well yeah,...10 minutes after the episode I couldn't think of anything to say that was not a spoiler,lol...love the new button
HOLY crap!! excellent episode,...for all you guys screaming for pay off this episode pays off in spades!
Wow..... watching Ramsey get his face chewed off by his own hounds was....awesome,...yeah...the whole family was cheering for that.
Sad loss of the giant,...suxx for Rickon,...but the battle of the bastards was fantastic...
Was cool to see the banter between Daenarys and the greyjoys...those two broads together could do some damage. Nice to see all three dragons working in unison,... but in all honesty that scene was pretty under played...three grown dragons should be able to unleash much more damage than they did..
but IMO this was the absolute best episode of the season....and I am pretty sure Davos is going to stick a blade in the red with soon...thought it was gonna be tonight...but soon... wow...loved it...
HOLY crap!! excellent episode,...for all you guys screaming for pay off this episode pays off in spades!
Wow..... watching Ramsey get his face chewed off by his own hounds was....awesome,...yeah...the whole family was cheering for that.
Sad loss of the giant,...suxx for Rickon,...but the battle of the bastards was fantastic...
Was cool to see the banter between Daenarys and the greyjoys...those two broads together could do some damage. Nice to see all three dragons working in unison,... but in all honesty that scene was pretty under played...three grown dragons should be able to unleash much more damage than they did..
but IMO this was the absolute best episode of the season....and I am pretty sure Davos is going to stick a blade in the red with soon...thought it was gonna be tonight...but soon... wow...loved it...
I'm loving the new spoiler feature myself. It's really cool.
As to your spoiler, I'll answer the one bit in my spoiler below
I won't criticize them for not letting the grown dragons do more damage. Dany + Tyrion didn't want them to do more damage. They wanted an intact fleet and not to be seen as murdering tyrants by simply slaying all the innocents the Masters dragged to Mereen to fight for them.
I mean, as you saw from my other point, I'm plenty ready to criticize them for a lot, but not on this plot point
Meh, there were some awesome bits, but the sickening predictability of everything ruined all but some of it for me. I mean, my mother, who has never watched GoT, sat here and started putting words in character's mouths, which they would then go on to say, and began predicting what would happen lol Honestly, I'd probably have loved the episode if I didn't know what was going to happen every step of the way. W+B have really, really lost their sense of suspense. Completely.
I mean, I knew before the last episode that Dany would show up with the Dothraki and the dragons, defeat the Masters, and take their ships. I also knew that, right after that, Yara (Asha) and Theon would show up with their ships too. It was ridiculously timed, that the Greyjoy fleet would sail around half the world in two episodes to show up in the third, but I knew it was going to happen. Sure enough, Dany arrived last episode to save the day, and the Greyjoys showed up...ONLY ONE EPISODE SOONER!!!I mean, honestly, do they sail 5,000 mph or something?
So, that drained all the suspense out of that. Was it coolly staged? Sure. Was I glad a certain character got his mojo back? Absolutely. Did I plot it out 100 percent well beforehand? Yes, only it turned out worse lol.
Then there's the north, where all the cool battle stuff should have had a huge payoff. There WAS a lot to love there (though I did hate how weak/stupid they made a certain character/commander). The action was cool; the plot sucked balls.
There was zero mystery when Sansa wrote the letter calling for support, as I wrote episodes ago. My mother, a GoT n00b, started watching, I told her that it would all look hopeless for the good guys, that Ramsay would be at the instant of winning the battle, and lo and behold, Littlefinger and the Vale army would ride over the horizon. Her response? "Why are they dragging it out like this if they made it so obvious?" A huge, knock down, the good guys are in trouble battle only works if the audience DOESN'T KNOW HOW THEY'RE GOING TO GET OUT OF IT. They'll suspect, if not know, that the good guys will get out of it, but won't know how--but that's on a normal show or movie. On GoT, they'll really worry that the good guys WON'T get out of it at all. But, seriously, the way they telegraphed it, did anyone buy the twenty minutes of 'Oh god, we're all dying, it's hopeless, the good guys have lost?" crap? Far from bringing suspense, it merely burned valuable episode time that could have been spent on something important. NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE, was surprised when the Vale army showed up. Blah.
