Try to maintain a little dignity at Cards games


Dec 8, 2002
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ordinance 2257
Dan Bickley
The Arizona Republic
Sept. 21, 2005 12:00 AM

Pity all ticket-buying Cardinals fans, the ones stuck in NF-Hell.

The team has a 14 percent chance of making the playoffs. The stadium smells worse every game, a combination of sweat, stale beer and 47-year-old restrooms. Admission guarantees nothing but a red face.

After all, if the sun doesn't get you, the embarrassment will.

Surely, you will all have luxury suites in the afterlife for your loyalty and suffering. That is, except for the drunkards, morons and vulgarians that can make Sun Devil Stadium one of the worst experiences in the league.

So, to all of you idiots who threw water bottles on the field near the end of Sunday's bitter loss to the Rams: Please. Chill. Out. There are only six Sundays left in purgatory.

"It's normally a pretty good crowd," said Tempe's Jim Norris, a season ticket holder since 1988. "Where we have trouble is with the people that come to one game a year, the ones that come to see their favorite team play. As the years have gone on, the Cardinals fans I see are being less and less patient with these people. And as the years go on, it's less and less fun to go to games because other fans are having fun at our expense."

It all reached a boiling point on Sunday, when tempers were flaring long before kickoff. The NFL's new pat-down policy kept people in line and on the streets, even though turnstiles were empty. Thousands missed kickoff. With separate lines for different genders, Norris was in his seat 20 minutes before his wife finally showed up.

"It's an extra layer of security to enhance the comfort of the fans," NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said. "But it has to be implemented properly, and the teams are in charge of that."

Those efforts were clearly botched in Tempe, and making matters worse, the temperature was unusually warm. The game was another three-legged dog, and the ending was frighteningly familiar.

It all made for a volatile brew, and it eventually made a mockery of the NFL's new security measures, which were designed to keep large, improvised explosives from entering any of its 31 stadiums. Three hours after getting frisked outside the gates, enraged fans simply used large, improvised projectiles to litter the field, sending one photographer to the hospital.

Well before Sunday's game, it was sometimes hard to miss the dark side of Sun Devil Stadium. I know parents who have taken young kids to a Cardinals game, only to hear language that would make HBO squirm. Now, those parents are swearing that they'll never go back. I know females who attended a game and would feel more comfortable walking past a construction site. There is just something about the second-class feel of this NFL experience that can drag the game into the gutter.

Look, it's not good situation for anyone. The team can't get good, which means it can't get television slots on Sunday and Monday nights to combat the early-season heat. Arizona State would've upgraded its stadium years ago, except they're waiting until the Cardinals are gone for good. And given the early tone of the 2005 season, it seems to be a matter of playing out the string.

Until then, it wouldn't hurt to show a little class and a little couth. The football team already has a major reputation problem. Those attending the games don't need to be mentioned in the same breath as the cretins in Oakland and Philadelphia.

Cardinals fans deserve better than that. At least most of them do.

Reach Bickley at [email protected] or (602) 444-8253.

Scott MS

Mar 8, 2004
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azdad1978 said:
There is just something about the second-class feel of this NFL experience that can drag the game into the gutter.

Suprised Bickley would come out and say this, although it's true. I've been to a few different stadiums and seen different NFL teams and the NFL fan base is certainly different than some other sports.

They used to have a court and jail in the old Philadelphia stadium.


All Star
Jun 12, 2005
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I'd like to see Bickley go stand down on the field in front of the SEZ.

He is right about a few things here. One, this new search policy is a complete joke and it did contribute to the mood in the stadium on Sunday. You combine that with heat, a few BS calls by the refs, and a lose-at-all-costs performance by the Cardinals and you have the makings for a near riot. It was damn near a riot outside the stadium before the ball had been kicked off.

Have the Cards said anything yet on how they are going to address the problem at the gates?


