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mribnik said:Chris Paul was on sports talk radio today and the hosts asked him about Amare. He said that Amare was progressing really well and that everybody is going to be amazed at how good of a shooter he is. Chris Paul was really impressed by Amare's shot and his extended range.
I have watched Amare shoot for long periods of time since his injury about half a dozen times. His shot is amazing, and most of the NBA hasn't seen it - although I can't imagine it counts as being surprising after it was hyped for a year...
But like Cheese said, they problem is the lack of explosiveness - not the shot. One thing I forgot to mention, Amare was wearing ankle weights during the practice. Add in that he hasn't missed an entire practice, and does the 2 a days with the team - I think it is safe to say the knee is healed. Mentally he definitely isn't there though, you could really tell when they were doing their stretches. Anything that required putting weight or pressure on the knee he would do about half as much as he did with his other knee.
I am still think Amare will come back an All-star at the least. It just will be a different version of Amare than we saw the first few years.