does anyone else have a feeling that this is it for DA this year, win or else?
and before anyone chimes in with a "yeah, a guy who won 62, 54 and 61 games, yada, yada, yada", go look up Paul Westphaul's numbers his first three years with the Suns and notice when his tenure ended. this team has too much talent on it not to win the title next year and the only thing that can seemingly hold us back is philosophy, for good or bad.
I strongly disagree with this. By definition, half of all teams have losing records, and only a handful of coaches win a championship even once in their careers. "Win it all or else" is an impossibly high standard, and throwing out a great coach because he routinely positions his team to win it all but hasn't quite done it yet is a recipe for mediocrity in the long run.
The standard argument against D'Antoni, as I read it, is that the bar should be higher for D'Antoni because the Suns have enough talent to win it all, so it must be his coaching that holds the team back. I think that's probably backwards.
I love Nash and I love the Suns, but surely we all realize that the Suns overperform to their talent in the regular season because they have an unusual style that teams can't or won't adapt to during the regular season. Even for teams that might be able to beat the Suns, it's just not worth it to try to develop a strategy to beat them at their running game during the regular season.
It's like facing a knuckball pitcher in baseball. Pitching knuckballs isn't necesarily more effective than standard pitches -- if it were, then everyone would do it. Instead, it works because almost nobody does it, and therefore batters don't figure it's worth it to practice much against it.
That's the real reason the Suns struggle in the post-season: over a seven game series, where it's win or go home, teams actually do make the effort to work out a strategy for competing against the Suns.
If you buy my argument, then the Suns are not actually as good as their win-loss record would suggest, and the individual players aren't as good as their stats might suggest. And yet, even taking all that into account, D'Antoni has the team right on the cusp of pulling it off anyway. I think if you brought another coach in who played a more conventional style, the team would lose an extra ten games a year and wouldn't be a contender.
And let me add, I wouldn't want it any other way. I like the Suns precisely because they are bucking conventional wisdom. I like Nash precisely because he finds a way to dominate the game even though he's short and slow and getting old (like me). I know not everybody feels this way, but I would rather take a chance with our style and lose than, say, play like the Spurs and win.