I'm saying you ARE stuck in Wichita
The whole Pats team are a bunch of smug tools, starting with Billijerk. They all talk like they're humble but it's all fake. So glad they lost
Did you see Belichick walk by Manning when Peyton went up to him after the game? The guy is a sore loser.
He's a wierdo but I don't know why Manning goes over there. Whats the point of that? Unless he's trying to provide us the entertainment of making Belichick act like a jackass. Its useful that way. But it seems like he should have tried to find Brady instead.
The whole Pats team are a bunch of smug tools, starting with Billijerk. They all talk like they're humble but it's all fake. So glad they lost
The whole Pats team are a bunch of smug tools, starting with Billijerk. They all talk like they're humble but it's all fake. So glad they lost
talk about tools - any pro athelete or coach that thanks an imaginary higher being for winning is an idiot - like this supreme being that supposedly created a whole universe cares about what a team on some insignifigant planet does.
So who should he have thanked? Nike? The fans? The owner? The local radio station? His mom and dad? His High school coach?
You thank who ever you believe helped you achieve the goal. If his belief is that it was God, that's great, more power to him. To sit back and judge him based on your beliefs is an arrogant, misguided reaction to something you had nothing to do with. Can you with an absolute say that God had nothing to do with the Colts winning? What if he'd thanked the limo driver who brought him to the game, could you absolutely guarantee the limo guy had nothing to do with giving Dungy the proper mindset to win the game?
It doesn't matter what any of us believe, it only matters what Dungy believed got them over the top. If it was his personal belief in a supreme being, who are you to doubt or question that? It's actually kind of scary to think that you actually believe you know more than a well educated man, who is tops in his profession and is compensated in the 7 figure range.
Now what is it again that you do and have the respect of hundreds of thousands of people? Just curious.
ok then - Gawd must hate the Cardinals.
If we take it as a given that NFL teams each have close to the same amount of believers in the Angry White Man in the Sky - why would he favor any particular team?
Who cares that Dungy makes 7 figures - does he have any proof of a god because of his salary?
Indy played with heart and won a game - there's no need to bring the supernatuaral into it.
Sports is a human endeavor - gods are for churches.
ok then - Gawd must hate the Cardinals.
If we take it as a given that NFL teams each have close to the same amount of believers in the Angry White Man in the Sky - why would he favor any particular team?
Who cares that Dungy makes 7 figures - does he have any proof of a god because of his salary?
Indy played with heart and won a game - there's no need to bring the supernatuaral into it.
Sports is a human endeavor - gods are for churches.
ok then - Gawd must hate the Cardinals.
If we take it as a given that NFL teams each have close to the same amount of believers in the Angry White Man in the Sky - why would he favor any particular team?
Who cares that Dungy makes 7 figures - does he have any proof of a god because of his salary?
Indy played with heart and won a game - there's no need to bring the supernatuaral into it.
Sports is a human endeavor - gods are for churches.
I'm not a particularly religious person myself, but why get worked up over this? It's good humility and people need to believe in something. An atheist shouldn't care what people believe in--only how they act, an ends-based analysis.
In the good book there is a verse in it (not sure where) that says "God helps those who help themselves."
Actually, that's not anywhere in the Bible.
About the Belichek thing...I can understand why he wanted to get off of the field as soon as possible, but I think he should have at least shook Manning's hand or something.
There is nothing wrong with thanking God for your gifts. It's how you use them that gets results. Thanking god for the gifts that help you kick another teams ass doesn't mean that the other team doesn't have gifts and talents either...just that yours were better that night.
Did anyone notice Peyton Manning with his head down praying or crying, or just plain feeling sorry for himself just before Brady threw the game winning int? Instead of holding his head high and being a team leader by spurring his defense on, he took to pitying himself. Not the earmark of a champion or even a sportsman.
At least the Pats didn't make it in. Whew! I hate those guys.
I didn't get that impression at all. I saw a man who did everything he could for his team, but in the decisive moments it was out of his hands. He couldn't watch because he couldn't do anything more.