know it's not a popular choice but...this one:http://www.nfl.com/gamecenter/2008091410/2008/REG2/dolphins@cardinals#tab:recapIt was the first time I
knew the Cardinals were
legit. There were other great games that came before but they felt hollow, as if they were wins and momentum that would never be sustained. And when I say
knew, I mean I just
really knew, that after
this particular game, these Cards were headed for a
new level and something great awaited. A warm fuzzy feeling (no, I wasn't drinking) came over me during and after that game as I realized the suffering was abating, at least for a while.
In retrospect, knowing
this early that this team was headed for the playoffs and would be different than the Cards teams of the past, brought a level of personal satisfaction as well.
The Cowboys game later that year was also
huge and is a close second for me.
With that said, the playoff games of that year and the following years game against Green Bay are the
real gems. The NFC championship game against the Eagles is my favorite (playoff game or not) game.