So when they say 2 Heroes die next week is Mohinder part of that group? as he is not "truely" a hero.
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So, Adam dead and Nikki dead. Who's with me?
nikki is dead...the cure won't work or something.
Micah and St. Joan will be together as a superhero tandem, they've already started teaming them up ...he'll stay with his jackass cousin.
Other death...hmmm...Adam? Head chopped off and all? This IS the end of the generations storyline.
So, Adam dead and Nikki dead. Who's with me?
(and I don't want adam to die...I love sark...he's a great character on this show too).
eh. I think you guys are being hyper-critical. Is it as good as last season? no. In that sense, they're a victim of their own success. It started slower, and just when it should be hitting it's stride, it's cut short because of the strike.
I still enjoy it.
That's why time-travel stories are so tough to pull off. But, I might still say the answer is "no."Here's a question that I was thinking about. If Peter kills Hiro, won't Claire be "unsaved" since Hiro comes from the further future to tell Peter "save the cheerleader, save the world"?
But, I might still say the answer is "no."
yes."No" she's not saved or "no" she isn't unsaved?
And there's the paradox--if it doesn't exist, how can he come back to save her from it. The nature of time as it's accepted on the show is a "stream." One thing flows from another. but how can something flow that depends on something downstream in order to do so.She isn't "unsaved" because the future that Hiro came from no longer exists. It ceased to exist as soon as she was saved.
i stopped watching this show probably 4 weeks in and never really looked back. have the wheels fallen off it THAT much?
Didn't they also tell us that 93% of the worlds population will die? I don't think that's going to happen, though.Nathan will die. Afterall didn't they tell us he dies in the first wave like 3-4 episodes ago?