Got mine today...can't wait to really go through it front to back.
I don't know if it's any good or not but the EVT has one too for $19.
I just received that one in the mail. It sucks in compariosn to the Republics one, not hard cover, looks more like a game program than a book. No coverage of the Super Bowl at all inside either.
Plus I was pissed because the spine was damaged and the book all curled up. They shipped it standard post in a cheap paper envelope whereas the other book was shipped UPS in a bubblewrapped envelope.
Makes me tear up a bit again, knowing how close we were to holding the trophy and a piece of history.
The Trib is bush league.
I will give them a little credit though, they responded to my e-mail in under an hour and promised to send me another copy free of charge.
It does have some nice photos and good game recaps but the product quality doesn't even approach the other book...closer to a high grade magazine than book.
Bottom line is its about the Cardinals so I had to have it.
My copy of Flyin' High arrived this afternoon.
It's a 184 page recap of our magical 2008 season - full-color, hard-cover, glossy-text and nicely designed.
The AZR published it. I wasn't sure what I was getting (Would it be a bunch of photostatted pages? Or would it look really slick?)
It was more than I expected - complete with the coverage of each game, accompanied by photos, a key play of the game and the front page of next day's AZR sports section.
Lord knows, I've had my critical moments concerning the AZR's past coverage of the Cardinals, but they did a terrific job. Kent, Bick, Paula, the photo staff and other AZR usual suspects should be proud.
Nice job.
Oh. If you want a copy, I'd imagine the place to go would be the AZR website. (Cost ran somewhere in the neighborhood of $29.50, but was well worth it).