Game of Thrones (HBO)

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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Yet another theory came out that Arya and the Waif actually wore each other's faces and that it was Arya that stabbed the Waif.

Don't think that theory holds water, but it's interesting considering how "not-Arya" Arya was leading up to the confrontation.

I didn't think that was possible? I thought the person had to be dead and the face removed to wear that face.

Dback Jon

Doing it My Way
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May 14, 2002
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South Scottsdale
Yet another theory came out that Arya and the Waif actually wore each other's faces and that it was Arya that stabbed the Waif.

Don't think that theory holds water, but it's interesting considering how "not-Arya" Arya was leading up to the confrontation.

How could the Waif wear Arya's face if Arya isn't dead?


Stone Cold
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Mar 13, 2004
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Modesto, California
Arya has become fairly cautious by nature....the girl bouncing around the docks throwing around bags of money was not in any way cautious.

the Arya who hid in the dark with needle at the ready to end the previous episode...THAT was Arya Stark

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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She was definitely acting weird though which I can't explain. Plus, she had that big lump of coin and was walking around like she wasn't scared or very concerned about getting assassinated. Seems strange for someone who knows what that group is capable of. Having said couldn't have been the Waif for the reasons mentioned above.

It might just simply be what we see on screen but I can't shake the feeling there is some misdirection (possibly because of the schizo theory).
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Stone Cold
Supporting Member
Banned from P+R
Mar 13, 2004
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Modesto, California
It was announced that episode 9 will run the full 60 minutes, while episode 10 will run a whopping 69 minutes.

does that mean they are cutting out the 40 minutes of commercials the regular episodes normally have?


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
She was definitely acting weird though which I can't explain. Plus, she had that big lump of coin and was walking around like she wasn't scared or very concerned about getting assassinated. Seems strange for someone who knows what that group is capable of. Having said couldn't have been the Waif for the reasons mentioned above.

It might just simply be what we see on screen but I can't shake the feeling there is some misdirection (possibly because of the schizo theory).

And where was Needle? That has been a huge aspect of the "It's not Arya" theories.


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
does that mean they are cutting out the 40 minutes of commercials the regular episodes normally have?

You're on the wrong thread, amigo. GoT doesn't have commercials :)

Otherwise, there are some interesting thoughts about Arya's situation here. I thought you had to be dead for someone to take your face, but I may be mistaken in that. Does your face have to come off to put another on, or do you wear it over your own? It's magic, so standard physics clearly don't apply. It's a corker, alright. I'm eager to see how it plays out.


Stone Cold
Supporting Member
Banned from P+R
Mar 13, 2004
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Modesto, California
You're on the wrong thread, amigo. GoT doesn't have commercials :)

Otherwise, there are some interesting thoughts about Arya's situation here. I thought you had to be dead for someone to take your face, but I may be mistaken in that. Does your face have to come off to put another on, or do you wear it over your own? It's magic, so standard physics clearly don't apply. It's a corker, alright. I'm eager to see how it plays out.

no commercials?? wow.....explains why I like it so much I guess...and why it takes so much longer to watch a dvr'ed episode than say,...TWD....

in a meager attempt at self was pre coffee thirty in the morning....


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
no commercials?? wow.....explains why I like it so much I guess...and why it takes so much longer to watch a dvr'ed episode than say,...TWD....

in a meager attempt at self was pre coffee thirty in the morning....

This is a more than reasonable excuse :)


Stone Cold
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Banned from P+R
Mar 13, 2004
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Modesto, California

Good it turns out, fighting blind can be an important life skill...who woulda thunkit?

even Bronn can see Jamie is in love......fascinating. Anyone think Jamie did what he did so she wouldn't have to kill him?

Tyrion has been absolutely bored to tears without intellectual conversation....and now no spiders either...........

pretty sure that attack was over the moment the black guy made it back to town.

overall...good episode....looking forward to seeing what comes of it....

oh yeah... The Hound....he is back...and he prefers chicken.

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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So much for all those wild theories after last week. Also, Jamie is such a complex character. I loved how one minute he was almost human and the next talking about babies and catapults. LOL.

Bob Chebat

The Silencer!
Jun 14, 2002
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Fountain Hills, AZ
Tonight's episode was very dull, and considering this season has only 2 left, it's starting to look like there will be a boatload of cliffhangers for next season. At least the hound is back!

Matt L

formerly known as mattyboy
Sep 14, 2002
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Phoenix, Arizona
I am excited for next week's episode but a little unimpressed from tonight's episode.

First for last week's episode. I believe Ian McShane's character shared some similar characteristics of a minor character from "A Feast of Crows." If it is the same guy or a character based on the book character, i do not believe they did him justice. In the book, there is a septon or holy man that was a peasant and took up arms in a previous war and provided insight to Brienne on how the common people view the war. I thought it was the best chapter in the book and i think they really missed an opportunity in the show, especially with such a good actor as Ian McShane.