Jun 10, 2002
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duckfallas said:
I'd like to see Bickley go stand down on the field in front of the SEZ.

He is right about a few things here. One, this new search policy is a complete joke and it did contribute to the mood in the stadium on Sunday. You combine that with heat, a few BS calls by the refs, and a lose-at-all-costs performance by the Cardinals and you have the makings for a near riot. It was damn near a riot outside the stadium before the ball had been kicked off.

Have the Cards said anything yet on how they are going to address the problem at the gates?

Yes, they are going to have fewer fans come to the remaining games.


ASFN Lifer
Sep 11, 2002
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This is so typicaL of SDS. Lets face it the place sucks, Asu sucks if they are going to renovate it after the Cardinals move, they could have used that 85 million to help with the renovation.

Hell, Tempe still can't get traffic moving after a game, especially when its sold out.



May 5, 2003
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If I live in AZ and had season tickets Id wear a brown bag on my head next home game and throw stuff on the field whenever I had trash in my hands.

Some people in AZ trash the eagles fane (CardTrader and others) but the fact is they do it right. When the coach puts trash on the field why cant you?

If he coaches them up or does the right thing and they dont play like trash then fans shouldnt throw trash either.


Supporting Member
May 15, 2002
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Plymouth, UK
Duckjake said:
Yes, they are going to have fewer fans come to the remaining games.

You do understand that it's ASU that arranges all the security. They do everything they can to make the Cardinals experience as miserable as possible while staying withing their contract.

One of the areas they skimp on is the number of security guards. Ever wonder why there is more trouble at Raiders games ? Other NFL teams put on extra reat-a-cops for those, not ASU.

This [btw] is not an opinion, it's a fact.

I assume they figure the better the NFL experience the less folks show up for college games.


Jun 10, 2002
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nidan said:
You do understand that it's ASU that arranges all the security. They do everything they can to make the Cardinals experience as miserable as possible while staying withing their contract.

One of the areas they skimp on is the number of security guards. Ever wonder why there is more trouble at Raiders games ? Other NFL teams put on extra reat-a-cops for those, not ASU.

This [btw] is not an opinion, it's a fact.

I assume they figure the better the NFL experience the less folks show up for college games.

I understand completely. What you reference is why I'm really dissappointed that I won't be able to make the Christmas Eve game. Would like nothing better than to be there to say goodbye properly to the people who run things at SDS on our last day there.

The reference I was making was to the terrible conditions at SDS coupled with the Cards poor performance leading to lower attendence and therefore shorter lines.

Card Trader

ASFN Lifer
May 14, 2002
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Chandler, AZ
swd1974 said:
If I live in AZ and had season tickets Id wear a brown bag on my head next home game and throw stuff on the field whenever I had trash in my hands.

Some people in AZ trash the eagles fane (CardTrader and others) but the fact is they do it right. When the coach puts trash on the field why cant you?

If he coaches them up or does the right thing and they dont play like trash then fans shouldnt throw trash either.

Go root for the Eagles then.....


A Whole New World
Supporting Member
Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
swd1974 said:
If I live in AZ and had season tickets Id wear a brown bag on my head next home game and throw stuff on the field whenever I had trash in my hands.

Some people in AZ trash the eagles fane (CardTrader and others) but the fact is they do it right. When the coach puts trash on the field why cant you?

If he coaches them up or does the right thing and they dont play like trash then fans shouldnt throw trash either.

Nobody was throwing trash on the field because of the team's play. It was targeted at the pisspoor calls that were made during that drive. Calls that could be made at anytime of any game, but were only done then. Then the completely blown call on Shipp's run where he was not down. The fans weren't protesting the team; they were protesting number #42.

And Bickley can go to hell. I want the rep the Browns used to have, the Eagles, the Raiders. Opposing teams don't want to be in our endzones, ever.

