Waiting and hoping. The worst place to be with a complacent big man with poor defensive skills.
And comparing Ayton to KG or Giannis when they both have proven to have a Kobe level mindset combined with HOF level defensive skills is..... just...... crazy talk IMO. Like, Jake Tsakilidis & Alex Len were one bounce away from being an all-star level crazy. Or Levi Brown was the right choice level crazy.
And creating a new narrative while ignoring what was actually said is just troll talk. Seriously, did you read the post? Ayton wasn't compared to KG and Giannis specifically because they're a good comparison for his game, it was said he has more in common with them than he does with Shaq, do you disagree with that? I know it's harder to complain and bash him if you stick with what was said but I'm sure you'll find a way.
Hours after the Suns play a fantastic 48 minutes of basketball, you have to attack their 21 old year old center who is not playing in order to keep up your negativity, it's ridiculous. All so you can say you were right about Luka, when you've made 100 posts saying you were right to how many actually saying you wanted him? I looked and I found just as many as you made saying you wanted them to trade up for Colin Sexton, 1. Why don't we talk about how wrong you were about Sexton? You wanted to give up assets to add him also, not just select him where the Suns pick was. You'd probably say it's too soon to give up on Sexton or something about the bad situation he's in over in Cleveland but don't afford Ayton the same criteria to be judged.
People can be wrong and they can be right but it's far too soon with Ayton to say he sucks because he had a historically great rookie year from a statistical standpoint on a dumpster fire of a Suns team without a PG or a legit head coach. He's played 1 game this year and put up fantastic numbers in that also, showing some defensive prowess but that doesn't fit your narrative so let's ignore it. He's not KD or Giannis so he sucks.