The Official US Soccer thread


Sep 24, 2002
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Fort Myers
Pretty sure that entire process has nothing to do with sports. And it is a mistake to mix non-sports related matters with sports. Why even do so? I for example am extremely thankful for what the US has given me, my parents, siblings and what it will give the baby my "American" wife and I have on the way. But to then say because of that I have to root for the US national team? Growing up, when I was a kid, I didn't even know there was soccer outside of Mexico. That was all my family (Mexican born parents) watched. Then I became aware of other leagues/nations as I grew up.

From day 1 of my soccer life however, the only team I knew of is Mexico. I will always root for Mexico over the US. Simply put, I'm able to separate politics and other matters from sports, many aren't able to do that unfortunately.

Sure it doesn't say sports but the words absolutely and entirely mean you support the US in absolutely and entirely everything. If you choose to support Mexico against the US then it is hardly absolute. The US is good enough to provide you with what your birth country obviously couldn't but it isn't good enough to support when it comes to on the field competition. In my experience Mexican fans are the biggest culprits of this hypocrisy and the urine throwing dirt bags are hardly a bunch I have a lot of respect for.


ASFN Addict
Jul 17, 2007
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I'm not sure just how much of this board you are reading. We've all given credit where credit is due--Mexico and the US are very close in the level of play, which is to say, much lower than the big boys--which, yes, includes ARGENTINA.

This is great logic, and one that I can entirely agree with. Unfortunately, this statement does not mirror the ones that have been made here in the past by some of the posters; this, paired with the close-minded viewpoints (as Zeno has been so kind to openly demonstrate,) are my primary motives for posting the inflammatory content.

I believe not too long ago, a few posters here had the "Dos a Cero" avatars to mock the then recent results of the US-Mexico games. Seeing how fellow board members are free to openly express themselves, I went ahead and created my current sig.

It's fine that you don't like the USMNT. Nobody says you have to. But it's only common courtesy to at least show some RESPECT in presenting your opinions, which you rarely, if ever, do. Perhaps we shouldn't respond in kind, but we do.

If the same respect were shown for my country, I would have little need to post inflammatory content about the USMNT. Placing all country rivalries aside, I still believe Bob Bradley is a bad coach and bunkering tactics during friendlies are cowardly. I don't mind showing respect towards the country I call home, even when it comes to criticizing the soccer team, as long as the same respects are returned.

If its friendly banter you want, just be sure you're able to take it as well as you can dish it.


Plucky Comic Relief
Supporting Member
Jul 2, 2004
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Sure it doesn't say sports but the words absolutely and entirely mean you support the US in absolutely and entirely everything. If you choose to support Mexico against the US then it is hardly absolute. The US is good enough to provide you with what your birth country obviously couldn't but it isn't good enough to support when it comes to on the field competition. In my experience Mexican fans are the biggest culprits of this hypocrisy and the urine throwing dirt bags are hardly a bunch I have a lot of respect for.

C'mon man, this is a bit harsh and over the top. You make it sound like an American rooting for Mexico in soccer makes them a terrorist.

Shzm is irritating because he pisses all over every thread and makes it about himself. diablo was just being earnest, and I bear no grudge against him because he roots for a different team on the pitch. That would be insanity to turn it into an absolute measure of patriotism, any more than celebrating St. Patrick's Day would be an act of treason.

I'd love to box the ears of Arizona natives who root for the Lakers, but when it comes to issues of actual importance, they're not less Arizonan than me.


Apr 4, 2011
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C'mon man, this is a bit harsh and over the top. You make it sound like an American rooting for Mexico in soccer makes them a terrorist.

Shzm is irritating because he pisses all over every thread and makes it about himself. diablo was just being earnest, and I bear no grudge against him because he roots for a different team on the pitch. That would be insanity to turn it into an absolute measure of patriotism, any more than celebrating St. Patrick's Day would be an act of treason.

I'd love to box the ears of Arizona natives who root for the Lakers, but when it comes to issues of actual importance, they're not less Arizonan than me.

