avoid a poor shooting night by one or two of them.


May 7, 2006
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dreamcastrocks said:
You don't expect Brand to shoot 80% from the field in every game do you? Without Brand's heroic effort, this game is a game 7 Suns vs. Lakers type blowout.

There is no way that the Clips will shoot 60% from the field again as a team either. I can see them eclipsing 50% a couple more times, but nowhere near 60% again.

Brand has a great shooting percentage for the year, but I expect more from Mobley, Kaman, and Radmanovic.


Oct 24, 2002
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Its hard to know what the Clips can do. They were successful in their strategy of banging it down low, and they still lost. There really isn't much room for improvement for them offensively.

They can improve some defensively. They have to try to slow the pace, even more. They got caught up in the speed game too much.

They have to play Nash more physically.

They have to crash the offensive boards. The Clips are a better rebounding team than we are, but they went to the offensive boards rather weakly (for most of the night). The Suns give up too many second chances and the Clips ought to try to capitalize on that.

Not sure what else.


ASFN Lifer
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May 13, 2002
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Alexandria, VA
JCSunsfan said:
The Suns will ALWAYS struggle if they are not hitting outside shots. They ARE a jumpshooting team.
They did have more points in the paint than the Clippers yesterday


Mar 11, 2003
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Wandering the Universe
Kaman is the key for the Clippers.

When he came in and turned the ball over it was the difference the Suns needed to get a lead and trade baskets down the stretch.

If I were the Clippers I wouldn't run it through Kaman on the block I would have him off the ball and crashing the offensive glass.

I'm not sure the Clippers are disciplined enough to pass up the early offense and control the tempo for 48 minutes.

This series is going to be really interesting.


Official ASFN Lurker
Oct 2, 2002
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Vancouver, BC, Canada
JCSunsfan said:
Its hard to know what the Clips can do. They were successful in their strategy of banging it down low, and they still lost. There really isn't much room for improvement for them offensively.

They can improve some defensively. They have to try to slow the pace, even more. They got caught up in the speed game too much.

They have to play Nash more physically.

They have to crash the offensive boards. The Clips are a better rebounding team than we are, but they went to the offensive boards rather weakly (for most of the night). The Suns give up too many second chances and the Clips ought to try to capitalize on that.

Not sure what else.

Not nearly as many offensive boards available when your team is shooting 60%, which is why Marion's 15 boards is so impressive.

This will be an interesting series. Kaman is tough for Diaw to defend but there's no way he can keep up with Boris sprinting down the court. Boris can wear him out by sprinting down the court as soon as we get posession. Last year Marion was the inbounds guy on made shots during the season, letting Amare sprint downcourt; this series, we should let JJones/Thomas do that and let both Marion and Diaw sprint down to wear out the big guys.


Registered User
Nov 2, 2005
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Gilbert, AZ
Suns_fan69 said:
Not nearly as many offensive boards available when your team is shooting 60%, which is why Marion's 15 boards is so impressive.

This will be an interesting series. Kaman is tough for Diaw to defend but there's no way he can keep up with Boris sprinting down the court. Boris can wear him out by sprinting down the court as soon as we get posession. Last year Marion was the inbounds guy on made shots during the season, letting Amare sprint downcourt; this series, we should let JJones/Thomas do that and let both Marion and Diaw sprint down to wear out the big guys.
Sam Cassel is quoted(paraphrase) as saying that "defensing TT is a key in the series for the clippers". He went on to say that with TT on the floor, it "stretches the defense, opens up the penetrations". When I saw Kaman guarding TT last night on the 3 point line, I thought that the lane must be wide open. The suns outscored the clippers in the paint 48-42 for the game, so it must have been open due to everyone hitting their outside shots. At any rate, if TT hits from the outside, there will be one less shot blocker in the lane for Nash, Diaw and Barbosa to contend with.


Registered User
Dec 3, 2004
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Well, one thing I know is we can't stop Brand. This is 2nd game in a row where he just purely dominated. I remember he was such a beast in our last regular season matchup. We had a good lead at half and the Clippers (mainly Brand) mainly took over.

I really think we've made Brand a jump shooter last night but he just kept making them. It was simply amazing.

