I definitely understand that.
Perhaps recreation users could be provided a discount or a free night to clean up a particular camp site they use.
I'm just throwing mud off the wall but some time of incentive might help.
The most trashed ones are the un-maintained ones in my experience. It is up to us outdoors types who care to clean it up, its about the only solution. An example is the coves at butcher jones. They are not policed, require no fee and etc. There is trash and TP everywhere at the campsites. I do fill a bag of trash every time I go but it is a small dent each time. There are 4x4 clubs that get cleanup runs together but they do not happen enough unfortunately. Part of the issue with the coves is they decided to bulldoze the road and make it easier for sheriffs to get back there, this also made it so most vehicles could get back instead of only high clearance 4x4s. The more access you give, the more trash is left.