Jetstream Green
Kool Aid with a touch of vodka
every couple of years the cap space goes up and the players and their agents naturally react by demanding even larger contracts which basically means the cap does nothing but have teams and their fans pull their hair out over who there core players are and that is even a joke... if your any good as a team, that usually means you have about 10 players which are core guys but you can only really afford maybe 5. Sometime in the distant future they will just eradicate the cap and then some teams will dwarf others in talent and pay rolls, then athletes will finally start making so much money that society will have a wake up call and the existence of professional sports will have a revolution of sorts. What that will be I have no idea, but in about 20 years it will happen. The amount of money we are worrying about with Fitz might even be considered normal in a few years lol