I believe the issue is not at all about RW's heart or "want to".
That's all...
The NFL is an extremely tough situation to be in. You have a play a sport where injuries are the norm. You have to play at the highest level.
Yet, business sense tells you the longer you can play the more money you make.
I think Ryan Williams wants to play in the NFL, actually there is no doubt about it.
Yet, is he being too conservative in the name of longevity ? You can't help the team unless you are on the field. But, when you are on the field you can't help the team unless you go 100%.
I always look to Reggie Bush's situation in New Orleans. He got hurt, he came back, but you could tell he was conservative about the situation, and that effected his play. It got to the point where Reggie Bush was not looked at as the player he once was, and it seemed he was always nursing something.
Fast-forward to Reggie Bush in Miami. It got to the point where it was make or break for Bush in Miami. At that point of "I have nothing to lose" Bush starts playing at the talent level he had the potential for.
People are not crazy for questioning Ryan Williams' head. He already admitted to being scared to play when he came back from his first injury. Goodness only knows how he will be effected by his current state of affairs. He cannot play it safe or he will be cut, but he can't get injured again or he will be cut.
Tough situation to be in. Its not a question of the man's will, it is a question of how he will attack his current situation. He is in a tough spot no matter what but that is the cold life of the NFL.
I honestly believe he is being conservative cause he just wants to play football. He is trying to "stay healthy" so he can play. Nothing wrong with that, but in his current position it may cost him his job.
If he plays 100% effort, and plays through the pain he may get injured, but I feel it gives him the best chance to make the roster. But again, if he gets hurt, then he is cut.
So, again, I do not think this is a case of "want to", I believe his intentions are to do what he has to in order to get on the field, I just don't know if he is in the right frame of mind, ON THE FIELD. Thus why I am on the fence about the situation and his mental toughness.
Guy has shown amazing fortitude in getting back on the field. Once there is where I question where his head is. I guarantee whatever he is thinking, he wants to do the "right thing". What that is I have an opinion on, go 100%, but who knows if that is the "right thing to do for Ryan Williams."
Maybe he is just not built for the NFL, which sucks, but Ryan Swope will tell you there is not much you can do to change it.
What happens after he comes back is largely up to the football gods.
Darn tootin'
And all I am saying in this thread, is it is not looking good for Williams. I don't see how he is going to make this team. Fair or not.............actually it is not but that is the NFL.