Now tonight's episode in no particular order:

Blackfish - Great character. I am not sure why he stayed at the castle and fought to the death. He had actually ran before and is considered a great military mind in Westeros. I probably would have had him go to the North to use his battle acumen and help the rest of the Starks retake Winterfell.

The Hound - Glad he's back, he's somewhat the voice of reason in this terrible land. Sounds like the Brotherhood will be making their way north to battle the whitewalkers. Have the Brotherhood been absent for like 4 years? are they going to give some background on what they have been up to?

Daenerys - I hope those dragons destroyed the slavers and all the other enemies of Daenerys who i don't care about and get them moving to Westeros.

The Mountain - I need about 10 men to chop the mountain up one limb at a time. I am tired of seeing him kill people with his bare hands. It is disgusting and I do not want to be a part of a world where this man-corpse is allowed to kill haphazardly

Jaime Lannister - I really prefer his character in the books. In the books he actually really changed and recognizes Cersei is insane but is still acting out of duty to his father/house. In the show he has reverted back to the same guy he was in season one, he even said the same quote "The things we do for love..." In my opinion, what really makes this story different is that the characters are dynamic. I would prefer Jaime to be more dynamic.

That's all for me...
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Frank Kaminsky is my Hero.
Apr 2, 2005
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South Bay
Would've loved to have seen
Arya kill the Waif on camera. For all the torture she had to endure, it would've been poetic justice watching her get payback.

Methinks Tyrion is in a world of **** right now, and while I should know better, I have a feeling he's not going to survive much longer.

Next week's episode looks badass.


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
Ugh. What wasted potential, and what a bunch of cop-outs. For a show known for slow buildups that has taken this to an inexcusable extreme, they wasted too many opportunities for action that wouldn't take much time or money to show.

Show us more of Arya triumphing--don't just 'tell' us about it. Show us the Mountain cutting down a whole band of sparrows, don't just have him rip one apart. Show the Blackfish's final fight, don't just tell us about it.


Other problems:

Where has Dorne disappeared to? I mean, nobody in King's Landing seems to care about what they've done, and nobody in Dorne seems to care about persecuting the revenge they swore. The only way to make the Dorne plot worse was to pretend it isn't happening.

Tyrion? Way to make the most interesting character on the show yawnworthy.

The Masters have returned to Mereen with their ships. Oh noes, what will we do? Obviously Dany will return in time to save them, then in a later episode the Greyjoy fleet will arrive to help. GASP, SHOCKER, Dany returns at the last second!

At least there were some good bits in there, unlike early in the season.

Great stuff with the Hound and the BwB. Bronn and Pod was some much-needed fun. Finally getting to see Purple Mountain's Majesty in action--though not in MUCH action--was nice.

And at least we'll get action next week. It took them seven episodes to do much of anything, but at least we'll get that.


Stone Cold
Supporting Member
Banned from P+R
Mar 13, 2004
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Modesto, California
So much for all those wild theories after last week. Also, Jamie is such a complex character. I loved how one minute he was almost human and the next talking about babies and catapults. LOL.

That scene was a bit out of character for how Jamie has developed....I think all that bluster was solely designed to convince Edmure to surrender the seems nobody else there realized that HE was actually the rightful lord of River Run. Considering Edmure did not even know he actually had a son there is a chance the child does not even exist. Having the castle surrender serves multiple purposes.


Stone Cold
Supporting Member
Banned from P+R
Mar 13, 2004
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Modesto, California
Would've loved to have seen
Arya kill the Waif on camera. For all the torture she had to endure, it would've been poetic justice watching her get payback.

It was interesting how Djackin Hagall??? apparently released her from service with that nod... a man has a theory that he is Serio, the dancing instructor, and perhaps he is honoring an oath made to Ned Star to teach her to take care of herself...mission accomplished..... Personally I thought it was poetic justice that Arya used the darkness since it was the blind beatings by the waif that taught her to fight when she cannot see
Methinks Tyrion is in a world of **** right now, and while I should know better, I have a feeling he's not going to survive much longer.

I disagree...Daenarys may be upset over the deal he made at first....but the result?? All of her enemies were brought together crammed into a bay on wooden ships for Drogon to destroy at the same time.... it could not have been planned better. They will burn...... but they really should have shown it in this episode.

Any one else think Sansa should have called upon little finger and the knights of the vale? I have a feeling we will see him show up next week.

Next week's episode looks badass.

my words in bold

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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That scene was a bit out of character for how Jamie has developed....I think all that bluster was solely designed to convince Edmure to surrender the seems nobody else there realized that HE was actually the rightful lord of River Run. Considering Edmure did not even know he actually had a son there is a chance the child does not even exist. Having the castle surrender serves multiple purposes.

