McNabb: Too late for an apology from Limbaugh


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Jan 7, 2003
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Long lonesome highway east of Omaha
McNabb: Too late for an apology from Limbaugh

Associated Press
Oct. 1, 2003 11:45 AM

PHILADELPHIA - Donovan McNabb isn't looking for an apology from Rush Limbaugh, who said he was overrated because the media wanted to see a black quarterback succeed.

It's too late for that.

"He said what he said. ... I'm sure he's not the only one that feels that way but it's somewhat shocking to actually hear that on national TV," the Philadelphia Eagles' quarterback said of Limbaugh at a news conference Wednesday. "An apology would do no good because he obviously thought about it before he said it."

Before McNabb led the Philadelphia Eagles to a 23-13 victory over the Buffalo Bills on Sunday, Limbaugh said on ESPN's pregame show that he didn't think McNabb was as good as perceived from the start.

"I think what we've had here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well," Limbaugh said. "There is a little hope invested in McNabb, and he got a lot of credit for the performance of this team that he didn't deserve. The defense carried this team."

Limbaugh didn't back down from his comments during his syndicated radio talk show Wednesday.

"All this has become the tempest that it is because I must have been right about something," Limbaugh said. "If I wasn't right, there wouldn't be this cacophony of outrage that has sprung up in the sports writer community."

The NFL disclaimed any responsibility.

"ESPN knew what it was getting when they hired Rush Limbaugh," league vice president Joe Browne said. "ESPN selects its on-air talent, not the NFL."

Chris Berman, who anchors the ESPN show, described himself as "a New England Democrat" but added "I don't think Rush was malicious in intent or in tone."

"As cut and dry as it seems in print, I didn't think so when it went by my ears," he said. "I probably should have looked to soften it.

"We're sorry we upset a guy who got off to a rough start. We don't need to be in the middle of his travails.

"As the quarterback of the show, I feel bad about it. I don't think it was meant the way it came out. I don't think that defines the way Rush feels about people."

McNabb, who was runner-up for the league MVP award in 2000 and has led the Eagles to two straight NFC championship games, said he has no quarrel with Limbaugh's comment on his playing ability. "I know I played badly the first two games," he said Wednesday.

McNabb got off to the worst start of his career this season and was the NFL's lowest-rated starting quarterback after losses to Tampa Bay and New England. Still, the Eagles are 36-22 in games he started.

Limbaugh reiterated Wednesday that he doesn't think McNabb is a bad player, just that he isn't as good as some media members think he is.

"This is such a mountain out of a molehill," he said. "There's no racism here, there's no racist intent whatsoever."

McNabb said Wednesday that Limbaugh's comments about his race were out of bounds and added that someone on the show should have taken him on. Among the other panelists are former players Michael Irvin and Tom Jackson, both of whom are black.

"I'm not pointing at anyone but someone should have said it," McNabb said of the panelists, who also include Berman and Steve Young. "I wouldn't have cared if it was the cameraman."

Seven black quarterbacks started games last Sunday. Two other blacks who regularly start, Daunte Culpepper of Minnesota and Michael Vick of Atlanta, were out with injuries.


Registered User
Jul 15, 2002
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section 8 row 10
I alweays hated that racist Limbaugh. This is not the first time he has pointed to peolpe different than him as not good enough. Fredom of speech is one thing hurting this ass should be like freedom of the listener.



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Feb 3, 2003
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The Aventine
I don't have an opinion on Limbaugh one way or another, but I don't think what he said was racist; nor was he saying McNabb wasn't good enough, just overrated.


ASFN Addict
Jan 7, 2003
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Long lonesome highway east of Omaha
I think the fact that the NFL and Chris Berman are distancing themselves from Rush speaks volumes.

Poll question someone:

Whose career on the NFL broadcast will last longer a) Dennis Miller or b) Rush Limbaugh?

