Hall of Famer
You explain it yourself. It has nothing to do with height.
Magic defended forwards mostly and started almost always alongside two guards one was typically a small guard / point guard. So technically Magic was a small forward unless you believe that PG is defined as the one running the offense in which case we should consider Lebron a PG too, which we do not.
So in todays game Magic would be considered a forward clearly.
We define players primarily by the role they fill on offense. Yes, Magic played next to players such as Scott and Cooper and often times he would defend the small forward while they defended the guards. But there was never a question as to his position, he was and still would be a point guard. He brought the ball up-court often times in fast break mode. In the half court, he clearly originated the offense. Lebron does some of what Magic does but to nowhere near the extent that Magic did. That's why Magic averaged 12 or 13 assists per game for several years and Lebron averages 6 or 7.