BTW, don't bring your kids to the endzones. There's a family section and an alcohol free section. Don't cry because the endzones are rowdy and uncouth. Take your kids to midfield or something. When I start taking my kids to games, I'll get tickets in different areas. But right now, this is the place for me, the wife and Abomb. And the TEAM loves the endzones, I couldn't give two turds whether Bickley does.


All Star
Jun 12, 2005
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#42 was a stupid prick and has no business being on any NFL officiating crew. Was it 3 or 4 flags that he threw by himself? In a row? That is when the fit hit the shan.


Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ.
D-Dogg said:
Nobody was throwing trash on the field because of the team's play. It was targeted at the pisspoor calls that were made during that drive. Calls that could be made at anytime of any game, but were only done then. Then the completely blown call on Shipp's run where he was not down. The fans weren't protesting the team; they were protesting number #42.

And Bickley can go to hell. I want the rep the Browns used to have, the Eagles, the Raiders. Opposing teams don't want to be in our endzones, ever.

BTW, don't bring your kids to the endzones. There's a family section and an alcohol free section. Don't cry because the endzones are rowdy and uncouth. Take your kids to midfield or something. When I start taking my kids to games, I'll get tickets in different areas. But right now, this is the place for me, the wife and Abomb. And the TEAM loves the endzones, I couldn't give two turds whether Bickley does.


Dear Dan Dickley, it's obvious you weren't at the game on Sunday or you would realize that the fans were frustrated with the refs. Of course, that line of reasoning wouldn't give you an opportunity to bash the Cards, so I'm sure you wouldn't even consider it.

I would like to take this opportunity to say "up yours" for bashing the Cardinals fans. There aren't many of us, but we do stick together. Why don't you visit the SEZ during the next game and lecture the fans on why they shouldn't throw trash onto the field just because the refs blow a bunch of calls. Don't worry. We'll have the ambulance on stand-by.

Jay Cardinal

Die Hard Cardinals Fan
Nov 15, 2004
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Tempe, AZ

Typical ignorant Bickley article. Writes the whole thing trashing the Cardinals' fans while ignoring the entire reason the fans were mad in the first place. Not condoning this type of behavior, but the fans had a right to be upset.

Here's how it went down. After several calls against the Cards, Marcel Shipp runs up the middle. After the whistle blows, a Rams defensive player smashes into him. An O-line player (#71, 70 ??) comes to his defense and throws the Ram player to the ground. He is promptly whistled for a 15-yard penalty. The Rams player received nothing for his blatent late hit.

The fans were fed up with this. The controversial calls have generally gone against the Cards for years. This second half of this game had that feeling written all over it. So when we thought we would get an additional 15-yard penalty and are instead issued one of our own and their penalty is disregarded, the fans were enraged.

For Bickley to not write about this is not just ignorance, but his version of sensational journalism. Hey it sells to call the Cards fans trashy, but it doesn't to say a blown call provoked all of the trash.


A Whole New World
Supporting Member
Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
Jay Cardinal said:
Here's how it went down. After several calls against the Cards, Marcel Shipp runs up the middle. After the whistle blows, a Rams defensive player smashes into him. An O-line player (#71, 70 ??) comes to his defense and throws the Ram player to the ground. He is promptly whistled for a 15-yard penalty. The Rams player received nothing for his blatent late hit.

Not to mention that on Shipp's run, he rolled OVER the defender, never touching the ground thus never being down. The whistle blew the play dead. The replay board confirmed he was not down, and since this play also resulted in penalties on Big and not on the Rams, plus it was blown to begin with and never should have been whistled, the crowd lost its vulcan mind. I didn't throw anything, but I did chant B.S. while telling the refs he was "number one" with both of my hands.


Like a boss
Supporting Member
May 6, 2003
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Bickley, try to maintain a little dignity in your columns.


Suns are my Kryptonite!
Jan 3, 2003
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Laveen, AZ
Bad officiating is going around the whole NFL, not just at Cards games. The first week, one of our guys, Castillo, inadvertantly hit Drew Bledsoe in the helmet trying to block a pass. Flag thrown, hit to the head. It was the right call even though it cost us the game.

