Unbelievable Anquan story


My Hero
May 13, 2002
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Redsz said:
I can't believe this has even become an issue.

We must be having a slow week for this to get so many pages...
This is an issue. This is how it started with David Boston.

A little bit here, a little bit there.

Passing out $100 to who?

Look, money corrupts. Boldin is grounded, I don't think Fitz is or has ever been.

It seems obvious that Fitz hasn't worked for his money.

Hey I know the kid had skills. But I am afraid it is going to hit him too young too fast.

He is only, what 20? These stories to me are just the beginning of problems.

Too young and too quick is not a good thing.

Just a warning friends, but not respecting children is just the start.

I hope I am wrong. I hope I am wrong.

Eventually this kid is going buck both his Dad and Dennis Green. Hopefully later than sooner.


My Hero
May 13, 2002
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I think and have said that he is a talent and Josh can toss it to him anytime and he will out jump whoever is covering him.

Hearing this from 3 different diehards, he is already acting like the bonus baby.

His character is not set in stone and all he can really do is score touchdowns. :D

Which I will take anyday.

Anquan would kick the **** out of Fitz. If Anquan was guarding Fitz, poor Fitz would drop it.

If Fitz refusing to sign my kids ball. I will call him a sell out loser and if that doesn't work. I will spread it on the internet, that he thinks he is too good for normal people.

I might talk **** about this on Sunday. Spread the word. Fitz is too good for the normal people that go to Miami to see him play, even if they are children.

I will spread this rumor on Sunday and expect a chant from the North end zone that says "F Fitz."


My Hero
May 13, 2002
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Most the people in the North End Zone don't believe in this kid anyway.

We see everything he does.

He is no Anquan. I hate to be a prophet but he is going to be a problem.


We do this together
Jan 21, 2004
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I seriously hope that your kidding.

Have you even spoken to Fitzgerald on more than one occassion? Let alone spent enough time with him to know what type of person he is? Or if he is "grounded"?

I really can't believe that you could make a connection between not giving out an autograph and having the problems of David Boston i.e drug and steriod use. That is one huge leap right there.

I'm just amazed that you would even contemplate to goto such lengths to ruin a guys reputation that you don't even know.

Have you ever thought that Fitzgerald is dealing with other issues?

Maybe he was exhausted after the game?

Maybe (as someone mentioned) had a fight with his girlfriend?

Maybe he got chewed out by a coach for making a mistake on the field and is angry?

Maybe he has aches and pains and just wants to get to the hotel so he can rest?

So many things could come into play. Even if it isn't one of those things. It isn't his job to sit out there for hours after the game and sign autographs. That isn't what he paid for. If the Cardinals set something up, that is a different story.

But I find it funny that people would give him crap about it, let alone it lead to Fitzgerald becoming some terrible person because he doesn't sign autographs. Fitzgerald is going to turn into some steriod pumping, crack head because he doesn't sign autographs? My god, do you know how stupid that sounds?

I'm sure many of you work 9-5 everyday. So what would happen if you finished work and your dead tired. You come out of where you work and suddenly you are asked to stay another couple of hours to do something you don't have to do?

I seriously wonder how many people here who are so high and mighty about this would actually stay behind for the extra time. And yet are so keen to attack Fitzgerald because he doesn't sign a freaking autograph every time he is asked.

To Fitzgeralds credit this is the first time I have EVER heard about something like this happening. All the people I have ever spoken to about Fitzgerald have said what a top-notch guy he is and how hard he has worked to get where he is today.
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Have at you!!!!!
Sep 5, 2003
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Temple, Texas
WisconsinCard said:
So there we are leaving Pro Player Stadium. As we walk out there are about 40 people wearing #81 jerseys. So I ask a lady if they were part of the Boldin family that I read about in the trib story. The lady tells me that she is Anquan's mom so then she saw my son wearing his #81 jersey and she reaches in her purse and pulls out about 100 rookie cards and gives one to Russell. She then asks us if we want to go down and meet him and have him sign the card. She then introduced us to Leanard Davis's sister who was also with them. She took us down to the where the bus picks up the players as we went through security they kind of looked at her and she said they are with me. After we got in the players started to come out when Anquan came out she introduced us to him and had him sign Russells jersey and my hat. We meet Deny Green, Mike Stone, Duane Starks, Leonard Davis, Josh McCown, Step, and a slew of others. Anquan's mom is the nicest lady you would ever want to meet and not to mention very attractive lady. When he finally had to leave Russell and I went over to thank her and she gave me a big hug. I HUGGED ANQUAN'S MOM. This totally made our trip worth while oh yea and we won.

