I think we have all had enough of a go at Kyler.
After all, he is our QB, still young and learning about life, not in the best situation any young QB would want to be, or tied to the franchise most players would want to be, dealing with a major injury, and getting plummeted from all sides by every kind of so-called sports authority, including players and fans, even his own.
He has maybe made some questionably poor and immature personal decisions and actions. But I have not heard or read anywhere that he has shot off a gun, got involved with drugs, gotten in a hit and run while under the influence, got pulled over for DUI, or slapped his wife/gf around.
So maybe it's time we get behind our guy, showing him a bit of respect and love, and demonstrate for him the maturity and grace we hope he learns to exemplify. Like it or not, he is ours for the coming years, and we would be better off taking some responsibility in helping him mature as a person, QB, and leader. And as far as I know, just like with anyone's son or daughter, that is always better done in a positive supportive way.
If I am wrong, then I am wrong! However, Kyler is our guy and we should have his back. For me, we should begin helping and supporting him, not continuing with the opposite.