Tip Sheet: Shelton-Henry Deal Dead


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Feb 3, 2003
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The Aventine
GreenCard said:
Don't we have a Bridge for that gap?
JMHO, but he's a band-aid at the position at best. I hope we draft a true guard, but if we don't I'd rather keep Shelton and try to play him there. Skkorp has reported that LJ just wants to play, and it doesn't matter where on the line it is...so, I'd take him up on it.

I also think we ought to keep Clemment for depth.


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Aug 10, 2004
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I keep forgetting to put those little smiley faces on my not as funny as I thought posts.


can't stop this
Apr 2, 2005
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Buffalo, NY / Ithaca, NY (school)
CardinalLaw said:
Fair, Shelton for Henry would be a fair trade. Personally as a Cards fan I think your second round pick and Henry for Shelton would be fair, so does Denny. Whether it is fair to the Bills is a whole new story. Life ain't fair some times, neither are trades. I hope Denny makes a trade elsewhere, dealing with this idiot Donahue is like dealing with Rosenhaus.
:D Donahoe is a great GM


ASFN Lifer
Apr 29, 2004
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DMBills36 said:
Seems to me that the ESPN stories all come from the Buffalo direction. Pasquarelli seems to be writing to Arizona with this most recent Tip Sheet.

Which means that Buffalo is posturing in the media but Arizona isn't. More often than not, it is a sign that things aren't going the way you would like them to and you are trying to put pressure on the other side.


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
Azlen said:
Which means that Buffalo is posturing in the media but Arizona isn't. More often than not, it is a sign that things aren't going the way you would like them to and you are trying to put pressure on the other side.


Just because you won't negotiate through the media doesn't mean you can't. Sounds like TD is trying to pressure Green, and it ain't working.


Superbowl, Homeboy!
May 14, 2002
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Expat in Kuala Lumpur
DMBills36 said:
Seems to me that the ESPN stories all come from the Buffalo direction. Pasquarelli seems to be writing to Arizona with this most recent Tip Sheet.
Both teams are using the media. Check out the Sporting News and you have it the other way around.


Formerly Bball_31
Jul 27, 2002
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I don't know too much about Football but I'd prefer to Draft a RB stud in 1st Round and keep Shelton, than get hosed by another GM.

2nd Round there should be enough CB's in Draft? IMO with the addition of the Hawks DE - can't spell it (Okeafor?), there's another Okafor in Basketball and I noticed the name was spelled different... I tried. The team doesn't need a star CB in 1st?

I'd rather go in season with a 6th lineman that was previously injured (Shelton), than getting hosed in Trade and having another previously injured player (Henry) START on team while having another injured RB in Shipp.

Green is unlikely to Draft a bust RB, at least reading a lot of the posts here - another star studded Draft and the Cardinals shall go 14-2 :D

If that seems a bit of a reach, I predicted 78-4 for the Suns and I was kind of close. :p

Evil Ash

Henchman Supreme
Jun 26, 2003
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On a flying cocoon
Oh brother, here we go again. This is that wonderful time of year that every GM, scout, coach, and every other member of each team's front office continues to BS.

Now although the article section is interesting here are some things to keep in mind when reading it (from someone in the field).

1) In depth articles such as this aren't written in the span of a day
- In depth articles such as this one take a while to build up the information and write, meaning of course that what he has written here may in fact (and probably was) old news. The article talking about how the deal was almost completed (and in fact maybe pending) was written the day before this one and since it was more timely maybe more of an accurate account than this one ... it may not be be but I would lean torward it being more likely

2) Where are the other articles confirming this?
- Usually when tending to check on the accuracy of a story or rumor like this you would see something of this stature reported by MORE THAN JUST ONE SOURCE. Neither Buffalo area newspapers or AZ newspapers have said anything on the level that this deal is falling apart. Am I the only person here that finds that a tad suspicious?

3) Try never to trust unnamed sources
- Its kinda a shame how reporting sports has gone on this as compared to other aspects of the industry in this regard (most newspapers won't even print article when the source is unnamed ... although this ideal seems to be slipping lately). People shouldn't trust unnamed sources. If the information that they were given is so concrete they would gladly put their name on the information (minus a few mitigating circumstances of course).
Tell me honestly which sentence sounds more trustworthy and concrete: "Bills GM Tom Donahoe said 'No deal'" or "an unnamed source that is close to the situation said that the proposed Bills/Cards trade may be falling apart"
Think about it folks ... when they go unnamed it takes away the validity from the story. For all we know this could be the janitor at the Bills practice facility or in the case of Len Pasquarelli more than like his source is the Bills GM Tom Donahoe.
Which leads directly to point #4 ...

4) Draft/Trade time = BS time
- More often than not GMs, coaches and every other members of the FO will lie their asses off in order to get what they want to happen. Whether that be trying to get more leverage in a trade or by getting the person that they want in the draft to fall to them.
For example one of the reasons that the "draft experts" such as Mel Kiper get wrong or misleading information about a player can come directly attributed to scouts. Scouts will tell him what they want to tell him, its really that simple. Teams will do whatever it takes to give their side the upper-hand so why would it surprise anyone that they could make up a possibly false situation like this one if things weren't going their way?