Very well put. And thankfully you won't be boxing my ears seeing as how I live in AZ but root for the Lake show, but I'm from Long Beach so it's all good. :D


Sep 24, 2002
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Fort Myers
C'mon man, this is a bit harsh and over the top. You make it sound like an American rooting for Mexico in soccer makes them a terrorist.

I hardly equate it to terrorism. Believe what you want, but IMO any American citizen that cheers against his country is incredibly disrespectful...sports or not. This is the same countries fans who burn our flag prior to matches, boo our anthem, chanted "Osama" when our team played in Mexico during Olympic qualifying, our players have to be surrounded by riot police with shields just to take a corner kick without being pelted with bags of urine, where our fans spend the entire match surrounded by police and have to be escorted out of their stadium to keep them from being lynched...I have ZERO respect for FMF or their scum bag fans and US citizens that choose to support such trash infuriate me.


Apr 4, 2011
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I hardly equate it to terrorism. Believe what you want, but IMO any American citizen that cheers against his country is incredibly disrespectful...sports or not. This is the same countries fans who burn our flag prior to matches, boo our anthem, chanted "Osama" when our team played in Mexico during Olympic qualifying, our players have to be surrounded by riot police with shields just to take a corner kick without being pelted with bags of urine, where our fans spend the entire match surrounded by police and have to be escorted out of their stadium to keep them from being lynched...I have ZERO respect for FMF or their scum bag fans and US citizens that choose to support such trash infuriate me.

I really think you pay way too much attention to what others do. Why not just focus on supporting your team and not worry or get mad because someone like me roots for Mexico? I promise it will make for a much happier US soccer fan in you.

And though I do not agree with it, everything you mentioned is meant to cause the exact reaction you are having. The chants, the actions, everything. And it's not just from us. I've been to enough US v Mexico matches here and in Mexico City to know that the door swings both ways. Both groups are highly disrespectful... I just choose not to care too much about it because it's just soccer banter. Everything you mentioned that the US goes through in Mexico or vs Mexico also happens to you guys and Mexico when we visit central America, so let's not make it seem as if this is only a "scum bag" Mexican fanbase doing this.


Sep 24, 2002
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Fort Myers
And though I do not agree with it, everything you mentioned is meant to cause the exact reaction you are having. The chants, the actions, everything. And it's not just from us. I've been to enough US v Mexico matches here and in Mexico City to know that the door swings both ways. Both groups are highly disrespectful... I just choose not to care too much about it because it's just soccer banter. Everything you mentioned that the US goes through in Mexico or vs Mexico also happens to you guys and Mexico when we visit central America, so let's not make it seem as if this is only a "scum bag" Mexican fanbase doing this.

Both groups are highly disrespectful? I was at the US WCQ against Mexico in Columbus...we never booed during the Mexican anthem, we didn't throw things at the Mexican players, we didn't threaten Mexican fans, cops didn't have to wear riot gear...the worse we got in taunts was "*************" for Osvaldo Sanchez and "Dos a Cero" for the final score. I sat with the supporters groups American Outlaws and Sams Army and both groups are above the behavior I described from Mexican fans.

I've never been to qualifiers outside of the US but according to friends of mine who have the worst experiences were in 2 places--Saprissa in Costa Rica and Azteca in Mexico. They say the Hondruans, Guatemalans and El Sals are loud and boisterous but hardly threatening...Jamaica and Trinidad are described as a party atmosphere that spend more time singing, dancing and beating on drums than to worry about the opposing fans.


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
If the same respect were shown for my country, I would have little need to post inflammatory content about the USMNT. Placing all country rivalries aside, I still believe Bob Bradley is a bad coach and bunkering tactics during friendlies are cowardly.

See, if you can be logical instead of a ranting troll about things, as in the above, we could actually get along on this board. The above is logical and well-stated. I agree that it sucks to bunker. I see the logic that Bradley was following, but I do strongly disagree with it.