Now, there was a good bit of content to love about the episode, including the scene I'll comment on in the spoiler below. It's a shame it was surrounded by 1/2 an episode of "I know what's happening, so why don't you please skip your cheap schmuck bait and get to the point?"
Sansa and Ramsay. Yeah. Hell yeah. What the perfect way for her to finish him off. And he thought they'd never eat him, his own hounds. That was a lovely 'what goes around comes around' bit.
Usually this is the best episode of the season, episode 8. And it might have been the best episode of this season. That's sadly not saying a lot. Last season wasn't good, but at least Hardhome brought it back. Yes, we knew Hardhome would be a disaster, but we didn't know HOW it would be disastrous. Perhaps that was the last time W+B managed to capture lightning in a bottle. Oh well.
I seriously don't get all the complaining either. This episode by far was probably the most epic thing ever filmed on TV. Sure, where there a couple things predictable? OK but not predictable in the normal sense of the word.
And, see, this is what, in part, drove me to write such a scathing review--so many fan boys and girls were like "OMG, this is the best thing evah!" bop bop bop crack bubblegum OMG. It's NOT the 'most epic thing ever filmed on TV' (sorry, but you really nailed the silly fanboy thing with THAT quote)--it's not even close to the most epic thing filmed on that very SERIES. Cinematography-wise and stage combat wise, it was awesome. There were a few good/great scenes, but it lacked what makes the ep 9 episodes great: dramatic tension. Story wise, it bored me to TEARS. There was no dramatic tension. NONE. Since I knew what was going to happen in this episode, and when it was going to happen, and exactly HOW it was going to happen for weeks (which I'm on record as predicting, btw), then I'm sorry, I will never, ever agree with the 'best thing EVAH' stance and will argue it to my dying day.
Yeah, unpredictable for Stout is him coming on here and saying he didn't watch it. LOLNo what is driving you to write such a scathing review is you have convinced yourself that the show is no longer good. So, you each week look to nitpick and point out all that is wrong to justify how you feel. You go out of your way now to critique the show. So, if I am a fan boy you are the polar opposite in that you feel almost obligated to blast the show each week.
To me, I have seen many set pieces throughout the show (the fight with the White Walkers etc.). Saying it was epic has nothing to do with being a fan boy. It's be recognizing the cinematography and the stage for which they filmed the first truly outright full scale battle and had dragons to boot. If you wanted the commentary after the show, even the writers said that was something that they had not done before in terms of scale. Acknowledging that is not being a fan boy.
Sorry you are bored of the show. Speaking of predictable....I can pretty much predict how you are going to react each week Stout. That is more predictable than anything on the show.
No what is driving you to write such a scathing review is you have convinced yourself that the show is no longer good. So, you each week look to nitpick and point out all that is wrong to justify how you feel. You go out of your way now to critique the show. So, if I am a fan boy you are the polar opposite in that you feel almost obligated to blast the show each week.
To me, I have seen many set pieces throughout the show (the fight with the White Walkers etc.). Saying it was epic has nothing to do with being a fan boy. It's recognizing the cinematography and the stage for which they filmed the first truly outright full scale battle and had dragons to boot. If you watched the commentary after the show, even the writers said that was something that they had not done before in terms of scale. Acknowledging that is not being a fan boy.
Sorry you are bored of the show. Speaking of predictable....I can pretty much predict how you are going to react each week Stout. That is more predictable than anything on the show.
Actually my biggest issue was was the running in a straight line and making an easy target for Ramsay. Minor complaint but if I had it my way, I would have wanted him to zig zag and Ramsay still hit him with the arrow. Sure, I would have though him hitting him that way would have been ridiculous too but probably slightly less then having a character run in straight line.
