Gambo 12/29/2003


A Whole New World
Supporting Member
Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
Gambo may be a entertainment-type reporter--little substance and only trying to stir the pot--but this article is on the money.

Parlaying the franchise qb of your choice into your coveted coach is pretty nice, and likely.

Not to advocate that they try to lose a game, but dammit if they don't do the damndest things to themselves. A lot of blame goes to Minnesota too, for not having the guts to win an important game. I had more fun yelling at Vikings fans for ruining the Cards draft position than I did yelling at them for not making the playoffs.

A bittersweet day.


Supporting Member
May 15, 2002
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Plymouth, UK
I was there, in fact I was standing on the field right next to the north end zone.

Unlike the folks paid to watch or the security guys, Jo and I went nuts when they scored. The second time the scored most of the media went nuts as did the security guys.

Sorry, it was a wonderful moment and things like that can help carry a young player to next year. As can watching the faces of the Vikings players trying to get off the field.

You play to win, nothing else. Let the draft chips fall where they may.


ASFN Addict
Jan 13, 2003
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Avondale, AZ
Herm Edwards said it best: "You PLAY to WIN the GAME!!!", period. That's what the Cards and the other teams do. The Vikes let the Cards steal one from them, end of story! Can't stand Gambododo and his article is a prime example of why. If they would have quit to get the first pick in the draft the ENTIRE team AND coaches should have been fired. Pathetic article from a pathetic person.


Crimson Warrior

Dangerous Murray Zealot
Oct 27, 2002
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Home of the Thunder
Originally posted by nidan
I was there, in fact I was standing on the field right next to the north end zone.

Unlike the folks paid to watch or the security guys, Jo and I went nuts when they scored. The second time the scored most of the media went nuts as did the security guys.

Sorry, it was a wonderful moment and things like that can help carry a young player to next year. As can watching the faces of the Vikings players trying to get off the field.

You play to win, nothing else. Let the draft chips fall where they may.

really. That has to be one of the most exciting plays of all time. 4th and 25, no time left, playoff berth and number one draft pick on the line, needing a touchdown, scrambling right...

man... that play had everything.


Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2003
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Gee From The G
I listen to Gambo all the time. I just believe he says it like it is. He supports the Suns when they do good, and not when they are horrible. That's my measuring stick. So to say he would trash us if we win the superbowl is an unfounded comment that is totally bias, just like what you accuse him of being. When the DBacks do good he praises them, even though they beat his Yankers in the world series. Maybe if the Cards were to win on a consistant basis, comments like that wouldnt be made. If I'm correct alot of Cards fans bash the team just as much as him. Heck, if Curt Schilling can call into the Gambo show once a week to chat (and Curt's thinking of doing it even now that he's in Boston), what's wrong? Everyone knows Curt doesn't like idiot reporters.


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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like gambo or not, he's right on here. and he never advocates throwing the game. he just said that it would have been in their best interest to lose. i agree. never tank, but a loss would have been more beneficial than a win, imho.


May 19, 2003
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Omaha, NE
Originally posted by Ouchie-Z-Clown
like gambo or not, he's right on here. and he never advocates throwing the game. he just said that it would have been in their best interest to lose. i agree. never tank, but a loss would have been more beneficial than a win, imho.

Now that makes sense. Good opinion. Because it agrees with mine. :)


Captain of Team Murray
Jul 21, 2002
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Orange County, CA
Originally posted by Ouchie-Z-Clown
like gambo or not, he's right on here. and he never advocates throwing the game. he just said that it would have been in their best interest to lose. i agree. never tank, but a loss would have been more beneficial than a win, imho.

Then what do you propose? Lose the game on purpose?

Not to call you out, and I know it's been tense, but this is total idiocy.

I wanted the first pick. But when I looked at the box score, I was for about 3 seconds, upset. But that changed quickly since it was MY team. I'm happy for the team.

Screw the draft pick. This isn't the end of the world, and it might even be a blessing...


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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Originally posted by Krangthebrain
Then what do you propose? Lose the game on purpose?

Not to call you out, and I know it's been tense, but this is total idiocy.

I wanted the first pick. But when I looked at the box score, I was for about 3 seconds, upset. But that changed quickly since it was MY team. I'm happy for the team.

Screw the draft pick. This isn't the end of the world, and it might even be a blessing...

i'm not saying to lose on purpose (and isn't that the same thing as tanking which i just said i don't advocate?), i'm just saying that i'd have been happier if we'd have lost THIS game.

and where is the potential blessing in all this? curious . . .