This topic is a microcosm of why we don't like you. Instead of stating what you did, you turned into a 3-year old child, posted a mocking pick, and poked fun. Couple that with the mountains of childish, stupid, and completely unnecessarily posts you make, and it just comes across as idiotic. Of course you're going to get such negative reactions. Of course you'll be labeled a troll. And the logical conclusion to such provocation is that you're just a young attention seeker.

All that said, it sounds like you actually want a normal back and forth on this board. Is that so? Very well, prove it. Stop posting like a child and stick to the insightful banter. I don't think anyway wants to make this an antiseptic board; by all means, we should be able to give a little bit of ribbing to our rivals. Just keep it adult, eh?


Apr 4, 2011
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Both groups are highly disrespectful? I was at the US WCQ against Mexico in Columbus...we never booed during the Mexican anthem, we didn't throw things at the Mexican players, we didn't threaten Mexican fans, cops didn't have to wear riot gear...the worse we got in taunts was "*************" for Osvaldo Sanchez and "Dos a Cero" for the final score. I sat with the supporters groups American Outlaws and Sams Army and both groups are above the behavior I described from Mexican fans.

I've never been to qualifiers outside of the US but according to friends of mine who have the worst experiences were in 2 places--Saprissa in Costa Rica and Azteca in Mexico. They say the Hondruans, Guatemalans and El Sals are loud and boisterous but hardly threatening...Jamaica and Trinidad are described as a party atmosphere that spend more time singing, dancing and beating on drums than to worry about the opposing fans.

Yes, I said BOTH. I've heard "*******" comments and "go back to your country" at these games. Now am I saying you or your group(s) did this? No. But to say that the US fans, even if only a small group, arent capable and are also guilty of being disrespectful is laughable. There are bad apples in both groups, don't kid yourself. Central Americans are the worst when Mexico plays down there. Beating Mexico is like making itto the WC for some of them.


Sep 2, 2002
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Yes, I said BOTH. I've heard "*******" comments and "go back to your country" at these games. Now am I saying you or your group(s) did this? No. But to say that the US fans, even if only a small group, arent capable and are also guilty of being disrespectful is laughable. There are bad apples in both groups, don't kid yourself. Central Americans are the worst when Mexico plays down there. Beating Mexico is like making itto the WC for some of them.

You can say both all you want, but you lose all credibility with your inability to understand degree. Of course there are some rude American fans, but to compare them to what the Mexican fans do shows a complete ignorance to the reality that they aren't comparable.

I think it's weak and disrespectful to root against a country you CHOOSE to live in, but that's ultimately your choice. To compare the bad behavior of Mexican vs. American fans shows either you're too biased to have a conversation with, or just completely ignorant.

Just a taste of the hospitality provided by your fellow countrymen...
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Apr 4, 2011
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You can say both all you want, but you lose all credibility with your inability to understand degree. Of course there are some rude American fans, but to compare them to what the Mexican fans do shows a complete ignorance to the reality that they aren't comparable.

I think it's weak and disrespectful to root against a country you CHOOSE to live in, but that's ultimately your choice. To compare the bad behavior of Mexican vs. American fans shows either you're too biased to have a conversation with, or just completely ignorant.

Just a taste of the hospitality provided by your fellow countrymen...

You say I lose all credibility, well good thing I'm not here to cater to you. And I don't believe I actually am making the argument that the level of disrespect on both sides is equal. I said that the US, even if it's only a small group, also participates in regrettable behavior. Hate to break it to you, but the US fans are not all civilized, much like not all Mexican fans are. My underlying point being that if you don't think some US fans also are disrespectful, whether or not to the level of nation A, B or C, you are living on a make-believe world.

And I fail to see how me rooting for Mexico makes me "weak" just because I live in the US. You don't know more than that tidbits of information I've given you as to the reasons for me supporting Mexico. Remember, you gotta separate non-sports matters from sports. ;)


Sep 2, 2002
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You say I lose all credibility, well good thing I'm not here to cater to you.

