Warner To Start Against Seattle


Supporting Member
Feb 3, 2003
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The Aventine
jstadvl said:
Watch the Titan game, compare it to the Giants game. Watch the Dallas game and compare it to the Seattle game.
Watch the Carolina game compared to the Titans game. Watch the Titans game compared to the Dallas game. These are the games Josh played in and has wildly different results.

By the time Josh took over teams knew we didn't/couldn't run. Teams played the pass first in every one of Josh's starts.


R U gonna B My Girl
Oct 21, 2002
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Chandler AZ.
It seemed

as you said, the no running game hurt, but they came after the QB from so many different angles on some plays I was amazed. I'd watch himn drop back think Ok he avoided that, and then two guys would be coming form differnt directions. It leaves him no where to go. Ca'nt step up or back, can't go left or right.
It was sad and sarey to watch. My next question is why aren't we adjusting, simehow, to what they're doing? No matter who our QB is.


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
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jstadvl said:
as you said, the no running game hurt, but they came after the QB from so many different angles on some plays I was amazed. I'd watch himn drop back think Ok he avoided that, and then two guys would be coming form differnt directions. It leaves him no where to go. Ca'nt step up or back, can't go left or right.
It was sad and sarey to watch. My next question is why aren't we adjusting, simehow, to what they're doing? No matter who our QB is.

The answer to your question is coaching and players.

I've wanted to get this off my chest so now is as good a time as any.

I've said all I need to say on the Josh thing, I'm rooting for whomever is the QB to have a good game but it's just not going to happen.

On the offensive side of the ball we have a 1st year OC and a 2nd year line coach.

We were starting a rookie guard and a rookie tackle and a center with a bad snapping hand.

Our best O line player false starts 2 or 3 times a game and thinks about the newest model RC car at odd times causing at least one whiff a game.

Our running backs are slow and juke master b.

We have what's loosely called a TE, although that's a stretch labeling them that.

Our head coach got cute and cut the more experienced players thinking he'd just plug someone in.

All in all it is what it is and it's rather amazing it works as well as it has. We aren't last in points scored and I think we should be.

Maybe all the juggling will finally find an answer, DG is trying I'll give him that much but to expect anyone to thrive in that enviroment is wishful thinking gone mad.

Crimson Warrior

Dangerous Murray Zealot
Oct 27, 2002
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Home of the Thunder
conraddobler said:
The answer to your question is coaching and players.

I've wanted to get this off my chest so now is as good a time as any.

I've said all I need to say on the Josh thing, I'm rooting for whomever is the QB to have a good game but it's just not going to happen.

On the offensive side of the ball we have a 1st year OC and a 2nd year line coach.

We were starting a rookie guard and a rookie tackle and a center with a bad snapping hand.

Our best O line player false starts 2 or 3 times a game and thinks about the newest model RC car at odd times causing at least one whiff a game.

Our running backs are slow and juke master b.

We have what's loosely called a TE, although that's a stretch labeling them that.

Our head coach got cute and cut the more experienced players thinking he'd just plug someone in.

All in all it is what it is and it's rather amazing it works as well as it has. We aren't last in points scored and I think we should be.

Maybe all the juggling will finally find an answer, DG is trying I'll give him that much but to expect anyone to thrive in that enviroment is wishful thinking gone mad.

conrad, everybody agrees that Green has made some bad moves.

He's has one more year of this before we start looking for our next coach.

(Maybe two if we draft a "franchise QB" or get rivers).


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
Crimson Warrior said:
conrad, everybody agrees that Green has made some bad moves.

He's has one more year of this before we start looking for our next coach.

(Maybe two if we draft a "franchise QB" or get rivers).

Well anyone can make a few bad moves but the amount of them to me is alarming and the few glaring things I see make me the most depressed.

Just watched a whole special on Lombardi.

Now the only thing I took away from the whole thing that applies to todays game was the attitude he had and also perfecting one play that you force others to stop.

That's really what we have needed to do in the run game all year, everyone should practice one or two plays a bizzilion times until they can do it in their sleep.

The ideal play would have a lot of variations you could do off the same base set but that to me is the essence of football.

Build a play that utilizes the strengths of your players, you can continually upgrade them if you want but running is about repetition and precision in blocking schemes.

Almost any high school coach can understand that, lots never perfect it but you'd expect a professional staff to be capable of it.


