The problem with you guys is that you don't recognize when you have an opportunity to use Babelfish.mathbzh said:There is a nice paper on Diaw (in french).
It reports the impression of Richard Dacoury (Best French BB player between 1985/1995).
I hope "Bobo" can overcome the prejudice of serving substitute this time around. If not, he'll probably find himself at the sauces again.Diaw, "of the full tennis shoe hands"
And if the light did come from Boris Diaw? Rather discrete this season with his club of Atlanta (4,8 pts, 2,6 rbds in 18 min of average), the young winger of the team of France succeeded with the Blue ones of the matches of preparation of high invoice, finishing even second better scorer of Blue, with 13,6 points of average. Blow, in front of Tony Parker or Antoine Rigaudeau, Boris Diaw could be the player whose France has need to take one of the first six places ofthe Euro, and be qualified for the championship of the world.
"For me, Boris Diaw is undoubtedly the basketball player more endowed with his generation." The compliment, from size, does not come from no matter whom, since it leaves the mouth of Richard Dacoury. The champion of Europe 1993 (with Limoges) is not surprised by the performances of high flight carried out by Boris Diaw since the beginning of the preparation with the Euro of the team of France. "It is a super player, a very good basketball player who has the direction of the play, of the full tennis shoe hands. And whose level can only progress."
On the ten matches of preparation of Blue, (five victories, five defeats), the new player of Suns de Phoenix was with the height of the praise pronounced by large Dacoury. Boris Diaw finishes indeed with 13,6 points of average, just behind Tony Parker (16,8 pts of average), better marker of the Blue ones. On the six matches of the tournaments of Istanbul and Limoges, "Sore" culminates even at 16,5 points. "In team of France, it arrived at a certain dimension, takes again the former captain of the Blue ones. It is because it is finally used in its best place, at item 3-4 (strong winger-winger). He does not serve any more substitute, which was prejudicial for its play." At the time of the last match vis-a-vis in Italy (victory from Blue the 83-75), Boris Diaw finished better marker of his team, with 19 points, but also better rebondor.
"more serene with the Blue ones"
Rather surprising, on behalf of Tricolour which, in the United States, has a timid reputation of player who hesitates to take shots. A reputation checked by its stats of last season with Atlanta (4,8 pts, 2,6 rbds in 18 min of average). "Initially, and it is normal, Boris is more serene, more in its element when it evolves/moves in team of France, explains Richard Dacoury. Then, Atlanta was a a little bastard team. Boris was put at all sauces, without really knowing what one awaited from him, with players who did not include/understand it inevitably."
Remain to know if the French will be able to assert himself at Suns, one of the signal-teams of the NBA. Would the champion of Europe junior in 2000 be more at ease in the European play? "It is a super player. The NBA will suit him like a glove, answers Dacoury. There is much less assistance in defense, therefore the attacker is more favoured. As it is a guy who adores spaces, which has many cords to its arc, that can to only be appropriate him. If it were essential like 6th or 7th man on Phoenix, they would be already marvellous."
But before shining on the other side of the Atlantic, Boris Diaw will have to pass by revealing euro 2005. Will it be able to take a role of offensive leader who seems to tighten the arms to him? "is this really important? question yourself Dacoury. One would ask him the question, it would answer that what it wants to do, it is to help the team of France to gain, go up on the podium, and to qualify themselves for the championship of the world. It has a so broad register which it is able to do everything. It will do that whose team requires that it makes." Checking as of Friday, vis-a-vis in Greece.
It's good to hear about his full tennis shoe hands, though.