Who said you were? You took the time to create an account, and "add" to the discussion of the message board. Perhaps clowns like you and Shzm don't feel that credibility is important, but those of us who have been here for awhile do.

And I don't believe I actually am making the argument that the level of disrespect on both sides is equal.

Perhaps a reading comprehension class would benefit you? Please show me anywhere where I claim that you said the disrespect is equal.

I said that the US, even if it's only a small group, also participates in regrettable behavior.

True. The problem that you fail to grasp is the fact that a much higher percentage of Mexican fans display atrocious behavior. That is the difference. Understand?

Hate to break it to you, but the US fans are not all civilized, much like not all Mexican fans are.

Color me shocked! What would this board do without your pearls of wisdom?!?

My underlying point being that if you don't think some US fans also are disrespectful, whether or not to the level of nation A, B or C, you are living on a make-believe world.

Again, reading comprehension. There is nowhere in what I said that implies that there isn't any disrespectful behavior from Americans. The difference is a matter of degree, and apparently your brain can't comprehend that nuance.

And I fail to see how me rooting for Mexico makes me "weak" just because I live in the US.

That's fine, I don't really care whether you understand it or not. One of the biggest issues that many countries attractive to immigrants face is a reluctance to assimilate, from both a cultural and lingual standpoint. If you make a conscious choice to spend your life in a country, my opinion is that you should make an effort to buy in and support it.

I went to a US/Mexico game a couple years back at U of P stadium, and while many of the Mexican fans around us were polite, cups full of drinks were thrown at American players on corners, and I was definitely cursed out by many of the Mexican fans. To the Mexican fan who yelled "F USA", that's great, but if you hate the US so much, then don't live here.

You don't know more than that tidbits of information I've given you as to the reasons for me supporting Mexico.

Man, what a teaser! Don't know, don't care.


Plucky Comic Relief
Supporting Member
Jul 2, 2004
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U.S. has about, what, six weeks? to get ready for Spain. Will we have an A-team squad? What changes should Bradley make to the roster?


Sep 24, 2002
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Fort Myers
U.S. has about, what, six weeks? to get ready for Spain. Will we have an A-team squad? What changes should Bradley make to the roster?

It will be the A team missing only the injured Holden as it will be the Gold Cup roster in that game.

Cherundolo and Bunbury are both healthy and are roster locks. There is still the glaring lack of a left back...Lichaj played there in England a couple of times but he is much more comfortable on the right, I don't think Chandler ever played there at all, Bocanegra is too slow and his distribution stinks and Bornstein is just awful--the biggest weakness on the team, even moreso than striker IMO.

Davies has some time to get match fit and continue contributing to DC United--if he does it'll be hard for Bradley to leave him off (Davies was a scratch this past weekend due to a hamstring strain). If Davies makes it then it will likely be at the expense of one of the MF (Kljestan, Bedoya or Feilhaber) as both Spector and Chandler have league experience in the MF.

This was Soccer By Ives projection as of last week..
PROJECTED 2011 Gold Cup Roster

GOALKEEPERS- Tim Howard, Marcus Hahnemann, Brad Guzan

DEFENDERS- Carlos Bocanegra, Steve Cherundolo, Oguchi Onyewu, Timmy Chandler, Jonathan Spector, Eric Lichaj, Tim Ream, Jay DeMerit

MIDFIELDERS- Landon Donovan, Clint Dempsey, Michael Bradley, Jermaine Jones, Maurice Edu, Sacha Kljestan, Benny Feilhaber, Alejandro Bedoya

FORWARDS- Jozy Altidore, Juan Agudelo, Edson Buddle, Teal Bunbury


Apr 4, 2011
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Ah ASUCHRIS, you certainly know how to make a guy feel welcome on these boards. I'm liking it here quite a bit. :)

Anyway, with regard to your non-emotional rant-like comments, I was also at that game at U of P stadium. Was sitting behind Sam's army, which I learned are a really good bunch of guys. Not at all like some of the other US fans I ran into that day. I do want to clarify that at no point did I make any comparison of size of scum bag fans between the US and Mexico. And maybe that's the problem you have with my posts, that I don't "admit" that Mexico has more scumbag fans. Now I don't have numbers or proof of this, but yes, unfortunately Mexico does have more bad apples. Does that make you happy buddy? Now again, my main point is, and always has been, that regardless of numbers, both nations have crappy fans. We have to admit that and do our best to eradicate it.

