Suns vs Nuggets

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Nov 26, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by schutd
Playing the holier than thou card is weak. Youre a troll with nothing to do at your probably over paid PC support job as you sat there bored before Thanksgiving, and figured you'd come stir some ****.

Im impressed. Really. You dont know a thing about me, but I will vehemiently defend my team, this board, it's posters, and anyone else who has to come here and deal with crap like that. Normally, I would have let your little POS comment go, but then you had to go and get all righeously indignant about it, and act as if you had sincere intentions with it.

Thats CRAP. You know it; we all know it. So yeah, it might be classless, but sometimes you have to roll in the mud to beat on the pigs.

Youre a turd.

i didnt play that card. your post was very immature. im not a troll. i didnt come here to start trouble. i came here because our teams just played. plus like i said i visit MANY nba boards. not just this one.

PC support job? i dont have that job. why did you say that?

and of course i dont know anything about you but your post was immature. and thats why i said so.

you seem awfully upset when in fact you are the one causing trouble. not me. you are flinging insults and name calling. not me. you are complaining and whining. you need to look in the mirror. you guys just beat dallas by 31 and look how mad you are. thats not good. what a shame. oh well, hope you had a nice thanksigiving!


ASFN Addict
Oct 15, 2002
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Charleston, SC
Youre still a trud. And a patronizing one at that.

Im not mad, I dont give enough of a crap about you to be mad. But can I borrow whatever it is youre using that allows you to infer emotion from a typed post?


Nov 26, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by schutd
Youre still a trud. And a patronizing one at that.

Im not mad, I dont give enough of a crap about you to be mad. But can I borrow whatever it is youre using that allows you to infer emotion from a typed post?

thats so very rude of you. i will be the bigger man here and not retaliate :)


ASFN Addict
Oct 15, 2002
Reaction score
Charleston, SC
Actually, since youre so insitant, Ill try and play nice here.

If I popped onto your board, after the SUNs humiliated the NUggets, and jumped into the game thread, having NEVER POSTED on your board before, and all I could add to the convo was "NICE GAME! :wave: " how would you take it?

I guess my point is, couldnt you have offered anything to the conversation? Could you have said "The Nuggets running game was the key to the victory tonight." When we obviously sucked ass that night and you throw up a NICE GAME with that emoticon, which is widely regarded as a brush off, not a nice wave bye bye, cant you even BEGIN to comprehend that we might have taken it as rubbing our nose in it?

Now that we're being classy towards one another, lets come clean. You WERE rubbing our noses in it, werent you?
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