That is pretty expensive, but it comes out to about 19 dollars per week if the season is 17 weeks long. Assuming you only watched your own team that is still about $20 a game. Cheaper then stadium tickets usually are. If this really is a rip off then by all means we should stop paying. No one has a gun to our heads making us watch football. At the end of the day we agree to the price by paying for it. It's not like football games are essential to life like food or water.
I personally don't pay for Sunday ticket (there are plenty of sports bars to go to, friends to mooch off of, etc.) so I'm doing my part to protest and help drive the price down. What are you doing?
I pay for it, watch it every week and enjoy it. A good value for me as Little Rock is not exactly Phoenix or NYC. If I went to just one or two games in a stadium I would spend what it cost for an entire season on Direct. The day Direct TV first came to Little Rock many years ago I signed up for what I think was then $100 a season. I was worried about having to sneak into my neighbors yard and cutting down some tree limbs to get a signal. Lucky me the trees were no problem. He happens to be a real tree hugger and would likely not even allow me to cut off even a twig.