Suns Vs Lakers


Welcome to Amareca
Jun 28, 2002
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Hannover - Germany
Did you see Amare on that interview video in his suit? Anyone want to make a screenshot of that?


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
I can't go along with this one. The reason the Lakers looked like a jump shooting team is because 6'9 jumpshooter Brian Cook played center for most of the night. When Vlade and Mihm play the Lakers will be a very different team than the one we saw tonight.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
Another possible reason that the Lakers looked like a perimeter team is that they made 56% of their three-point attempts. If you can shoot that well from the outside and the other team is giving you open looks, why the heck shouldn't you take them?


ASFN Addict
Sep 12, 2002
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Phoenix, AZ
elindholm said:
Another possible reason that the Lakers looked like a perimeter team is that they made 56% of their three-point attempts. If you can shoot that well from the outside and the other team is giving you open looks, why the heck shouldn't you take them?

The Lakers aren't that good of a 3pt shooting team. Actually I think they were about 21st worst in the NBA coming into the game. I thought the Suns tried to force them to take outside shots by denying penetration and double teaming in the post. The Lakers ability to shoot such a high 3pt % is unbelievable, at one point they shot 9-12 in the 2nd half.


Shqiptar i Qart
Jun 20, 2004
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A question for someone who saw the whole game. How was the officiating? KB and Tomjanovic are already complaining, but Im looking at the box score and both teams shot 21 free throws. It didnt seem one sided.

Rudy T. declined to comment and then Kobe said the following when asked why Rudy T was upset

``I could take a wild guess and say it was the officiating,'' Bryant said. ``Just a shot in the dark.''

What a bunch of b....ches. They freaking choked after being up by 17 and they want to blame the officials???


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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cepstrum said:
A question for someone who saw the whole game. How was the officiating? KB and Tomjanovic are already complaining, but Im looking at the box score and both teams shot 21 free throws. It didnt seem one sided.

Rudy T. declined to comment and then Kobe said the following when asked why Rudy T was upset

``I could take a wild guess and say it was the officiating,'' Bryant said. ``Just a shot in the dark.''

What a bunch of b....ches. They freaking choked after being up by 17 and they want to blame the officials???

I heard that on the radio in LA as well. Get used to it Lakers - you aren't the Dynasty anymore - games aren't gonna be handed to you on a silver platter you freaking *******.


ASFN Addict
Sep 12, 2002
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Phoenix, AZ
The refs let a lot of contact go on both sides all night long. I thought there were a lot of calls that should've been made for both teams. Amare didn't get a lot of calls he normally would get (only 4 fta) and Odom didn't get a lot of calls he probably should've gotten. Still the Suns had 3 guys in foul trouble in Q (fouled out), JJ (4), & the boxscore says Marion had 3 but in the game he had 4.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
I thought the officiating was in the Suns' favor, but not dramatically so. The loose-ball foul that sent Jacobsen to the line (called on Odom, I think?) was probably the most critical bad call.


Mar 11, 2003
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Wandering the Universe
cepstrum said:
A question for someone who saw the whole game. How was the officiating? KB and Tomjanovic are already complaining, but Im looking at the box score and both teams shot 21 free throws. It didnt seem one sided.

Rudy T. declined to comment and then Kobe said the following when asked why Rudy T was upset

``I could take a wild guess and say it was the officiating,'' Bryant said. ``Just a shot in the dark.''

What a bunch of b....ches. They freaking choked after being up by 17 and they want to blame the officials???

I thought it was pretty fair. The flop by Odom in the second half could have been called on Amare. But in the first Qtr Amare was hacked with no call.

No worse than any other NBA game. I guess if the Lakers don't get every call to go their way it was bad officiating. :shrug:

What a bunch of whiners.


ASFN Lifer
Dec 24, 2002
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Chaplin said:
I don't know why everyone keeps harping on Casey in other threads--he wasn't spectacular, but he played a solid game all around tonight--he was very good after Q fouled out tonight--drawing that phantom foul was probably the first time that's ever happened to him in the NBA! :D

I like the way Casey plays the game. He is a hard worker and does as much as he can with what he has. The problem is that he doesnt have much. I personally dont like it one bit when he is in the lineup. I think I would rather have LB in there with his long arms the hight shouldnt be to much of an issue and he is probably a better outside shooter not to mention how great he is at slashing to the lane. Like I said I like Casey and the way we works hard out there I just dont like him to play much. I hope we trade him and get someone of value.