I think the opposite. I think it was in character. Jamie has struggled since his redemption arc started but let's not forget he has done some reprehensible things. I think it's normal he would struggle with his dark side and it comes out. Plus, I have zero doubt he would do something dark again if it's necessary regarding Cersei. I love seeing the tug of war in Jamie.


Stone Cold
Supporting Member
Banned from P+R
Mar 13, 2004
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Modesto, California
I think the opposite. I think it was in character. Jamie has struggled since his redemption arc started but let's not forget he has done some reprehensible things. I think it's normal he would struggle with his dark side and it comes out. Plus, I have zero doubt he would do something dark again if it's necessary regarding Cersei. I love seeing the tug of war in Jamie.

that could be true. For cersei...and for Brienne.... had the castle not surrendered he had to attack,...and she would challenge him to single combat...which he cant really refuse....I happen to think he is in love with that big the very least she is the only woman he has ever really respected. I think he is addicted to Cersei......and he has to know it is not likely he can beat Brienne.... but the duel would be a no win situation for him and a prolonged battle/siege keeps him away from Kings Landing.
In some ways, with his inner conflict...Jaime may feel his fate is tied to his sister and there is no reality where he can be with anyone else.....I really thought he was gonna get past that with the way she treated him when he finally returned to KL.............. it seams his only recourse at this point(knowing what we know but he does not) is to return to KL as a conqueror and overthrow his nephew killing all of the faith militant in the process. at 800 men the Lannister army is probably the only army big enough to do it...since the gates will likely be open to them.


Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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Chandler, Az
Ugh. What wasted potential, and what a bunch of cop-outs. For a show known for slow buildups that has taken this to an inexcusable extreme, they wasted too many opportunities for action that wouldn't take much time or money to show.

Show us more of Arya triumphing--don't just 'tell' us about it. Show us the Mountain cutting down a whole band of sparrows, don't just have him rip one apart. Show the Blackfish's final fight, don't just tell us about it.


Other problems:

Where has Dorne disappeared to? I mean, nobody in King's Landing seems to care about what they've done, and nobody in Dorne seems to care about persecuting the revenge they swore. The only way to make the Dorne plot worse was to pretend it isn't happening.

Tyrion? Way to make the most interesting character on the show yawnworthy.

The Masters have returned to Mereen with their ships. Oh noes, what will we do? Obviously Dany will return in time to save them, then in a later episode the Greyjoy fleet will arrive to help. GASP, SHOCKER, Dany returns at the last second!

At least there were some good bits in there, unlike early in the season.

Great stuff with the Hound and the BwB. Bronn and Pod was some much-needed fun. Finally getting to see Purple Mountain's Majesty in action--though not in MUCH action--was nice.

And at least we'll get action next week. It took them seven episodes to do much of anything, but at least we'll get that.

yeah I agree it was an episode where they missed a bunch of opportunities to make it great. Probably my least favorite of the season so far. The next two should be great though.


Massive Member
Jun 15, 2005
Reaction score
Moment, AZ
I am excited for next week's episode but a little unimpressed from tonight's episode.

First for last week's episode. I believe Ian McShane's character shared some similar characteristics of a minor character from "A Feast of Crows." If it is the same guy or a character based on the book character, i do not believe they did him justice. In the book, there is a septon or holy man that was a peasant and took up arms in a previous war and provided insight to Brienne on how the common people view the war. I thought it was the best chapter in the book and i think they really missed an opportunity in the show, especially with such a good actor as Ian McShane.

Now tonight's episode in no particular order:

Blackfish - Great character. I am not sure why he stayed at the castle and fought to the death. He had actually ran before and is considered a great military mind in Westeros. I probably would have had him go to the North to use his battle acumen and help the rest of the Starks retake Winterfell.

The Hound - Glad he's back, he's somewhat the voice of reason in this terrible land. Sounds like the Brotherhood will be making their way north to battle the whitewalkers. Have the Brotherhood been absent for like 4 years? are they going to give some background on what they have been up to?

Daenerys - I hope those dragons destroyed the slavers and all the other enemies of Daenerys who i don't care about and get them moving to Westeros.

The Mountain - I need about 10 men to chop the mountain up one limb at a time. I am tired of seeing him kill people with his bare hands. It is disgusting and I do not want to be a part of a world where this man-corpse is allowed to kill haphazardly

Jaime Lannister - I really prefer his character in the books. In the books he actually really changed and recognizes Cersei is insane but is still acting out of duty to his father/house. In the show he has reverted back to the same guy he was in season one, he even said the same quote "The things we do for love..." In my opinion, what really makes this story different is that the characters are dynamic. I would prefer Jaime to be more dynamic.

That's all for me...

I'm not so sure the Blackfish is dead at this point. I'll need to see a body before I buy it.