I think the episode did pretty much exactly what I as an audience member wanted it to do. The fact that they didn't throw some M. Night twist to make it dark doesn't really bother me. Do I think it's the best writing on television? Nope, not at all (Person of Interest holds the current title IMO).Hey, I came on here and absolutely gushed about one of the episodes this season. Not only did I not get credit for that, I instead got blasted because everyone hated it
The way you wrote it originally made it seem like you thought it was the absolute best episode of TV you've ever seen, which I think is ludicrous, but you've since clarified in your above post, which is more realistic. I still really disagree, but oh well.
I get it. It's the water cooler show that everyone loves and everyone loves to talk about, and it WAS a great episode as it pertains to cinematography. I'll give you all that.
But I mean honestly, and be honest here--did anyone not know exactly what was going to happen, how it was going to happen, and when it was going to happen? Please, I'd like a few real answers here. So, if we all knew these things, how am I such a spoil sport for thinking that's really bogus writing? Chap, I'm looking at you specifically here. How can you, as a writer, not agree that that's poor writing, and a lack of dramatic tension?
Hey, I came on here and absolutely gushed about one of the episodes this season. Not only did I not get credit for that, I instead got blasted because everyone hated it
The way you wrote it originally made it seem like you thought it was the absolute best episode of TV you've ever seen, which I think is ludicrous, but you've since clarified in your above post, which is more realistic. I still really disagree, but oh well.
I get it. It's the water cooler show that everyone loves and everyone loves to talk about, and it WAS a great episode as it pertains to cinematography. I'll give you all that.
But I mean honestly, and be honest here--did anyone not know exactly what was going to happen, how it was going to happen, and when it was going to happen? Please, I'd like a few real answers here. So, if we all knew these things, how am I such a spoil sport for thinking that's really bogus writing? Chap, I'm looking at you specifically here. How can you, as a writer, not agree that that's poor writing, and a lack of dramatic tension?
I think the episode did pretty much exactly what I as an audience member wanted it to do. The fact that they didn't throw some M. Night twist to make it dark doesn't really bother me. Do I think it's the best writing on television? Nope, not at all (Person of Interest holds the current title IMO).
But I'm not going to complain about the writing because I am enjoying the hell out of the show. Bad writing to me is unrealistic dialog -- like using modern colloquialisms -- and this show doesn't have much of that. Predictable, sure, and that may not be impressive, but I don't mind it.
I knew young Stark was going to get an arrow and not make it. I had a bigger problem with how the seen played out (running in a straight line). I still thought it was necessary for Jon's character to play it out the way it did. Something can still be predictable but add tension to the scene. It did. No matter how predictable the scene served it's purpose. The agony in Jon's eyes and the rage said it all.
I figured someone would come at the last minute to help Jon and company out. However, the battle itself was anything but formulaic. That was NOT predictable which to me completely changes how I viewed that scene. As I stated above, I thought Jon could possibly die again and his return would have been nothing more than a temporary tease. Why? Because this is GOT and show has proven to be sadistic over and over again.
Also, yes...I didn't know EXACTLY what was going to happen or how it was going to happen. I would imagine that applies to the majority of fans or nobody would have tuned in. Conceptually I thought they would win the battle. I could not have predicted the ugly non-formulaic execution of the battle.
I was a big fan of period movies with battle scenes growing up. The one problem I had with most of them is how they would play out. You could pretty much say, good guy outsmarts bad guy on field 99% of the time.
Um, no, sorry, but bad writing is far, faaaaar more than merely unrealistic dialogue. Shame on you there, Chap. Shame (cue the High Sparrow and shaved-head Cersei lol)
Now, no turning it around. I wasn't expecting an M. Night Shamalamadingdong twist or anything, just a better structuring of how it all went down. You should never, ever have a majority of the audience knowing exactly how something like that is going to turn out, complete with exact details and timing, especially several episodes away. Epic fail.