P.S. Larry Fitz would not sign any autographs. 2 litle guys about 6 or 7 years old asked him and he blew them off.

Anquan even went over to the rail where people couldn't get past security and signed atographs. Quan is truely a gentlemen. This was a day my son and I will truely treasure, all made possible by one sweet lady.

Thats a great story, and sounds like Boldin's mom is a fantastic women. That makes sense. Any chance you told her about the board, and we'll be giving lunch orders to Boldin'sMom anytime soon??


That Rapscallion!!
May 13, 2002
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Next time Fitz should just drop the ball. That way no one will ask for his autograph.


ASFN Lifer
Apr 25, 2003
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Redsz said:
I seriously hope that your kidding.

Have you even spoken to Fitzgerald on more than one occassion? Let alone spent enough time with him to know what type of person he is? Or if he is "grounded"?

I really can't believe that you could make a connection between not giving out an autograph and having the problems of David Boston i.e drug and steriod use. That is one huge leap right there.

I'm just amazed that you would even contemplate to goto such lengths to ruin a guys reputation that you don't even know.

Have you ever thought that Fitzgerald is dealing with other issues?

Maybe he was exhausted after the game?

Maybe (as someone mentioned) had a fight with his girlfriend?

Maybe he got chewed out by a coach for making a mistake on the field and is angry?

Maybe he has aches and pains and just wants to get to the hotel so he can rest?

So many things could come into play. Even if it isn't one of those things. It isn't his job to sit out there for hours after the game and sign autographs. That isn't what he paid for. If the Cardinals set something up, that is a different story.

But I find it funny that people would give him crap about it, let alone it lead to Fitzgerald becoming some terrible person because he doesn't sign autographs. Fitzgerald is going to turn into some steriod pumping, crack head because he doesn't sign autographs? My god, do you know how stupid that sounds?

I'm sure many of you work 9-5 everyday. So what would happen if you finished work and your dead tired. You come out of where you work and suddenly you are asked to stay another couple of hours to do something you don't have to do?

I seriously wonder how many people here who are so high and mighty about this would actually stay behind for the extra time. And yet are so keen to attack Fitzgerald because he doesn't sign a freaking autograph every time he is asked.

To Fitzgeralds credit this is the first time I have EVER heard about something like this happening. All the people I have ever spoken to about Fitzgerald have said what a top-notch guy he is and how hard he has worked to get where he is today.

It's called being a nice guy and if you don't get that I feel sorry for you.. It's what is important in life and makes you who you are...how you treat others. There are too many stories about hit not signing or being rude to kids and others for it not to be true and for it to be "just the wrong time" Hopefully he will mature..if he doesn't I will never respect him no matter how good he becomes and I don't think others should either...

Most of the other players don't seem to have problems signing autographs...
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ASFN Lifer
Apr 25, 2003
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100%CardsFan said:
Thanks Shane...When are you coming back to Az? Did you know that Darrell Ashford got murdered? Shot in the head in his parents driveway....

WTF Darrell Ashford was murdered?! That really sucks :(

I'm probably going to be in Fresno for the next six months and then I'll probably live in Tempe again and I'll be able to go to more games probably next year... I'll try to make some of the halftime meets and hang out with you..


Feb 21, 2004
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I went to Fitz's house on Halloween and he passed out full size candy bars. He is the greatest.

This thread is stupid.