Captain of Team Murray
Jul 21, 2002
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Orange County, CA
Originally posted by Ouchie-Z-Clown
i'm not saying to lose on purpose (and isn't that the same thing as tanking which i just said i don't advocate?), i'm just saying that i'd have been happier if we'd have lost THIS game.

and where is the potential blessing in all this? curious . . .

But to criticize the team (and I'm not implying that you do) is incredibly stupid.

Heck, I will admit it would be nice to have the first pick, but that would have required losing. And if the team doesn't "tank it" and actually tries, I have no problem with the outcome.

Tanking it, like some suggest and dumbadoro suggests, is the antithesis of the competition of sports. If I were a member of the team, I wouldn't want to lose to get a better draft pick.


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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Originally posted by Krangthebrain
But to criticize the team (and I'm not implying that you do) is incredibly stupid.

Heck, I will admit it would be nice to have the first pick, but that would have required losing. And if the team doesn't "tank it" and actually tries, I have no problem with the outcome.

Tanking it, like some suggest and dumbadoro suggests, is the antithesis of the competition of sports. If I were a member of the team, I wouldn't want to lose to get a better draft pick.

see, that's just it, due to the author's rep y'all make assumptions. now i don't want to reread the article, but i'm pretty no where did he advocate tanking. i think he just repeatedly says it's too bad they didn't play cardinal football (which, for the most part of the season, meant losing). i think many of you (and i'm not singling you out krang) see gambo and automatically assume the worse. i don't see him advocating tanking at all, just lamenting a lost opportunity. and i agree. i'm happy for the boys for the win. i'm sad we don't get the #1 pick that would have come with the loss. the two need not be mutually exclusive.


Dec 2, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ
Originally posted by nidan
You don't seem to get it.

He makes no effort to do any research, unlike Kent Somers and Darren Urbane (who are always there), he makes no effort to determine the facts. He doesn't visit the facility, interview management, coaches or players. All he does is decide on a story to write, then proceeds to write it. TYpically he gets his kicks out of bashing the Cardinals.

If Kent Somers writes something negative, then take it seriously. He does the leg work to be credible. This dork is just a hack who gets free tickets to games (or yes he does go even while calling for boycotts).

Gambo does more research into the Cardinals than 99% of the people who post on this board and claim to be experts. He speaks daily with multiple people who are at practice on a daily basis, and if you listen to the show, you know that he does interview plenty of players and coaches. There is a reason Coach Mac, Rod Graves, and several others love going on the show with him and do so without hesitation. He is also at every home game. And if you notice, practice gets out at 1:00 and he is on the air at 1:00. It is physically impossible for him to be at practice everyday.

That being said, I disagree with him quite often. But don't bash him personally and say his information is not credible because you don't like his opinions. Fact is, it is the highest rated local sports show in town by a long shot for a reason. Saying he makes no effort to do any research, while constantly posting hearsay on this board is poor "journalism" and to call him a hack in the same breathe is ridiculous.


Just A Face in The Crowd
Jun 13, 2002
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Goodyear, AZ
So Gambo, er...I mean lrk27...., if he's on the radio at 1pm when exactly does he have time to do his research? Don't think Nidan or Skkorp ever mentioned seeing him at practices.

And if he doesn't advocate "tanking it" why publish this phrase

"It was all right there for them. Lay down like the losers they are, finish the season with eight straight losses..."

The whole article reeks of bitterness. For some reason, he hates the Cardinals -- and that makes for biased "journalism" (which by definition should be objective). On second thought, his writings cannot be classified as journalism, period.


Apr 30, 2003
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From article:
It was all right there for them. Lay down like the losers they are, finish the season with eight straight losses and watch on television as Paul Tagliabue makes the announcement that with the first pick in the NFL draft the Arizona Cardinals select...

But not this team. The Cardinals decided to play for pride. They decided not to quit. They decided that for some reason this game had importance

What a jerk!

In the NFL you want to win games. The fract that the Cards never gave up is enough to cheer me up.

Good Character is hard to teach. But Strength, agility and quickness can be taught.

We still might get Ben or Eli. If not we get some defense, or trade down and get more picks for our money.



Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ.
Originally posted by lrk27
Gambo does more research into the Cardinals than 99% of the people who post on this board and claim to be experts. He speaks daily with multiple people who are at practice on a daily basis, and if you listen to the show, you know that he does interview plenty of players and coaches. There is a reason Coach Mac, Rod Graves, and several others love going on the show with him and do so without hesitation. He is also at every home game. And if you notice, practice gets out at 1:00 and he is on the air at 1:00. It is physically impossible for him to be at practice everyday.