So, what you're saying is you can ignore the lack of dramatic tension because you're just buying into the pulpy fun of the show right now? I can get behind that kind of sentiment, at least, the 'no, it's not great, but damn it, it's FUN' mentality. I can't do it, but at least I can understand that.
Maybe that's the problem then: I'm too intelligent for this show (not that I'm saying anyone's not intelligent for liking it at this point--let me make that clear). I mean, all the signposts were there. All the moving pieces were telegraphed several episodes ago. How could you NOT know what was going to happen and when? And this isn't hindsight being 20-20. I called this. All of it.
I seriously don't get all the complaining either. This episode by far was probably the most epic thing ever filmed on TV. Sure, where there a couple things predictable? OK but not predictable in the normal sense of the word.
I thought it was predictable that Jon and his army would start losing the battle until someone came in to help. However, it was so brilliantly filmed that I thought for one second Jon might not make it. Also, even though I thought they might get saved and you could say the "win" was predictable....the way it happened sure was UGLY. Like one of the ugliest wins I have ever seen. Normally when something like that is filmed the battle is so formulaic and "clean". Good guy outsmarts bad guy...etc. The battle was chaotic, luck played a huge role, stuff didn't go as planned. That to me is not typical formula for winning a battle.
I have to admit, unlike what Stout said, yes, I did think for a moment it might be the end of Jon..again. Not because I didn't exactly see more troops coming to save the day but because if anything GOT has been sadistic. It's been completely unforgiving when it comes to killing fan favorites. So, as he was getting buried...I thought @#$@#$@ but I was hoping that my prediction of a last minute save would happen. So I completely disagree with Stout in that if they had killed Jon again to tease fans.....NOW THAT would not have surprised me one bit.
Starks finally getting some revenge, Ramsay Bolton getting what he deserved and Sansa's little smirk as she walked away? Loved it. Still one of the best shows on TV bar none.
What are you talking about? When has Game of Thrones EVER done what you expect it to do? This is the exception, not the rule. This season has been unlike any of the seasons before it. We get that you don't like it, but hey, you didn't like the previous seasons either. And don't put words into my mouth.
Ignore the lack of dramatic tension? What are you talking about? Even though Rickon's fate was pretty much pre-ordained, there are plenty of questions still there. You are acting like there are no questions and Your Holiness thinks he knows what's going to happen. Why bother watching at all, Your Holiness? This is a question we continually ask you about... well... EVERYTHING. And you always come back with a weak answer like, "well, I hope it gets better." But we all know that you will NEVER think the show as a whole will get better, so why bother?
Why don't you write something better? It always burns me that you and people like you find it so easy to criticize--then you call yourself "too intelligent" for the show. What arrogant presumption! Amazing!
I think you have it stuck in your head that predictability is always bad. It's not. Every show that has ever been on television is predictable. It's like you want a twist in every episode. I could nitpick every show on TV for the same thing. Why? It doesn't have to be unpredictable to be great television.
Not that I am saying you're not intelligent or doubting your precognition abilities but I seriously doubt you knew EXACTLY what was going to happen, when it was going to happen and how it was going to happen. So much so that you could have written the episode and saved the writers of the show lot's of time. Aside from the high level predictability, I would enjoy seeing you post each week what you predict for the following week. At least it wouldn't seem like bashing just to bash.
I feel like Stout needs to give us an exact outline of what he expects to see happen in the Finale. If he's right, he's absolutely too intelligent for the show. If not, maybe he stops criticizing anyone who likes the show as fanboys or whatever other names he seemingly wants to shame people into for liking the show... And this is coming from someone who has been entertained this season, but definitely thinks it's easily the weakest of the bunch, mostly because it's been relatively predictable.
That last episode was definitely a red meat episode, no big surprises, but still entertaining.