ASFN Lifer
Dec 24, 2002
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MaoTosiFanClub said:
My Dad said this reminded him of the Suns-Lakers games of the late 1980s, up and down the court with talented players making plays. I noticed a few things. First, all those who said they were happy that Kobe is not a Sun need to re-examine their basketball IQ. Put Kobe and Amare on the same team for the next decade and there's no way they wouldn't win three or four championships. Second, the Lakers are not as dead in the water as some on this board make them out to be. They won't win a championship this year, but they still have arguably the best player in the game and I expect the Suns and Lakers to duel it out for the division all year. Lastly, this small ball configuration is still worrying. If Shawn Marion has to face these Western Conference PFs every night they're going to have to wheel him out there next spring. Good win though.

Well I guess my basketball IQ needs to be re-examined.

a) I worry that with Amare and Kobe together one of them wouldnt be hapyy. Kobe has proved that he cant co exist with another super star which is what Amare is now.

b) I think a team of Nash, Q, JJ, Shawn, and Amare, beats a team of LB, JJ, Shawn, Amare, and Jake.

c) Our team is so happy together thats what makes this team so easy to love. There was one quote from some insider guy that said he hasnt seen a team this happy in years. When a team is happy and everyone likes eachother then everyone plays harder because not only do they not want to lose themselves, but they dont want there friends to lose.

Sorry if that makes me dumb, but I like our team better how it is now than what our Kobe team would have looked like.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
Chris_Sanders said:
I love the fact that Kobe was wagging his finger and acting all cocky like always and we still beat them.

Wagging your single finger...that is the message for you can't do it alone.

Dude had a triple double. he had 11 assists previous game. I don't see him trying to do anything alone.

He isn't doing it alone. The Lakers problem is not is defense. They are having issues defending, and losing leads because of it.

Kobe is so much better than anyone out there gives him credit for. The whole "selfish" tag is improperly applied, and you can ask Tex Winter about that.

The Lakers let this one slip away tonight, blowing the early lead, and the late (1 minute left) lead. Caron's foul on Amare was HUGE. It forced the Lakers into a three point shot mentality, when if Caron had just let Amare dunk 1) we (the lakers) would have been down just two, and Kobe could have driven and got to the line and 2) Caron wouldn't have fouled out, and he was hot from the floor.

Disappointing loss for the Lakes, but these guys have only played 10 games together thus far. And Vlade comes back Tuesday. Not having Mihm was crucial, as well.

I'm happy with my's going to be a sweet playoff run...the new-look Lakers are an exciting team to watch, if they could only DEFEND.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
binkar said:
Well I guess my basketball IQ needs to be re-examined.

a) I worry that with Amare and Kobe together one of them wouldnt be hapyy. Kobe has proved that he cant co exist with another super star which is what Amare is now.

Wrong. Read "Mad Game: The NBA Education of Kobe Bryant" (excellent book, even if you hate Kobe...great writing by Lazenby). From day one, Kobe as an 18 year old was targeted by Shaq, and ostracized (which caused him to regress into himself as well). Shaq disliked Kobe from day one, and was always talking **** about him. The simple fact that they lasted 8 years together, and rolled up three rings despite Shaq vociferously bitching about him to everyone, and trying to get him traded twice says a lot about who can't co-exist with whom. When Phil came to the Lakers, he specifically catered to Shaq, and pushed Kobe away because he knew that Shaq would not listen to him if he catered to Kobe, and the way to motivate Shaq was to give him attention.

This happened despite Kobe being the one pushing for Phil, and calling Tex Winter out of the blue, a year before to talk basketball. Kobe wanted more cuts in the offense, more triangle, and Shaq didn't. It's a fascinating story, and well worth reading. Kobe can get along with another star; despite the idiocy of road team announcers who think Kobe wanted to be the only star on the team. He just doesn't want the other star to be an a-hole who constantly berates him, bad mouths him and yet never has the committment to stay in shape and work hard in practice (something Kobe values above all else)....he didn't want the other star to be Shaq.

Shaq was, and is, an a-hole with the gift of a childlike personality that is appealing. I was happy for the championships he brought to us, but I'm much happier now that he's gone and the Lakers look more like the team I fell in love with in the early 80s.


Not Always The Best Moderator
Super Moderator
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Sep 14, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az

Bryant is a selfish self absorbed brat. Just ask his former coach...or his wife.


A Whole New World
Supporting Member
Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
Chris_Sanders said:

Bryant is a selfish self absorbed brat. Just ask his former coach...or his wife.

Ask Tex Winter.

And read Mad Game.

Yeah, Kobe is a brat, and self absorbed. So how is he any different than any other NBA player?