That being said, I disagree with him quite often. But don't bash him personally and say his information is not credible because you don't like his opinions. Fact is, it is the highest rated local sports show in town by a long shot for a reason. Saying he makes no effort to do any research, while constantly posting hearsay on this board is poor "journalism" and to call him a hack in the same breathe is ridiculous.

Whaddya know. We bash a guy for bashing the Cards and all of a sudden a new poster shows up telling us what a good guy Gambo is. Coincidence? I think not.

Hey Gambo, shove it where the sun don't shine. Go spread your bile in New York where they appreciate idiots like yourself.


Dec 2, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ
I'm not trying to defend the article, I'm defending Gambo. I know for a fact he does his research and you don't have to be at practice everyday to do it. He has people who tell him exactly what happens at practice everyday. Trust me, he knows what is going on on a daily basis with the Cards. My "journalism" reference was not to his writing, but certain pieces on this site that constantly rip on the local media as if only Kent, Darren, and ASFN cover the practices. Everyone is ripping the article for who wrote it, not what is written in it. Apparently everyone is reading it, which is why he writes the column. If you don't like his writing, don't read it. But don't bash what he says simply because he said it.


Just A Face in The Crowd
Jun 13, 2002
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Goodyear, AZ
Originally posted by lrk27
If you don't like his writing, don't read it. But don't bash what he says simply because he said it.

We can bash whomever we want. It's a free country. It's obvious Gambo likes to bash the Cards, ergo, we like to bash Gambo.


Supporting Member
May 15, 2002
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Plymouth, UK
Actually my critic was that regardless of what he posts, he does it without research.

He doesn't like to muddy his writing with facts.

Card Trader

ASFN Lifer
May 14, 2002
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Chandler, AZ
How to lose all credibility with your first post on a message board, brought to you by Irk27:

Originally posted by lrk27
Gambo does more research into the Cardinals than 99% of the people who post on this board

green machine

I rule at posting
Sep 4, 2002
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Gambo is an arrogant prick.

I emailed him about one of the storys he wrote recently. I said how I disagreed, and gave facts to back up my claims.

On the following story he wrote he posts a couple of the emails he got, both emails said how right he was with the article.

As for my email...

I didn't even get a response.


Registered User
Jul 15, 2002
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section 8 row 10
I have to chime in. Gambo is a nothing. He is a loud mouthed, idiot with nothing to say and will swear by anything he says.He is paid for being on the Fox Arizona sports report and his information is 75-80% wrong, I believe he never does his homework on a story. The best thing that could happen for us is to see this nut job sent back to his loved new yok teams and see how long they will live with his bull.
What makes all these so called radio and Tv personalities like Gambo, Mark I hate the Bidwills Curtis, and the jerks on fox sports so arrogant. Tonight I watched and the end of the sports report was something to the effect, we will miss Mac but he will land on his feet with an organization that isn't like this cheap one. Then they laughed about how we wont bring in any good caoches because we are to cheap to pay. I guess they don't have to report the news they just make up the stuff and throw it in our faces. To cheap bologna. They are changing the way they do buisiness, NOt said, they are signing guys ahead of contracts, not said, they are getting picks into camp, not said, they are building a stadium with over $100 million of the Cards money.
I dislike the Gambos that have big mouths and look for the story they make up to please the hatred they feel for anyone who could saupport this team Heck WE ARE ALL IDIOTS.

I feel better...GBR

Cbus cardsfan

Back to Back ASFN FFL Champion
May 14, 2002
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The Cards will get their Qb if they want.Gambo's an idiot.Like i said in anither thread there's absolutely no way that both Eli and Ben are gone by pick 3.I'll bet anyone any amount,Gambo,Kiper et al.It's not going to happen.Like section 11,btw thanks for the husker pick, i think we'll have our choice of them at 3.


Superbowl, Homeboy!
May 14, 2002
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Expat in Kuala Lumpur
Originally posted by Cbus cardsfan
The Cards will get their Qb if they want.Gambo's an idiot.Like i said in anither thread there's absolutely no way that both Eli and Ben are gone by pick 3.I'll bet anyone any amount,Gambo,Kiper et al.It's not going to happen.

I was thinking the same thing when I read Gambo's article. It's plain stupid to believe that both are gone at #3.


May 5, 2003
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Originally posted by Cbus cardsfan
The Cards will get their Qb if they want.Gambo's an idiot.Like i said in anither thread there's absolutely no way that both Eli and Ben are gone by pick 3.I'll bet anyone any amount,Gambo,Kiper et al.It's not going to happen.Like section 11,btw thanks for the husker pick, i think we'll have our choice of them at 3.

you think both will be there at 3? ok how much?