OT - Hey hawks fans


The Other Bird
Sep 9, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California
no, there was no bait, i ain't fishing. One of my good friends entire family are seahawk fans, and yes, there are much more than 10 seahawk fans i have spoke with. When i am jarring back and forth with seahawk fans, one thing they bring up, as i would too if my team made the superbowl, is the fact that they were there. to which my response is, talk to me when you beat it. Hands down every single time, their response is one way or another complaining about the officiating or Ben Roethlisberger's run saying that he wasn't in. Another example, one that doesn't involve me OR cardinal fans.
when I was leaving the Cards/Steelers game, there was a guy walking out with a Hines Ward jersey on, and he walked by a guy wearing a Alexander jersey. What did the guy wearing the Alexander jersey say? "He wasn't in!!"
Maybe your definition of fan and my definition differ. So let me be the first to say that if your "good friend" and his family think that the Roethlisberger TD was what cost us the game, then they're all idiots. Objective enough for you?

Frankly, your credibility is suspect. We're supposed to believe that when you - a Cardinals fan - says "Talk to me when you win it", Seahawks fans respond by trying to come up with an excuse for why we lost? I highly doubt it. I think most Seahawks fans would have laughed at you in your little red jersey and come back with one response and one response only. I don't have to even say it because you already know what it is. All due respect but there aren't many fans of any NFL team that has been to a Super Bowl that are going to try to "explain themselves" to Cardinal fans. I'm sure it has something to do with living in glass houses.

You my friend, are looking for exactly the things you want to hear. It's pretty much proven by the fact that you're arguing with a Seahawks fan who is telling you that "it's ancient history" and trying to convince me that we're still all "butt-hurt" about it. Where's the logic?
Last edited:


Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
Sec. 450
how's this "seachicken", you are the only "seahawk fan" and all assumptions must go through you. i don't understand your definition of a fan. is it the people in the front row that dressed up as steeler refs to the first game of the next season that was on tv? is it the people we see every day that continue to whine about it on a daily basis? ok we get it, you are over it, but a large portion of your teams "fans" including my "good friend" aren't.


The Other Bird
Sep 9, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California
how's this "seachicken", you are the only "seahawk fan" and all assumptions must go through you. i don't understand your definition of a fan. is it the people in the front row that dressed up as steeler refs to the first game of the next season that was on tv? is it the people we see every day that continue to whine about it on a daily basis? ok we get it, you are over it, but a large portion of your teams "fans" including my "good friend" aren't.
Once again, when you have no real point, you open up with something ridiculous. On top of that, you keep throwing out the word "we" like there's anyone making this argument but you. Do you have an imaginary friend or something? I mean, you're the only one claiming that you see people "every day" that continue to whine about a two year old Super Bowl. I haven't seen anyone else here make that claim.

Maybe it's something else. Maybe you (and I mean "you", not Cardinal fans as a whole) need this. Maybe it would burst your little bubble to know that Seahawks fans have been enjoying the heck out of watching these past two seasons while you struggle to find anything to get excited about. We went deep into the playoffs last year and it was a lot of fun. We're enjoying the heck out of being in the hunt this year. Sadly things aren't as you hope - that the fans of 30 other teams are just as depressed as you every year. Winning is fun and we've been doing a lot of it. As for you needing to believe that we're still bitter as a fanbase, it may indeed be you who needs to get over it.


Thank You Paul!
Jul 20, 2003
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SC - what's funny about this guy who claims the seahawks need to "get over" the superbowl officiating is one of the guys who is still compaining about how bad the officiating is in the NBA, how the refs cater to the spurs and how the suns get jobbed

he can't get past the officiating enough to enjoy multiple 60 win seasons and have one of the most entertaining teams in the league

maybe he's projecting a bit - since he can't cope he takes solace in creating the illusion of these legions of seahawk fans still crying through their division championships and playoff games


Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
Sec. 450
oh...im sorry i must be confused, was i talking about the suns? yea i think the refs cater to historic teams in every sport, but i don't dwell on it. after boris and amare got suspended i was pissed. sure, who wasn't? but i was over it by the time the next game started. yea i was pissed after the Cards lost to the Bears when i thought Edge's forward progress was stopped, but by the time the Raiders game hit, i was over the fact of the referees. i wanted Denny gone, but that's different all together. and to Seachicken, last time I checked, we are in the hunt, and the only person making ridiculous comments is you, I speak from what I see/hear, and it doesn't make any sense that you can try to shoot me down, I'm not making this up, I wouldn't say this about Ravens, Bengals, Patriots or most other fan bases. I believe that MOST seahawk fans that I have encountered are arrogant whiners. Which you are only proving more accurate in your attempts to patronize me.


Supporting Member
Mar 25, 2005
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SE valley
But my question right back to you is, what do we need to get over? The only Seahawk fan to have commented in the thread at that point was Seachicken and he didn't take your bait. As Seachicken said, while we were certainly less than pleased with a number of calls, it was the Hawks players making a myriad of mistakes that truly cost us the game in the Super Bowl.

Oh, and Seachicken, while it is fun to mention former Hawk and current Cardinal Oliver Celestin in your post, it wasn't him in the Super Bowl - he didn't join the Seahawks until 2006 - I believe you are thinking of former Hawk Etrick Pruitt who was out of position on a number of the Steelers big plays.

I have not implied to get over it, I dont know why you keep asking me directly about it.


Supporting Member
Mar 25, 2005
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SE valley
I hate how "favorite" teams get bs calls on a normal basis, and it was a play very like the bs one for the hawks.

Just creating conversation.

Since this turned into a flame thread, why are you guys whining about me talking about you get screwed in the superbowl? ; )


The Other Bird
Sep 9, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California
I hate how "favorite" teams get bs calls on a normal basis, and it was a play very like the bs one for the hawks.

Just creating conversation.

Since this turned into a flame thread, why are you guys whining about me talking about you get screwed in the superbowl? ; )

No flaming at all. I got what you were saying. I'm just getting a kick out of this Syracuse guy talking out of his butt. Apparently we're very upset about having won an NFC championship and winning three straight (probably four soon) division championships. We just don't realize that we're upset.



Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
Sec. 450
seachicken, im not talking out of my butt, im talking from personal experience, and its not one or two hawk fans. as a whole,(im sorry that you are perfect), hawk fans are whiners. that is my opinion, and i have reasons for feeling that way, which i have clearly told you. if you don't like my opinion, great.


The Other Bird
Sep 9, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California
seachicken, im not talking out of my butt, im talking from personal experience, and its not one or two hawk fans. as a whole,(im sorry that you are perfect), hawk fans are whiners. that is my opinion, and i have reasons for feeling that way, which i have clearly told you. if you don't like my opinion, great.

What's your feeling on white people "as a whole"? See how stupid that is? Alrighty then.


Rise from the Ashes III
Mar 23, 2005
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Bakersfield, CA
Couple of interesting tidbits from the article:

Meaning the people with a vote -- owners, coaches and general managers. And yesterday, with 24 ''yes'' ballots needed, the clubs voted, 28-3, to restore replay for the 1999 season, quite a jump from last year's 21-9 turndown. Only the Jets, Arizona and Cincinnati cast nay votes.
Maybe the Cards are still paying the piper for voting against something the league wanted(I love conspiracy theories).
Then the Bills lost in New England, 25-21, on a desperation pass after replays showed that Patriot receiver Shawn Jefferson had been out of bounds when he caught a fourth-down pass for a first down. Ralph Wilson, the Bills owner, objected so angrily he was fined $50,000 by Commissioner Paul Tagliabue.
Just how much ownership of the league does Kraft have, anyway?

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