I have to agree with you all on the Beth part. However, didn't she already resign to the fact that she thinks that Beth is dead? Maybe I am just imagining it but I thought there was a scene where she said something to that effect. Maybe I am thinking of something else.
Still....I would have said screw you to the Washington thing if it was my sister as well. Even if she thinks she is still alive, maybe she feels the best thing she can do for everyone is to get the cure out there to save people. Also, Maggie seems to be pretty true to her word in character. She promised she would go with them if they all helped. She is keeping that promise which is pretty true to her character.
The other problem I have is why exactly did they need help? Seems to me that Rick pretty much did it all. Yes, they followed Rick in with guns but he took out two and had the drop on the rest. Didn't really seem like he needed the help which made the promise sort of wasted IMO.
Those are all minor gripes though. The show has definitely taken a turn for the better. The pace is better, the episodes have been pretty damn good so far this season and next weeks looks awesome.
By the way...I was never a huge fan of Bob but this last episode and his dialogue gave me more respect for his character.