The Magic Wand
It's natural to look for the one secret to the holy grail of winning football, so why not Age?
OK, why not age?
But what about lacking an NFL-caliber QB? (In my opinion, that's 50% or more of the problem right there)?
And then there's what I call: "lacking answers" to what other teams throw at us. What's our answer when we're being blacktopped by the other team's smashmouth RB? What's our answer when they keep completing passes to a hot TE? What's our answer to tight coverage of our WR's? What do we do to counter our RB's being stoned at the LOS? Winning teams always find a way to adjust. Unfortunately we don't.
And what about "poise?" Ever notice how winning teams find ways to bounce back from 21 - 7 halftime deficits, whereas - once we fall behind, we tend to lose our composure and stay behind?
This is one season where (with the exception of QB) our problems don't have to do with lack of player-talent. I know it's easy to blame ownership and want to fire everyone else, but I do believe we've got to take a long, hard look at the Front Office and our assistant coaching.
To be especially politically incorrect - All we've heard about for nearly 3 years is how great a coach Russ Grimm is. If so, why has our offensive line underperformed for all three seasons?
Yeah, we have a few golden-oldsters in guys like Bridges, Faneca, Joey and Bryant Robinson, but they haven't been the main cause of our decline (In fact, a case could be made that, if we didn't have Jeremy, Alan and Joey, we'd have sucked even worse).
No, there's plenty of other blame to go around (starting with those who screwed up evaluating and developing Leinart and rolled the dice on Anderson and haven't developed a premier TE for at least a decade).