And guess what? I have assimilated. And I also do live by American culture. Which is what exactly? I don't mean that as an insult, simply saying that "American culture" differs greatly depending on where you are regionally within the US. I'm fluent in both languages, have a college degree, getting a JD currently, work for a major US corp at a managerial level, married an irish jersey girl and am ape sh*t about the Mexcan natl team. Is that cool? Am I American enough? Or does the simple fact that I don't choose to root for the stars and stripes (In soccer) make me a bad guy?


ASFN Addict
Jul 17, 2007
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Well, that took an interesting twist. Just as Stout, Chaplin and I were stepping in closer on taking a more respectful approach towards the discussions conducted in this forum. Diablo was by far less of a jerk (if at all) than I was, and Chris is taking swipes left and right. This is precisely the type of attitudes that fueled my string of inflammatory posts. Diablo, I suggest you avoid responding with aggressive content and allow the highly competent team of moderators to handle Chris' violation of the terms of service via his personal attacks.

I look forward to being able to discuss US and other national teams on here in a mature, respectable, and responsible manner.

Matt, I believe the US will take their A-Squad vs Spain. It will be interesting to see which tactics they're able to use against a team who's as good at controlling possession and executing as Spain. I believe they will bunker, but will have more success than they had vs Argentina. Especially because Spain has been struggling recently.

One thing the USMNT federation has been doing well lately, is scheduling games vs worthy opponents. Friendlies vs arg and spn should be far more effective in preparing the team for competition compared to the likes of the usual Grenada and Guatemala.


Plucky Comic Relief
Supporting Member
Jul 2, 2004
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Matt, I believe the US will take their A-Squad vs Spain. It will be interesting to see which tactics they're able to use against a team who's as good at controlling possession and executing as Spain. I believe they will bunker, but will have more success than they had vs Argentina. Especially because Spain has been struggling recently.

One thing the USMNT federation has been doing well lately, is scheduling games vs worthy opponents. Friendlies vs arg and spn should be far more effective in preparing the team for competition compared to the likes of the usual Grenada and Guatemala.

Agree on the better competition. Just the pace in general should help raise the bar for the U.S.

I'd like to see the U.S. attack the middle more rather than asking the wings to bear the brunt of setting up the attack. I think they'd have a little more success maintaining possession going inside out rather than in reverse, and it might open more scoring opportunities for guys like Bradley if the defenders get spread out in the box. Spain will definitely give us an idea how far our midfielders have come. If that's supposed to be the strength of the team, they better show up in this match.

[off topic]
Sitting here watching UEFA Champions League and Stankovic just scored an empty net goal from about 45 yards out on a bang bang volley. Freakin' A. Where do we find guys with guts like that?
[/off topic]
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Sep 2, 2002
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Ah ASUCHRIS, you certainly know how to make a guy feel welcome on these boards. I'm liking it here quite a bit. :)

Welcome, I'm nothing if not hospitable. Just don't post thousands of pics of Mexican national team photos, Shzm still doesn't get that we just don't care.

Now I don't have numbers or proof of this, but yes, unfortunately Mexico does have more bad apples. Does that make you happy buddy?

Yes, glad we can agree on that.

Now again, my main point is, and always has been, that regardless of numbers, both nations have crappy fans. We have to admit that and do our best to eradicate it.

Well yes, it would be better to have less ******** fans on both sides. That being said, certain teams have bigger problems than others, but we've both agreed on that anyway.