Now do all of these reasons make it a certainty that the report by Len P is untrue? No, but people have to admit that with all of these factors it does make it look a tad suspicious.

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May 14, 2002
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Holmdel, NJ
I wouldn't lose any sleep - in either direction - over either what Clayton, McShane or Pasquarelli has to say.

There's so much lying and disinformation that goes on in the weeks leading up to the draft that (a) if you believe a rumor, you're going to be wrong and (b) if you dismiss a rumor as bogus, it will most certainly come back and bite you on the butt.

For the sake of sanity, just play it as it lays and, come draft day (or the Friday contest deadline) just assume that if it hasn't happened, you can't count on it.

Town Drunk

Longest serving ASFN lurker
Aug 30, 2003
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Just thought I'd add some more fuel to this Henry fire :wave:


• Donahoe said he wants more in return for Travis Henry from Arizona than tackle L.J. Shelton. "We're not interested in that. We will listen. We will see what happens over the next couple weeks. If it happens, great, if it doesn't happen, Travis has a contract to play with the Buffalo Bills."


Run Willis Run
Mar 28, 2005
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Town Drunk said:
Just thought I'd add some more fuel to this Henry fire :wave:

Oh well, I guess we'll just have to shuffle the offensive line and draft another OL or see who comes free after June 1st. At least we'll be stacked at RB for one more year. No need to sign/draft another RB if Henry is still in the mix.

I still say Denny folds eventually, but who knows?


Jai Guru Deva OM
Nov 29, 2004
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Chandler, AZ
Oh well....I say move on and let their GM figure out what to do with a hole in the OL and a RB that is miserable and wants out


Mar 28, 2005
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Teague at LT

Just to keep you guys informed, Trey Teague originally came into the league as a LT. He played LT at Tennessee in college and played LT at Denver. Buffalo signed him as a tackle, but with the desperate need at C and the emergence of Jonas Jennings, Teague was needed at center. He has excelled there. The Bills have a good backup center in Ross Tucker who could start easily at center. So, Teague has experience at LT and it is his natural position. LJ in all seriousness, may not start on this Bills o-line.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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PIZ said:
Just to keep you guys informed, Trey Teague originally came into the league as a LT. He played LT at Tennessee in college and played LT at Denver. Buffalo signed him as a tackle, but with the desperate need at C and the emergence of Jonas Jennings, Teague was needed at center. He has excelled there. The Bills have a good backup center in Ross Tucker who could start easily at center. So, Teague has experience at LT and it is his natural position. LJ in all seriousness, may not start on this Bills o-line.

That's true but Teague only started 20 games for Denver 16 of them in 2001 which was his last year in Denver before they replaced him. So it's not like he was a key starter in their OL at LT for years he started one year, and played so well, his career in Denver ended.

Teague is now 30 and hasn't played LT in 3 years. Apparently your OL coach McNally called him the most improved player he's ever coached and said he believes several players on the Bills OL were playing out of position, so maybe he means Teague, or maybe he means someone else? Teague's reported problem from what I just read on a bills board is he's not strong enough and gets overpowered by big DT's, the feeling is at LT he'd see smaller players and be better off.

The fact that Buffalo is still actively seeking to work out this trade tells you they do like SHelton no matter what Donahoe is saying, if they didn't they'd have just dropped it.


Mar 28, 2005
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Redsz said:
Teague has 'experince' playing T. But that doesn't mean he is any good or even average at T.


As a 16 game starter for Denver he gave up 11 sacks.

Shelton has "experience" also and when was his last start. The Cardinals could use Shelton as a backup T and really Buffalo could use Henry as a backup RB. We have no depth at RB. At this point I wonder if our recent pickup Mike Gandy is better than Shelton. Whatever happens, happens.


May 14, 2002
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Holmdel, NJ
Funny Thing...

Shelton has "experience" also and when was his last start. The Cardinals could use Shelton as a backup T
The year Shelton was drafted, I was hollering for us to nab him at #9 instead of Boston. (Instead Fergy drafted Boston first and Shelton later on in the first round).

But (as I said on an earlier thread), the day the dude is signed, all the predraft hoopla gets tossed out the window and all 80 guys have to prove on an equal basis that they deserve to be on the final roster.

LJ has not played anywhere near the potential of a 20th round pick let alone a #9. But I agree that he's played well enough to be considered for (not automatically awarded) starting RG. Or to play backup (which, I gather, he is not willing to accept).

I don't see Shelton's position with the team as: "We hate you, so you're gone", but more: "For reasons both fair and unfair, you've put yourself in a position where, given your compensation level, you're expendible if the right deal comes along."


We do this together
Jan 21, 2004
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PIZ said:
Shelton has "experience" also and when was his last start. The Cardinals could use Shelton as a backup T and really Buffalo could use Henry as a backup RB. We have no depth at RB. At this point I wonder if our recent pickup Mike Gandy is better than Shelton. Whatever happens, happens.

Shelton started 9 games at RT in 04' before being placed on IR.


He gave up 4 sacks. Not bad for a guy learning a whole new postion and playing through a back injury.

For comparison, Mike Williams gave up 8.5 in 15 games in 04'.
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