He is right to want a first rounder for him. BTW. This is not a trash team. It is a young team with a bright future, which is exactly what they are supposed to be in this stage of rebuilding.
Is it a young team with a bright future?
Bledsoes been around for 7 years. Our leader & good player, but he's not Steph or Kyrie.
Len for 4 years. He's a mid level guy. He's done growing. Stop making the excuse hes young. Hes not. At 4 years, hes a veteran.
Chriss. Good, not great. any reason to think he's going to be Kawhi Leonard? No.
Bender is 5 years away from even being Chriss.
Warren, 3 years. good player when healthy.
Booker- clearly our best player.
We arent a team full of future superstar rookies. We have Booker. Great. And what else? The rookies we do have might eventually be good players, but not superstars. We have far less building blocks than you think.
And worse yet, Mcdonoughs presence will forever hurt our future. Hes a terrible GM with no vision and no plan. That Dragic/Thomas/Lakers pick trainwreck shouldve gotten him fired.
That guy is going to milk the Booker pick like Mugatu from Zoolander. "I INVENTED THE PIANO KEY NECKTIE!". We havent won since Mcdounugh got here, and we wont win till hes gone.