Brian in Mesa

Advocatus Diaboli
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If Rush only wanted to say that McNabb is overrated, why didn't he simply say "In my opinion, McNabb is overrated." :confused:

Another stupid comment from him was ""All this has become the tempest that it is because I must have been right about
something. If I wasn't right, there wouldn't be this cacophony of outrage that has sprung up in the sports writer community."

I like McNabb's comment about how someone on the show should have said something to Limbaugh..."I'm not pointing at anyone but someone should have said it. I wouldn't have cared if it was the cameraman."


Jolly Nihilist
Jan 17, 2003
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Old Town Scottsdale
oh, yeah....

the media have really been raving about Akili Smith, Jeff Blake, Aaron Brrooks. :rolleyes: Another rightwinger looking for the famous "liberal media bias".....
Tommy Maddox, Tom Brady, Jake Plummer - have gotten media notice. It's all about sports - but NOT to Rush-the Republican -mouthpiece-Limbaugh


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Feb 3, 2003
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The Aventine
Originally posted by WizardOfAz
I think the fact that the NFL and Chris Berman are distancing themselves from Rush speaks volumes.

It doesn't sound to me like Berman is distancing himself from it at all. And the NFL statements to me sound exactly like they should. Why would they comment on an ESPN employee's opinions?

If Rush only wanted to say that McNabb is overrated, why didn't he simply say "In my opinion, McNabb is overrated."

How is an estimation of value ("overrated") anything but opinion? It clearly can't be conveyed as undisputed fact.


Grey haired old Bird
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May 9, 2002
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Sun City, AZ
Originally posted by SECTION 11
I think McNabb is completely overrated and I think Rush is a jackass.

Amen, brother. McNabb and Limbaugh are both less than they perceive they are.


Jan 1, 2003
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Central Illinois
Originally posted by Brian in Mesa
If Rush only wanted to say that McNabb is overrated, why didn't he simply say "In my opinion, McNabb is overrated." :confused:

Another stupid comment from him was ""All this has become the tempest that it is because I must have been right about
something. If I wasn't right, there wouldn't be this cacophony of outrage that has sprung up in the sports writer community."

I like McNabb's comment about how someone on the show should have said something to Limbaugh..."I'm not pointing at anyone but someone should have said it. I wouldn't have cared if it was the cameraman."

Rush is not racist or the great thinker he thinks he is. But some times he is right and this is one of them. He has nothing to appolgize for. The rest of you people would normally agree with this its just that Rush said it. So you don't.

There are some good black quarter backs and have been for some time but there has yet to be a truly great one. Vic - maybe but you can't say it yet. Leftwhich - maybe but you can't say it yet. And yet every time a good blak qb comes along he is anointed as great.

There will be some great ones come along. No reason to think they won't, unless you are truly racist. Rush did not say that.

There is a liberal bias and its as clear as the board I am reading.
The fact that you guys despise Rush so much is evidence of your bias. How can we expect you to see the bias when you suffer from the same bias. We can't so I don't.

By the way. As badly as this team played last week, I tend to think a lot of that was just growing pains. We are not going to the Supperbowl this year or even the playoffs. But I expect this team to continue to get better as the year goes along with a lot of promis for next year.

Thank you - sorry for the rant.


May 14, 2002
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Holmdel, NJ
I think McNabb is completely overrated and I think Rush is a jackass.
If McNabb - whether he was black, white or green - wanted to relocate to the Valley, I'd lock him in a room til he signed. (Note - He was the dude that whup-assed us playing on one leg).

And I think you owe jackasses everywhere an apology for the above comment.


Too much good stuff
Jul 2, 2003
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Is everything
Originally posted by dopleganger
There is a liberal bias and its as clear as the board I am reading.
The fact that you guys despise Rush so much is evidence of your bias. How can we expect you to see the bias when you suffer from the same bias. We can't so I don't.
This comment is so much crap. You think because someone doesn't agree with your opinion of Rush that their opinions are bias? Your post was totally condescending and bogus.


