How many remaining coaches have to be fired before you believe Wiz has control ?


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
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Pendy's still here, that's the only coach that most of us were specifically pointing to.

BTW it's not just a matter of cheapness folks, some of this in fact all of it goes to upper management meddling.

It's plausible that some players on the team like Pendy, specifically Wilson or others who's numbers have greatly benefited from the guy, Wilson is probably in the Pro Bowl because of Pendy and how he's used, although many times when Wilson dosen't get there our corners are getting lit on fire because of the lack of help but I digress.

The point isn't specifically that the Bidwills are cheap, the point is why is there such a fuss over a coach that's produced extremely marginal results here?

That's all I'm talking about, that Cardinal way that's so familar, that idea that even though they've lost forever that they've somehow just been unlucky, that all the events happening to them can be blamed on bad coaches, although if they like a guy it's then not him, it's just the circumstances.

Pendy would not get a DC job in the league right now IMO, he might get a lower lever position and probably would but IMO they're granting way too much grace for the man considering his performance.


Supporting Member
May 15, 2002
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Plymouth, UK
Corn, Personally I have real bias one way or another regarding CP.

I think that Wiz and RG will decide and I'm not to worked up about the details of that. I would be stunned if the RG didn't listen to the HC he just hired.

You keep talking about familiy meddeling, others want to call it cheap. Whaever one of us says you head for the next place from which to base your disbelief.

The end game is usually along the lines of 'Well the've been sucking for years, so why would that change now'. I just get tired of the negativity based on the same old lines when it looks like they really are trying to change.

With DG they finally were prepared to pay for a top rated Hc with experience, they just picked the wrong one. This was the first time I think they really started to break the old mode of doing business. Hopfully Wi will be better


Jun 10, 2002
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With DG they finally were prepared to pay for a top rated Hc with experience, they just picked the wrong one.

That's basically the same thing people said about Buddy Ryan.

The question you have to ask is are the people in charge of the football team compentant enough to suceed no matter what they try.

Many fans don't think so.


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
Corn, Personally I have real bias one way or another regarding CP.

I think that Wiz and RG will decide and I'm not to worked up about the details of that. I would be stunned if the RG didn't listen to the HC he just hired.

You keep talking about familiy meddeling, others want to call it cheap. Whaever one of us says you head for the next place from which to base your disbelief.

The end game is usually along the lines of 'Well the've been sucking for years, so why would that change now'. I just get tired of the negativity based on the same old lines when it looks like they really are trying to change.

With DG they finally were prepared to pay for a top rated Hc with experience, they just picked the wrong one. This was the first time I think they really started to break the old mode of doing business. Hopfully Wi will be better

I don't think we're really as far apart as you think we are.

I'm not saying things aren't better they are, most definitely much better, however they were as evidenced by our record awful.

Much better for us would be sniffing the playoffs and my point is that with the young talent we have we need to be thinking more than playoffs we need these guys to win a championship.

I know MB wants to do that, for the first time I think it's almost the prioty it should be rather than being some abstract idea that would be nice if it happend as long as the Bidwill's could remain true to everything they think works and then have it happen, sure they wanted to win.

I just know this team, I watch for the remains of that line of thinking were ever it may lurk because if too much of it remains we'll have almost no shot at the Super Bowl.

I don't want CP's dubious defense be the reason we lose in the playoffs when another option could have fixed the problem, it's so historically set in stone that even good things this team get's going are sabotaged by ownership thinking they know what they were doing.

So I'm not that darksided about this whole thing, I see us having an excellent chance at the playoffs now, worrying about CP at all though is just a very Cardinal thing to do, it's like holding onto failure. I don't mind that they retained the coaches but from things we've heard his situtation wasn't like the other coaches, he seems to have the blessing of the FO and that's just strange IMO.