Oct 4, 2005
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Mesa, AZ
Clif I think you made some very good points. McCown gets jerked around here too much every QB is going to have up and down games. **** check out ELI's stats they suck as a QB goes you don't see them yanking him, the team is winning despite his play like some here like to say. But they are still smart and letting him develop very few QB's light it up from the get go. McCown has barely over a years worth of starts, really not that many considering they were not consecutive. The yanking in and out of the starting role just kills a young QB's confidence. And I don't want to hear the crap he has had 4 years and 4 training camps, you forget to mention most of those were with a poopy coaching staff not to mention different coordinators and systems. Even with Green he has had 2 different coordinators and systems, and to say he should simply just pick them up and be an all pro is rediculous. And yeah Warner has had years in football starting so he is a better QB mentally as he should be, but he has lost it physically. Josh still is young and can develop into a good QB if given the time which he has NOT gotten. At a minimum he should be the starter the rest of the season to see what he has, and should even have to think about being yanked in favor of warner. If he knows he is the starter and has no fear of being yanked, he can prepare week in and week out with full concentration. If at the end of the year he has not shown the ability to be a starting QB in this league then you draft one or get one FA. Going with Warner is purely a last ditch effort by green to try and win some games but gets us knowhere for the future exept moving down draft spots for a few meaningless games. McCown clearly should be the starter and people should realize this, Warner is done, at least with McCown we have potential he could work out. If not then go a different direction but this season is already shot to hell so what does going with Warner do for us? McCown needs starts to get better in this league and the way Green talked him up it is stupid that he keeps yanking him and destroying any confidence he may have gotten with this team. As a coach Green should be building his confidence it is HIS JOB, not repeatedly sitting him every time he has a less than stellar game. I really wish Warner had gotten the Dallas start so people would have seen what he is, an immobile over the hill QB that would have lost that game just the same, if not worse being he would have fumbled on half of those hits McCown took. He needs to play to get better not sit on the bench. And him continuing to start would be the best thing for this team in the future. Again if he fails he fails go and get another QB in the offseason. Warner without question still has some skills and may win a few games but what does that do for the teams future??? NOTHING


Rise from the Ashes III
Mar 23, 2005
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Bakersfield, CA
The reason the Giants stick with Manning is because the bet the farm on him. They don't have a choice. McCown is a veteran, like it or not, so he doesn't get the same benefit of the doubt that a rookie would get. Add to that, he wasn't showing improvement when he got his chance to start this year. His performances got worse each game. Why stick with a guy that's getting worse? Especially if the starter is healthy again.

I think Green has seen all he needs to see in practice and game situations to know what he's got in McCown. I think he knows that McCown won't be invited back next year so playing him would be pointless. Seeing if Warner has anything left and can play til the end of the year is probably what Green want's to find out at this point.


We do this together
Jan 21, 2004
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conraddobler said:
Well anyone can make a few bad moves but the amount of them to me is alarming and the few glaring things I see make me the most depressed.

Just watched a whole special on Lombardi.

Now the only thing I took away from the whole thing that applies to todays game was the attitude he had and also perfecting one play that you force others to stop.

That's really what we have needed to do in the run game all year, everyone should practice one or two plays a bizzilion times until they can do it in their sleep.

The ideal play would have a lot of variations you could do off the same base set but that to me is the essence of football.

Build a play that utilizes the strengths of your players, you can continually upgrade them if you want but running is about repetition and precision in blocking schemes.

Almost any high school coach can understand that, lots never perfect it but you'd expect a professional staff to be capable of it.

Green isn't Lombardi, though. And is coaching in a whole different era to that of Lombardi. If Green wanted to keep running the 'power sweep' (or any other plays) every time, teams would quickly pick up on it and find a way to exploit it. Because that is the reality of todays NFL and something Lombardi never had to contend with.

Green is his own man. And does things he believes to be the 'right' way. The 'right' way is realitive to his perspective the same way it is to anyone on this forum. But the difference between Green and us here at ASFN is that Green is there everyday on the practice field, the locker room etc while we have to base our POV on 2nd hand information from the internet, TV, newspaper or what we see during games. And that's why when he or his coaching staff makes a decision to cut a guy (for example) I believe he is doing it for what he believes is best for the team.

Honestly, only here would discussion about cutting the 4th string WR get legs like it has. Seeing Kendell get man handled on MNF, Shelton look medicore as ever and Clement look as wide eyed and clueless as ever gives me an indication about what Green sees as the 'right' or 'wrong' moves so far as HC of the Cardinals.
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Evil Ash

Henchman Supreme
Jun 26, 2003
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On a flying cocoon
moklerman said:
The reason the Giants stick with Manning is because the bet the farm on him. They don't have a choice. McCown is a veteran, like it or not, so he doesn't get the same benefit of the doubt that a rookie would get. Add to that, he wasn't showing improvement when he got his chance to start this year. His performances got worse each game. Why stick with a guy that's getting worse? Especially if the starter is healthy again.