And guess what? I have assimilated. And I also do live by American culture. Which is what exactly? I don't mean that as an insult, simply saying that "American culture" differs greatly depending on where you are regionally within the US. I'm fluent in both languages, have a college degree, getting a JD currently, work for a major US corp at a managerial level, married an irish jersey girl

True, but you get my point. Learn the language, make attempts to fit in with those around you and build ties in the community by being active in it and contributing. Clearly you understand the value of that.

and am ape sh*t about the Mexcan natl team. Is that cool? Am I American enough? Or does the simple fact that I don't choose to root for the stars and stripes (In soccer) make me a bad guy?

It doesn't make you a bad person, but I'd hope outside of matches vs. Mexico, that you'd root for the US team, as it is your home team now. My beef isn't with people like yourself, more with those that choose to live in a country that they don't respect, and don't make an effort to fit in. Sounds like that isn't the case for you.


Sep 2, 2002
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I'd like to see the U.S. attack the middle more rather than asking the wings to bear the brunt of setting up the attack. I think they'd have a little more success maintaining possession going inside out rather than in reverse, and it might open more scoring opportunities for guys like Bradley if the defenders get spread out in the box. Spain will definitely give us an idea how far our midfielders have come. If that's supposed to be the strength of the team, they better show up in this match.

My understanding is the problem with that strategy is that Holden is really the only mid that we have that is effective in controlling the ball and dictating pace in the middle. Bradley and Jones are far more effective as defensive mids, less effective in terms of distribution, and Edu is very inconsistent on the ball. Outside of Holden, we really don't have anyone who can fill that role effectively.


Sep 2, 2002
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There is still the glaring lack of a left back...Lichaj played there in England a couple of times but he is much more comfortable on the right, I don't think Chandler ever played there at all, Bocanegra is too slow and his distribution stinks and Bornstein is just awful--the biggest weakness on the team, even moreso than striker IMO.

Bornstein sucks out loud. I guess the long term strategy would be to try and put Lichaj on the left, because it doesn't look like Chandler is moving anywhere anytime soon.

I know it's far fetched, but whatever happened to the Beasley at left back experiment? I know he's getting older and hasn't played much, but I'm pretty much happy with anyone other than Bornstein. Any chance a Beasley, or even Ricardo Clark could be converted?


Sep 24, 2002
Reaction score
Fort Myers
Bornstein sucks out loud. I guess the long term strategy would be to try and put Lichaj on the left, because it doesn't look like Chandler is moving anywhere anytime soon.

I know it's far fetched, but whatever happened to the Beasley at left back experiment? I know he's getting older and hasn't played much, but I'm pretty much happy with anyone other than Bornstein. Any chance a Beasley, or even Ricardo Clark could be converted?

Bobby Convey is naturally left footed and has been playing left back for San Jose and has been playing well...BUT supposedly he and Bob Bradley had some sort of falling out so he may never get another cap. I doubt we will see Beasley back there again(esp since he gets ZERO playing time for his club), Clark has been playing some center back but he hasn't ever even played outside in the MF that I recall. Zach Lloyd is a name to keep an eye on, he is 23 and plays left back for FC Dallas and played 1 US game at that position(Man of the match against Chile)...also I am all for bringing Heath Pearce back in to the fold as well...they need to evaluate as many players as possible back there and hope that one pans out.


Plucky Comic Relief
Supporting Member
Jul 2, 2004
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Bobby Convey is naturally left footed and has been playing left back for San Jose and has been playing well...BUT supposedly he and Bob Bradley had some sort of falling out so he may never get another cap. I doubt we will see Beasley back there again(esp since he gets ZERO playing time for his club), Clark has been playing some center back but he hasn't ever even played outside in the MF that I recall. Zach Lloyd is a name to keep an eye on, he is 23 and plays left back for FC Dallas and played 1 US game at that position(Man of the match against Chile)...also I am all for bringing Heath Pearce back in to the fold as well...they need to evaluate as many players as possible back there and hope that one pans out.

