Malt O Meal with eggs? Grits and eggs yes. Not so sure about Malt O Meal
Yes, surprisingly almost better on top of Malt o Meal. The Malto must be cooked to a thick, more grit like consistency while retaining it's "soft' texture. It's a science.
Are you insane????
Quite possibly, but not because of this food combination.
Works for me. Fried eggs are great. Fried eggs on enchiladas at Los Dos? OMG!!!

NO FOOD TOUCHING!!! You people are KILLING me!!!
What? No have a food touching quirk? You mean you don't mix your peas and carrots with your mashed potatoes? Or dip your chicken strips in mashed potatoes and gravy?
Fried eggs are great, lets put them on top of our Cinnamon Life? Oh wait, there is a time and a place for everything..
While I don't know about a fried egg, why don't you throw some yogurt on top of there?