I think Green has seen all he needs to see in practice and game situations to know what he's got in McCown. I think he knows that McCown won't be invited back next year so playing him would be pointless. Seeing if Warner has anything left and can play til the end of the year is probably what Green want's to find out at this point.

The only reason I didn't like this move is that the season is over and we already know what we have in Warner so whats the point in starting him other than to get him killed?

We have two more unknowns in Josh (based on his inconsistency) and Navarre (based on lack of playing time). Why not start the unknowns given the season is basically over

Crimson Warrior

Dangerous Murray Zealot
Oct 27, 2002
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Home of the Thunder
Evil Ash said:
The only reason I didn't like this move is that the season is over and we already know what we have in Warner so whats the point in starting him other than to get him killed?

We have two more unknowns in Josh (based on his inconsistency) and Navarre (based on lack of playing time). Why not start the unknowns given the season is basically over

Because the season is not over (technically).

Some people think that we're capable of following a SEA win with wins on the road in DET and STL, getting us to five and five and within shouting distance of the hawks.

In theory, hassleback could get hurt, and the cards could get hot enough down the stretch to somehow win the division.

The likelihood that theory will be blown out of the freaking water tomorrow is currently at about 90%.


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
Evil Ash said:
The only reason I didn't like this move is that the season is over and we already know what we have in Warner so whats the point in starting him other than to get him killed?

We have two more unknowns in Josh (based on his inconsistency) and Navarre (based on lack of playing time). Why not start the unknowns given the season is basically over

Problem is, the only one we don't know what we have is Navarre. We know McCown plenty. We know Warner. Warner will give us a better chance to win. We're still in it.

Evil Ash

Henchman Supreme
Jun 26, 2003
Reaction score
On a flying cocoon
Stout said:
Problem is, the only one we don't know what we have is Navarre. We know McCown plenty. We know Warner. Warner will give us a better chance to win. We're still in it.

Yeah right. We suddenly have to win on the road with a schedule that features the Eagles and the Colts along the way

Sorry folks, unless a miracle occurs and our D shows up for the rest of the season and we actually can have some blocking (both highly unlikely) this season is over


Air Raid Warning!
Apr 26, 2005
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This makes some sense

from the standpoint that Warner has had good rapport with new starter Bryant Johnson.

That said, I expect him (Warner) to come out very rusty at the start.


May 5, 2003
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We will win. I bet a franklin on the seahawks. If my past betting history on cards games continues, we win.


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
Evil Ash said:
Yeah right. We suddenly have to win on the road with a schedule that features the Eagles and the Colts along the way

Sorry folks, unless a miracle occurs and our D shows up for the rest of the season and we actually can have some blocking (both highly unlikely) this season is over

You're right. But 'highly unlikely' is different from definitely over. I'm just not giving up. I can't. It's bad enough being 2-5. Giving up already would just flat-out hurt.

john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
Redsz said:
Green isn't Lombardi, though. And is coaching in a whole different era to that of Lombardi. If Green wanted to keep running the 'power sweep' (or any other plays) every time, teams would quickly pick up on it and find a way to exploit it. Because that is the reality of todays NFL and something Lombardi never had to contend with.

Green is his ownn. And does things he believes to be the 'right' way. The 'right' way is realitive to his perspective the same way it is to anyone on this forum. But the difference between Green and us here at ASFN is that Green is there everyday on the practice field, the locker room etc while we have to base our POV on 2nd hand information from the internet, TV, newspaper or what we see during games. And that's why when he or his coaching staff makes a decision to cut a guy (for example) I believe he is doing it for what he believes is best for the team.

Honestly, only here would discussion about cutting the 4th string WR get legs like it has. Seeing Kendell get man handled on MNF, Shelton look medicore as ever and Clement look as wide eyed and clueless as ever gives me an indication about what Green sees as the 'right' or 'wrong' moves so far as HC of the Cardinals.

Regardless of what Green sees in practice and his reasons for cutting players he will be judged by our record and and what you and I see each Sunday. So far his moves should be questioned as we are one of the three worst teams in the NFL and will be worse this year than last. That is not improvement. I did not expect much this year but I did expect to be near 8-8. Winning 3-4 games is really unacceptable.