"If the big dog doesn't get fed, the big dog doesn't guard the yard"

"I'd like to thank me, for working so hard."
--Carmello Anthony

"I've got a family to feed."
--Latrell Sprewell

"Yeah, we make a lot of money, but we spend a lot of money too."
--Patrick Ewing

I could go on, but I really don't want to. I doubt you think NBA players aren't self absorbed brats, taken in total.


Formerly Bball_31
Jul 27, 2002
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Wow good game, again I get on late and I will try to remember some of the stuff mentioned...

I am addicted to Basketball (regardless if Suns win West or are Lottery winners) so I enjoy Basketball at all times but that was a pretty good game. I do feel Lakers got a lot of calls but Suns won so...

I really don't watch Lakers games but I doubt adding Vlade Divac (Lakers become a dominating team in the paint) he can't drive on anybody and he can't finish much, so other than a couple clever post-ups... I don't see a whole lot. Lamar Odom won't get a lot of post-ups facing normal PF's - penetration and jumpshots IMO...

Lakers though with Odom, Caron Butler, Brian Cook, Luke Walton, Chris Mihm, etc. have a decent team but I don't exactly agree about Kobe, Kobe Bryant looked selfish to me... clearing the court and throwing shot up after shot. He can score obviously and I'm not trying to rip apart another team's star BUT there was talk about Kobe coming here and he dominates the ball much like Stephon Marbury (for year shooting around 40%)... Steve Nash will keep his dribble but he will pass, pass, pass and when he needs to shoot, he will make it :thumbup: ... I like team as is.

I worry that Lakers with a lot of talent, can add a PG and PF via Draft and Mid-Level... so I'm thinking Suns need to Draft well with Bulls Draft Pick (possibly play him as well)...

I really like Odom, too bad he had to join Lakers (rival)... I do sort of believe Lakers will make Playoffs - Suns must bring it, winning Division is important.

Last, I know there has been talk about how Suns have won a few with opponents players missing - when Amare Stoudemire comes to town or is defending homecourt... I do believe there will be quite a few players, injured before game :wave:



All Star
Oct 11, 2002
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Wow what a great game.

It gives me goose bumps when i look at Amare in the highlights, when i see his stats and overall play of late. We're witnessing someone who's going to be one of the greatest players ever, developing in front of our eyes. This guy is amazing. It feels good! Thank god we got him. :thumbup:

lol - listening to the post radio show... the announcer says when they went to the news break (someone how their mic's weren't turned off... "Hey i have STAT here... we gotta blow through this news"


GO SUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A Whole New World
Supporting Member
Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
BbaLL_31, as a Laker fan, I agree that this team needs a very good defensive PG and some sort of PF presence. We don't have either right now.

Buss and Kupchek have said they are going to look at this team after 20 games, and then make moves if needed. We've got a glut of SFs, and I see Rush, D George, Slava, Luke as being components to some deals.

Vlade is very underrated in your mind, I can tell. Look at the Kings struggling right now..a lot of that is missing Vlade's ability to pull defenses out, and his great passing skills. We also had no Mihm tonight. Together, Vlade and Mihm can hold down the C position, and can really open up the offense. This is an entirely new team, and they've played only 10 games together. Kobe is the only remaining starter, so this team is just learning each other's tendancy. I think (homering of course) they can be very dangerous.

I think we make the playoffs this year, but the future is in 2-3 years. Brian Grants contract will be an expiring one soon, and he will be dealt for either a max contract player or two good players. He's only marking time right now.

I don't see us going deep in the playoffs, but anything can happen. We can go second round, possibly, depending upon the matchup. I'm quite happy with the Lakers right now.

I think the Suns are a power on the rise as well, and I think we'll have some major battles in the future with you guys. You add a servicable center, and you will be dangerous.

I personally hate the Suns, but I love Amare. He is a monster and is just coming into his own. I also like Nash. I just dislike the organization. I hope we have more high-scoring, fast paced games like this one in the future.

Oh, and we're going to get you at Staples. :D


Formerly Bball_31
Jul 27, 2002
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I could agree with that but Vlade Divac won't get the ball to show off his passing ability LOL j/k...

I am just worried about your team though, Suns IMO should/could be better this year but Lakers are Lakers... players could line up to be PF on that team in FA and I do like about 6 PG Prospects based on last year (Shakur, Paul, Jack, Felton, Gilchrist, and *D Washington=summer play*) and with Kobe and Odom... even potential PG prospects like Bracey Wright, Shannon Brown could be effective. There are a couple other decent PG's that didn't quite impress me as much last year (Brown, Robinson, Thomas, Leni-Ukic, D Williams, Stoudamire, Miles, Roberson, Horton) that could blow-up (why can't the Lakers be bad for years)... so it sucks but you never know how Lakers will fare for years.