Defensively, I don't know what else we can do to stop them. We've tried putting Marion on Cassel and Bell on Mobley. I like the quick adjustments. Now it's only the matter of how well we can keep up our good shooting.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
We have to keep running, no bones about it. If we continue at the pace we're going right now, by Game 3, the Clippers big men will be living on fumes. Even Brand.


Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Lets see, if I were the Clips I'd try to conserve Brand for the end game. Probably use Maggette heavy in the first half when letting Elton rest. When Brand has TT on him have him go to the bucket instead of shooting jumpers - try to get Tim in foul trouble. Not play Kamen when TT is on the floor, let Radman defend him. If TT defends Radman, just let him set a screen for Brand and TT will switch to Brand.

Work on Nash early, rather than late. Post up almost anyone he choses to defend... back him down even if you throw the ball back out instead of shoot. The best bet would be to force Nash to switch onto someone he can't defend in the post - though it is hard to force Nash to switch to someone he wants to avoid. Involve him in P&R's in any case as that makes him work hard, too.

On the offensive end, I'd vary the P&R defense - jump out some times and trap. Other times don't switch onto him at all, though Diaw can make this hard to do as he's good at picking off anyone going under his screen. Essentially w. Diaw setting the screen you have to go over it if you don't switch.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
Against this team, if you don't run, you don't win.

They are too dumb to try and stop you from running though, so you've got an easy sail to the WCF.

That's the main reason I'm (should have been 6th seed) Lakers could have had a WCF berth if they had beat the Suns.

The Clips are the biggest soft team in the league...hell, your team is more bang in the post than those guys.

Unless they go to their post game, they won't win...but I bet they stay the course and try to run with you...that equals suicide. But Dunleavy can't make adjustments to save his life, so keep on running and you'll run into San Antonio. That's a nice end to this season, don't ya think? I would have loved for the Lakers to be there.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
so keep on running and you'll run into San Antonio. That's a nice end to this season, don't ya think?

Make no mistake: The Spurs are better than the Suns, and I would expect them to win the series if they both advance. But it wouldn't be hopeless for Phoenix. This is a smarter team than the one that got trounced by the Spurs a year ago, and their weapons are more diverse, even with Stoudemire out. Throw in the fact that the Spurs haven't done much this year except get older, and an upset would be possible. Unlikely, but possible.

sly fly

Devil Me This
Jun 12, 2002
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N. Phx
D-Dogg said:
Against this team, if you don't run, you don't win.

They are too dumb to try and stop you from running though, so you've got an easy sail to the WCF.

That's the main reason I'm (should have been 6th seed) Lakers could have had a WCF berth if they had beat the Suns.

The Clips are the biggest soft team in the league...hell, your team is more bang in the post than those guys.

Unless they go to their post game, they won't win...but I bet they stay the course and try to run with you...that equals suicide. But Dunleavy can't make adjustments to save his life, so keep on running and you'll run into San Antonio. That's a nice end to this season, don't ya think? I would have loved for the Lakers to be there.

We get it. You wish "your" Lakers were still in the hunt.

Is there one post of yours in which you're not comparing the Lakers to someone?


Hall of Famer
Oct 27, 2004
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D-Dogg said:
The Clips are the biggest soft team in the league...hell, your team is more bang in the post than those guys.
what about the other LA team that blew a 3-1 lead.


Registered User
Dec 3, 2004
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sly fly said:
We get it. You wish "your" Lakers were still in the hunt.

Is there one post of yours in which you're not comparing the Lakers to someone?

He even trashed Clippers.... the biggest "soft" team. I didn't know Brand was that soft. He totally owned us.


May 7, 2006
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D-Dogg said:
Against this team, if you don't run, you don't win.

They are too dumb to try and stop you from running though, so you've got an easy sail to the WCF.

That's the main reason I'm (should have been 6th seed) Lakers could have had a WCF berth if they had beat the Suns.

The Clips are the biggest soft team in the league...hell, your team is more bang in the post than those guys.

Unless they go to their post game, they won't win...but I bet they stay the course and try to run with you...that equals suicide. But Dunleavy can't make adjustments to save his life, so keep on running and you'll run into San Antonio. That's a nice end to this season, don't ya think? I would have loved for the Lakers to be there.

Another myopic faker fan who is living in the past!

We'll see just how "soft" the Clips are.

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