Jan 9, 2003
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Scottsdale and one-eleven
Rush is famous for understanding how to get under people's skin. He's very experienced at it, and is skilled at pushing the envelope, without ripping it open. That's why ESPN hired the guy. Ratings. Exposure. I'll bet they're thrilled that people like us are talking about this, all over the country.

For me? I don't listen to him, except since he got to ESPN, (no choice) because his voice bothers me, and he's contrived.

Carry on, doing exactly what Rush wants you to do.


Jan 1, 2003
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Central Illinois
Re: oh, yeah....

Originally posted by andikrist
the media have really been raving about Akili Smith, Jeff Blake, Aaron Brrooks. :rolleyes: Another rightwinger looking for the famous "liberal media bias".....
Tommy Maddox, Tom Brady, Jake Plummer - have gotten media notice. It's all about sports - but NOT to Rush-the Republican -mouthpiece-Limbaugh

andi, andi, andi. (I say in a pitting voice). Thats becouse there talent level was or is now clear. These very qb's were vastly overrated at one time. Except for Blake, who I really like and am glad we got em. Blake is a good qb that is getting older however and I would have liked Leftwich but it was just not in the cards.

All qb's can and are overrated from time to time, not a big deal. I don't think this is some big conspiracy to eliminate white qbs so we have all black qbs. And I don't think Rush thought so either but I can't speak for him. No its just the natual tendency of liberals to promote there social agenda instead of just letting things happen naturally.

As far as your belief that there is no liberal bias - see my previos post.

Is there a spell check on here somewhere? A spell check would be nice for us right wing wackos that can't spell.


Oct 11, 2002
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Between the Pipes
Originally posted by JeffGollin
And I think you owe jackasses everywhere an apology for the above comment.[/COLOR]

I'm playing the ol', "I'm a jackass so I can call other people jackasses" card. I'm crafty like that.


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May 13, 2002
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Chandler, Az
Originally posted by JeffGollin
I think McNabb is completely overrated and I think Rush is a jackass.
If McNabb - whether he was black, white or green - wanted to relocate to the Valley, I'd lock him in a room til he signed. (Note - He was the dude that whup-assed us playing on one leg).

And I think you owe jackasses everywhere an apology for the above comment.

I agree 100%. I remember the first time I saw him play for the Orangemen. He was unstoppable. I'm sure Dave Pasch could tell you all what this kid brings to the table.

Rush has no clue what he is talking about. He is just trying to get publicity by saying something "Shocking". It's what he has done his whole career.


Jan 1, 2003
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Central Illinois
Originally posted by Rivercard
This comment is so much crap. You think because someone doesn't agree with your opinion of Rush that their opinions are bias? Your post was totally condescending and bogus.

Oh contrare my friend. I didn't mean that at all. Your opinion of Rush is your opinion but what is it bassed on? I am refering to all of the stuff I have read on this board(and the previous board) over the years. Specific examples excape me at the moment and are beside the point anyway.

We all have our biases. Thats a fact.

We don't always understand or comprehend them (including me). I have heard many things about Rush over the years and since I had actually lisened to hem quite a bit from time to time I knew they were either 1 taken our of context. 2 greatly missrepresented or 3 actual lies. I don't know why this would even be debated.

When ever some one has a strong opinnion on anything be it politics, football or basketweaving, somebody else will have just as strong of an opinnion on the otherside. And some of those people will attempt to discredit that other person. Especially if that person is percieved to be in a position of power or influence.

I really don't care what you think of Rush - I don't personnaly like him that much myself. He is too much of an elietest - though he will never admit it. How can we expect him to admit that when you can't even admit you have a bias?

Hows that. See I could have responded by saying "no I aint you are" to your full of crap comment. But would that make me?