Supporting Member
May 15, 2002
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Plymouth, UK
earthsci said:
Next time Fitz should just drop the ball. That way no one will ask for his autograph.
Comments like that could get you banned, forever :whip:


ASFN Addict
Aug 17, 2004
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Phoenix, az
maybe the kid had on an anquan jersey and fitz got mad :shrug:


:D in fact maybe the kid said "hey anquan can you sign my hat" ??
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The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
Toro said:
This thread is stupid.

Exactly. Nobody on this thread knows Larry Fitzgerald, yet they make the judgment that he's a dick because he didn't sign some kid's autograph. What a joke.


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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MaoTosiFanClub said:
Exactly. Nobody on this thread knows Larry Fitzgerald, yet they make the judgment that he's a dick because he didn't sign some kid's autograph. What a joke.

agreed as well. And you wanna REALLY get this thread going? I love Anquan and think he is an absolute stud and will be on the team for years . . . but from hwat I've seen of Fitz so far (hands, body control, leaping ability, ability to get behind the defender), HE is gonna be THE Dynamic player on this offense folks - you better get used to it. Just because Q was here first, doesn't automaticaly mean he's better. And spare me your stats from last year - it's been pretty well documented that Leon locks onto one reciever everywhere he goes and doesn't throw to anyone else while he's in the game.

There - that should put a new spin on this ridiculous thread.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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C-MACK said:
This is hilarious. The same guys who were crucifying Kasper for supposedly snubbing a kid are coming up with excuse after excuse for Fitz. Give me a break. Is Fitz a better player than Kasper....yes. Is Fitz a bigger jerk than Kasper.....possibly. Will people defend Fitz because he is a star....definitely. It's kind of funny how that works. Where is the Fitz is a jerk thread?

Speaking for myself I defended Kasper too, for the same reason I defended Fitz.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Brian in Mesa said:
Of course I find all of these scenarios to be ridiculous. All of this speculation could have been prevented by a few minutes of signing his name, even if he limited the number of signatures. Just a few and there would have been a lot less talk.


not always that easy though, he signs just a few and there's a little kid further back in line who he doesn't sign for, guess who we hear about the next day?

The part about not speaking to or looking at people does sound a bit primadonna ish though.

Remember i related the story about Shawntae Spencer, Fitz' college teammate, he said he and Fitz talk all the time, rarely about football, and "when we do he's usually talking about how much money he has and what he can buy." It was in the paper so I couldn't see Spencer to see if he was poking fun at Larry or serious but the way it was written, Larry came off looking bad.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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RugbyMuffin said:
So using that reason I should never date another woman cause they all blow me off, or the relationship turns bad.

I should never get in my car cause I will just get in an accident.

I should never wach my clothes cause they will just get dirty.

That is a great post with good points.

But to let some greedy adults prevent a player from signing autographs, and prevent a player from inspiring todays youth, and giving them something to look up to is ridiculous.


You missed the point. Bonds likes to sign for kids, at least he used to, so collectors started using kids to get his autograph. So the kid wasn't genuinely interested in Bonds autograph, he was just doing it for money himself. Bonds felt the whole setup was a little twisted.

He still signs, but not always, and he's careful when and where so that he has at least SOME control over the outcome.

people usually only complain when there's a kid involved, which is precisely why collectors now use kids to get them autographs.

These days Bonds can't spit out gum without someone picking it up and selling it on Ebay.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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SunCardfan said:
Yeah everybody loves Bonds right! :) His own teammates don't like him, most normal fans don't like him and he's probably the best baseball player who ever lived!!!

By the way..my comment is in reference to Russ mentioning how Bonds deals with fans to back up what Fitz does and joeshmoe saying Russ is the voice of reason...

Part of the reason he's hated by fans is money, part is the autograph thing, because he got called out in public a few times for not signing for kids.

My point in the analogy was that there are "valid" reasons why some players might choose to not sign for a kid.

Don't make me break out my Larry Hughes story again. :)


ASFN Lifer
Apr 25, 2003
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Russ Smith said:
Part of the reason he's hated by fans is money, part is the autograph thing, because he got called out in public a few times for not signing for kids.