I'd be totally on board with a youth movement for U.S. soccer. Donovan and the goalies are safe. After that everyone else should be on notice. I would not be ashamed going into tournament play with kiddies. Worst case scenario they get some caps and it sets up a better 2018. If we have to take veterans into this and strain just to get into the World Cup, that's not forward progress in my opinion, although I admit not getting in would be a bitter pill.


Sep 24, 2002
Reaction score
Fort Myers
I'd be totally on board with a youth movement for U.S. soccer. Donovan and the goalies are safe. After that everyone else should be on notice. I would not be ashamed going into tournament play with kiddies. Worst case scenario they get some caps and it sets up a better 2018. If we have to take veterans into this and strain just to get into the World Cup, that's not forward progress in my opinion, although I admit not getting in would be a bitter pill.

There is plenty for the younger generation of US soccer players, the U17 & U20 WC's are this year and U23 Olympic qualifying is next year.

This summers Gold Cup is important, the winner gets a berth in the Confed Cup in Brazil in 2013, which is great prep and experience to prepare for the WC in 2014. We can't go in with anything less than our A team. There will be plenty of experimenting in the next 3 yrs leading up to the WC.

Look at the 2007 Gold Cup lineup...

GOALKEEPERS (3) – Brad Guzan (Chivas USA), Tim Howard (Everton FC), Kasey Keller (Borussia Moenchengladbach)

DEFENDERS (8) –Carlos Bocanegra (Fulham FC), Jonathan Bornstein (Chivas USA), Jay DeMerit (Watford FC), Frankie Hejduk (Columbus Crew), Oguchi Onyewu (Standard de Liege), Michael Parkhurst (New England Revolution), Frank Simek (Sheffield Wednesday), Jonathan Spector (West Ham United)

MIDFIELDERS (8) – DaMarcus Beasley (PSV Eindhoven), Michael Bradley (SC Heerenveen), Ricardo Clark (Houston Dynamo), Clint Dempsey (Fulham FC), Benny Feilhaber (Hamburg SV), Justin Mapp (Chicago Fire), Pablo Mastroeni (Colorado Rapids), Steve Ralston (New England Revolution)

FORWARDS (4) – Brian Ching (Houston Dynamo), Landon Donovan (Los Angeles Galaxy), Eddie Johnson (Kansas City Wizards), Taylor Twellman (New England Revolution)

and compare it to our 2010 WC roster...
Guzan, Brad
Hahnemann, Marcus
Howard, Tim

Bornstein, Jonathan
Bocanegra, Carlos
Cherundolo, Steve
DeMerit, Jay
Goodson, Clarence
Onyewu, Oguchi
Spector, Jonathan

Beasley, DaMarcus
Bradley, Michael
Clark, Ricardo
Dempsey, Clint
Donovan, Landon
Edu, Maurice
Feilhaber, Benny
Holden, Stuart
Torres, José Francisco

Altidore, Jozy
Buddle, Edson
Findley, Robbie
Gomez, Herculez

Thats 9 changes over a third of the roster. I expect to see similar if not more turnover in this cycle.


Sep 24, 2002
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Fort Myers
Forget what I said about the U20's, they just lost to Guatemala 2-1 so no U20 WC for the US for the first time EVER. Very disappointing.

The thing is they looked so much more talented than the U17's did that won the region, they just couldn't capitalize on their chances.


Oct 5, 2002
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Guatemala City, Guatemala
Forget what I said about the U20's, they just lost to Guatemala 2-1 so no U20 WC for the US for the first time EVER. Very disappointing.

The thing is they looked so much more talented than the U17's did that won the region, they just couldn't capitalize on their chances.

Hi guys... I watched the game here in Guatemala.... your kids are very talented and the better team. We just had everything going on tonight and they looked kind of scared. The first ever WC for Guatemala in any category...! the US is and will be for a long time the class and better team in Concacaf for a LONG time!!

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