Jan 1, 2003
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Central Illinois
Originally posted by MadCardDisease
I agree 100%. I remember the first time I saw him play for the Orangemen. He was unstoppable. I'm sure Dave Pasch could tell you all what this kid brings to the table.

Rush has no clue what he is talking about. He is just trying to get publicity by saying something "Shocking". It's what he has done his whole career.

Man you people. Ok this is my last response, then I have to go back to work.

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't somebody on this very board post the thought that Mcnabb was overrated? Didn't I read in somebodys list of of most overrated that Mcnabb was one of them? I dunno maybe I didn't.

He never said that Mcnabb SUCKS. Just that he was not carying the team - when in fact the defense was. (I think that was his point) Heck (see I didn't cuss) I would love to have Mcnabb to so what? Does that validate everything anybody ever said about him. No.



Too much good stuff
Jul 2, 2003
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Is everything
Originally posted by dopleganger
Oh contrare my friend. I didn't mean that at all. Your opinion of Rush is your opinion but what is it bassed on? I am refering to all of the stuff I have read on this board(and the previous board) over the years. Specific examples excape me at the moment and are beside the point anyway.

We all have our biases. Thats a fact.

We don't always understand or comprehend them (including me). I have heard many things about Rush over the years and since I had actually lisened to hem quite a bit from time to time I knew they were either 1 taken our of context. 2 greatly missrepresented or 3 actual lies. I don't know why this would even be debated.

When ever some one has a strong opinnion on anything be it politics, football or basketweaving, somebody else will have just as strong of an opinnion on the otherside. And some of those people will attempt to discredit that other person. Especially if that person is percieved to be in a position of power or influence.

I really don't care what you think of Rush - I don't personnaly like him that much myself. He is too much of an elietest - though he will never admit it. How can we expect him to admit that when you can't even admit you have a bias?

Hows that. See I could have responded by saying "no I aint you are" to your full of crap comment. But would that make me?

OK I'm stumped. Sorry, but I can't figure out your long-winded explanation here. Do you have a point that could be explained in english in one or two sentences please?

Brian in Mesa

Advocatus Diaboli
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Originally posted by Pariah
How is an estimation of value ("overrated") anything but opinion? It clearly can't be conveyed as undisputed fact.

That was my point.

People would have no problem with Rush saying "In my opinion, McNabb is overrated."

Instead he tried to spin it into some racial conspiracy conducted by the media..."(McNabb) was overrated because the media wanted to see a black quarterback succeed."

He's trying to say that the media purposely lobbed undeserved praises on McNabb simply because Donovan is black.

To me, that is BS. I watched McNabb play in several college games and have seen some of his pro games (in person and on tv), including his playing on one leg to beat us.

McNabb has deserved the praise when he has played well, just like he deserves some criticism when he plays bad, but that does not make him overrated. Even the best QB's have had their times when they struggled.

BTW: I am a Christian and a Conservative Republican, since that allegedly is suposed to affect my opinion of what Rush has to say. If a guy is off base, he's off base. Period. I believe Rush is way off base in his comments.
Last edited:

Brian in Mesa

Advocatus Diaboli
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Originally posted by Pariah
A French right-winger? What's the world coming to?

Well we know he's not German.

If he was, he'd know how to properly spell doppelganger.



Jolly Nihilist
Jan 17, 2003
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Old Town Scottsdale
big props for brian

... for calling out limbaugh for a bogus statement. One could still agree with Limbaughs OVERALL position, and still find fault with specifics.


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Feb 3, 2003
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The Aventine
Originally posted by Brian in Mesa

Instead he tried to spin it into some racial conspiracy coducted by the media..."(McNabb) was overrated because the media wanted to see a black quarterback succeed."

He's trying to say that the media purposely lobbed undeserved praises on McNabb simply because Donovan is black.

Yup, and he's entittle to that opinion--and he doesn't have to preface everything out of his mouth with "in my opinion."...JMHO ( ;) )

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