Next week, Chargers driving to put the game away in Denver. Ian Gold rushes in, hits Brees in the helmet which visibly knocks him backwards THEN knocks the ball out for a fumble and basically game crushing play. The ref was standing right there. You could HEAR the hit on the replay. Where's the frickin' flag? :shrug:

What really pisses me off as a fan, if the refs are going to throw their flags, then throw it the SAME way for BOTH sides. Why is it one side gets called one way, and the other team does the same thing and there's no flag? :shrug:

I'm beginning to think the NFL is becoming like professional wrestling! :mad:


Dec 26, 2003
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The fan behavior across the NFL is largely despicable. And its been that way for a long long time. Its not really a family atmosphere at all in any of the stadiums. The one thing about SDS, is if someone wanted to, they could bring the fam and then move them to a section with no other people in it. It will work better later in the year when its not so hot. But most other stadiums don't come with that option.

The NFL is fueled by Budweiser, Miller, Coors. So long as that's the case, along with the nature of the sport, there will be a lot of bad behavior. Maybe the only thing it can say is, at least no one gets killed at the games. International soccer can't say as much.

The thing I can't stand about Bickley's article, is I'm completely sure, another day he'll criticize our fans for not being passionate and hold up Cleveland or Philly as the example of what we aren't. Bickley isn't honest. Thats why he makes me sick.

Brian in Mesa

Advocatus Diaboli
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May 13, 2002
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Killjoy Central
I guess I'm in the minority, but I've never had any problem with SDS itself. I'm going to see football, not polo. :shrug: Seen some great games there (both college and pro) and I'll continue to go there to support ASU. SDS allowed the Cards to move here while waiting for their new stadium to be one expected that to take so long.

The one thing that does SUCK regardless of who is playing at SDS is the security, I'll agree on that point.

Personally, my wife and I could do without the drunkards, morons, and vulgarians mentioned by Bickley. I don't blame SDS for their presence - those same idiots will be in the new place too. Just speaks to the mentality of many football fans. They treat the place like a huge bar and it's all about getting drunk, being vulgar, and checking out women. Others of us are there to see the game. Go figure.

Also - I don't throw anything on to any field/court. That's just idiotic. Use your voice. :doi:


All Star
Jun 12, 2005
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Gotcha there on how to be a proper NFL fan Brian. So no beer, no swearing, and no checking out hot women. Can I ask what you do in between plays and at halftime? Stare at the empty upper decks?

Brian in Mesa

Advocatus Diaboli
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May 13, 2002
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Killjoy Central
duckfallas said:
Gotcha there on how to be a proper NFL fan Brian. So no beer, no swearing, and no checking out hot women. Can I ask what you do in between plays and at halftime? Stare at the empty upper decks?

I'm spending time with my wife. We both love football. We used to sit in the South Endzone but moved up into the North Endzone, upper deck, to get away from some of the over-the-top members of that crowd. Years ago even the South Endzone was a family-friendly area, but not these days.

I never said there should be no beer. :doi: Obviously some people want to drink, but there are far too many that drink too much. Many of those drive after the game too.

I do feel swearing is out of place, especially when there are families with kids around. But if you like to swear in front of kids, I guess that's you. :shrug:

And I personally do not go to the games to check out women in the crowd, cheerleaders, etc. Even when I go without my wife. But that's just me, I guess.




May 13, 2002
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I have no dignity!!!

(runs and jumps out window)


All Star
Jun 12, 2005
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Hey, I agree with you for the most part. If you are going to drink, don't drink too much to where you ruin the experience of those around you. Don't swear in front of the kids. Don't throw things onto the field or other places where innocent people can get hurt.

But how can you keep your eyes off of all those hotties and cheerleaders??? Man has to know his limitations. :beer:

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