My point in the analogy was that there are "valid" reasons why some players might choose to not sign for a kid.

Don't make me break out my Larry Hughes story again. :)

haha :) Well I don't think it is a valid point because now look at how much grief Bonds gets...it's not worth it.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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SunCardfan said:
haha :) Well I don't think it is a valid point because now look at how much grief Bonds gets...it's not worth it.

True but I don't think he really cares what people think about him, which people take as ego.

Part of his issue was he doesn't like that there's an entire industry based on a 7 year old asking for his autograph, handing it off to some 40 year old who sells it on Ebay for 20 times what he paid the kid for it.

Not saying Bonds isn't arrogant, doesn't have a huge ego, and all the other stuff you hear about him. But in HIS case there are some clear reasons why he doesn't always sign.

When someone makes over 800K for a homerun ball that is not only not a record, but by the time of the auction not even a PERSONAL record for Bonds, you know things are twisted. I'll never understand why homer #700 is worth more than 701-703 just because it's a nice "round" number.

But I digress as usual. :)


Apr 30, 2003
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Russ Smith said:
You missed the point. Bonds likes to sign for kids, at least he used to, so collectors started using kids to get his autograph. So the kid wasn't genuinely interested in Bonds autograph, he was just doing it for money himself. Bonds felt the whole setup was a little twisted.

He still signs, but not always, and he's careful when and where so that he has at least SOME control over the outcome.

people usually only complain when there's a kid involved, which is precisely why collectors now use kids to get them autographs.

These days Bonds can't spit out gum without someone picking it up and selling it on Ebay.

Why I like debating with Russ the best.

No name calling just facts, quotes, and opinions against facts, quotes, and opinions.

All great points.

Side note: Barry Bonds is my favorite baseball player, and is one of the best of all time like it or not. If everywhere you go, and everything you do was recorded and analyzed I think each person living today would come out looking like Satan's creation.

The media is a farse, a gossip fest, and the only thing they do well is trying to make people look as bad as possible.

I stick to message boards, and bloggers!


We do this together
Jan 21, 2004
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SunCardfan said:
It's called being a nice guy and if you don't get that I feel sorry for you.. It's what is important in life and makes you who you are...how you treat others. There are too many stories about hit not signing or being rude to kids and others for it not to be true and for it to be "just the wrong time" Hopefully he will mature..if he doesn't I will never respect him no matter how good he becomes and I don't think others should either...

Most of the other players don't seem to have problems signing autographs...

Of course I understand do to others what you want done to you.

But I'm curious, what if Fitzgerald never signs an autograph for anyone ever again?

But never commits a crime, never does drugs, treats his friends and family with respect, donates thousands of dollars to charity, never is a problem within the Cardinals organisation/team and does nothing but produce on the field?

Would that make him a terrible person? Or someone lacking maturity?

To me, this seems like such a small issue. And doesn't define Fitzgerald as a person at all.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Redsz said:
Of course I understand do to others what you want done to you.

But I'm curious, what if Fitzgerald never signs an autograph for anyone ever again?

But never commits a crime, never does drugs, treats his friends and family with respect, donates thousands of dollars to charity, never is a problem within the Cardinals organisation/team and does nothing but produce on the field?

Would that make him a terrible person? Or someone lacking maturity?

To me, this seems like such a small issue. And doesn't define Fitzgerald as a person at all.

Awesome redsz, my sentiments exactly.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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RugbyMuffin said:
Why I like debating with Russ the best.

No name calling just facts, quotes, and opinions against facts, quotes, and opinions.

All great points.

Side note: Barry Bonds is my favorite baseball player, and is one of the best of all time like it or not. If everywhere you go, and everything you do was recorded and analyzed I think each person living today would come out looking like Satan's creation.

The media is a farse, a gossip fest, and the only thing they do well is trying to make people look as bad as possible.

I stick to message boards, and bloggers!

I'm a huge Bonds fan too. If it turns out he did steroids my opinion will change, but right now I think I'll just enjoy watching the guy hit on the rare occasions someone actually pitches to him.

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