One player I want to watch, not much of a Draft prospect yet but played pretty good game last year with nice athleticism is Jimmy McKinney Missouri... NBA Draft is great :thumbup:


Shqiptar i Qart
Jun 20, 2004
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D-Dogg said:
Dude had a triple double. he had 11 assists previous game. I don't see him trying to do anything alone.

He isn't doing it alone. The Lakers problem is not is defense. They are having issues defending, and losing leads because of it.

Kobe is so much better than anyone out there gives him credit for. The whole "selfish" tag is improperly applied, and you can ask Tex Winter about that.

The Lakers let this one slip away tonight, blowing the early lead, and the late (1 minute left) lead. Caron's foul on Amare was HUGE. It forced the Lakers into a three point shot mentality, when if Caron had just let Amare dunk 1) we (the lakers) would have been down just two, and Kobe could have driven and got to the line and 2) Caron wouldn't have fouled out, and he was hot from the floor.

Disappointing loss for the Lakes, but these guys have only played 10 games together thus far. And Vlade comes back Tuesday. Not having Mihm was crucial, as well.

I'm happy with my's going to be a sweet playoff run...the new-look Lakers are an exciting team to watch, if they could only DEFEND.

Dude. He may have had a triple double, but he shot 33 times. 33 times. That's f'in nuts. He's elbow is gonna be sore today. Face the facts, the Lackers choked.


Welcome to Amareca
Jun 28, 2002
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Hannover - Germany
I am glad we didn't get Kobe.

Now that his image is tainted he is becoming a classless punk. His interviews, his trash talking....

The guy is shooting 39% from the field he is no better than Iverson was right now and he wouldn't be capable to take a backseat to Amare.


Registered User
Oct 17, 2002
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Los Angeles area
elindholm said:
I thought the officiating was in the Suns' favor, but not dramatically so. The loose-ball foul that sent Jacobsen to the line (called on Odom, I think?) was probably the most critical bad call.

I had to watch the game on Los Angeles TV, KCAL 9. The replay really didn't show anything, so I couldn't tell. I showed what happend when they were both in the air, and most loose ball fouls happen just before the jump. It may have been a bad call, but I really didn't see it.


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2004
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slinslin said:
I am glad we didn't get Kobe.

Now that his image is tainted he is becoming a classless punk. His interviews, his trash talking....

The guy is shooting 39% from the field he is no better than Iverson was right now and he wouldn't be capable to take a backseat to Amare.
I know that had to be difficult for you to admit, over the summer you were adamant that we needed him. I would not only say that it is Kobe's image that has changed your mind but also the cohesive team we have now.
Last edited:


ASFN Lifer
Dec 24, 2002
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D-Dogg said:
Wrong. Read "Mad Game: The NBA Education of Kobe Bryant" (excellent book, even if you hate Kobe...great writing by Lazenby). From day one, Kobe as an 18 year old was targeted by Shaq, and ostracized (which caused him to regress into himself as well). Shaq disliked Kobe from day one, and was always talking **** about him. The simple fact that they lasted 8 years together, and rolled up three rings despite Shaq vociferously bitching about him to everyone, and trying to get him traded twice says a lot about who can't co-exist with whom. When Phil came to the Lakers, he specifically catered to Shaq, and pushed Kobe away because he knew that Shaq would not listen to him if he catered to Kobe, and the way to motivate Shaq was to give him attention.

This happened despite Kobe being the one pushing for Phil, and calling Tex Winter out of the blue, a year before to talk basketball. Kobe wanted more cuts in the offense, more triangle, and Shaq didn't. It's a fascinating story, and well worth reading. Kobe can get along with another star; despite the idiocy of road team announcers who think Kobe wanted to be the only star on the team. He just doesn't want the other star to be an a-hole who constantly berates him, bad mouths him and yet never has the committment to stay in shape and work hard in practice (something Kobe values above all else)....he didn't want the other star to be Shaq.

Shaq was, and is, an a-hole with the gift of a childlike personality that is appealing. I was happy for the championships he brought to us, but I'm much happier now that he's gone and the Lakers look more like the team I fell in love with in the early 80s.

Yah thats how Kobe puts it. I bet Shaqs book would be alot different. What do you think Kobe is gonna say "I cant play on the same team as the most dominant player of all time cause I am too big headed to not get all the credit and attention."

George O'Brien

Nov 22, 2003
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Sun City
Last night's game was a classic Kobe game. He shot his team into contention and then forced shots at the end which cost the Lakers a chance to win the game.

Right now his year to date shooting stats are not terribly great. In his first 10 games, Kobe is averaging 27.8 ppg but is shooting only 38.8%.