I use a solo practitioner in Southern California that I've been with since I was out there 10 plus years ago or so (he also took over the business from his mentor, now retired, that I originally started with)... I enjoy the 'keep it small' atmosphere when it comes to tax advisors. If you would like to look into it I can provide his info via PM.Thanks Guys! I've been thinking about it some more and I think I'm going to stick with the traditional for now and put the $6k in tax savings into my house purchase account for now. Once that's set I'll re-evaluate. Getting my taxes down some would be nice. With my new job I'm now going to be in the 32% bracket. Maxing out my 401k, along with other deductions, will keep me fully in the 24% bracket for what I actually pay.
I actually need to find a new tax advisor. Any referrals? I really liked the guy I had for the last 20 years but he's basically retired a few years back when he got cancer and the guy that bought his practice is a complete tool. Raised rates big time and service went to hell. You could tell he was buying businesses just to milk them.