Suns @ Rockets 3-15-19

Hoop Head

Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
Tempe, AZ
You may not say the word, but your comments indicate that is what you think. And it’s not what he said. It’s what you decided he meant by what he said.

BC has gone full troll since 1Suns has been here. They bash Igor at every turn and if you try to discuss specifics with BC he'll ignore it entirely and try to make it all about semantics. At this point, I think he's a lost cause. When he had to take a shot at Sarver in the thread that Errknight posted the other day I thought that was too much. The guy is clearly obsessed with Sarver and it's to the point he can't be involved in any discussion without bringing him up to take a shot. I guess that's ok because Sarver isn't a poster here, and even if he was he doesn't live in Phoenix like BC does so BC is definitely a bigger fan. Sarver lives in Tucson or San Diego so it doesn't matter how he feels about the Suns because he's not defined by them like those who live in Phoenix are.

I may get flack for this post and I'm fine with that. If he wasn't "BC" though and a new poster came here and accused everyone who lived outside of Phoenix of not being as big of fans as he is and never offered any suggestions to how things can be improved they would be called a troll. Throw in how when someone does try to debate with him on a point he'll sidestep it entirely and accuse that person of personally attacking him only for him to throw in a barb like he did to you about bringing levity to this whole conversation, playing off your side of the discussion as a joke compared to his.