What are you reading now?


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Jun 5, 2003
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Starting the 4th Harry Potter book (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire).

I am not in love with it like some people are, but it's definitely keeping me interested. I will complete the series, for sure.


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Jul 16, 2004
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Starting the 4th Harry Potter book (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire).

I am not in love with it like some people are, but it's definitely keeping me interested. I will complete the series, for sure.
Might be my favorite of the series.

Matt L

formerly known as mattyboy
Sep 14, 2002
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Phoenix, Arizona
I am reading "A Dance of Dragons" the 5th of the "Game of Thrones" series. Reading them all back-to-back has been an endurance trial.

I just finished "A Feast for Crows" last night. I am hoping that A Dance of Dragons tells me what happened to Brienne.


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Feb 3, 2003
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The Aventine
"The Unincorporated Man" by Dani Kollin

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Publisher's Weekly said:
Fans of SF as a vehicle for ideas will devour this intriguing debut. Brilliant 21st-century tycoon Justin Cord is brought from cryogenic storage into a 24th-century society where people own stock in one another, safeguarding each other's welfare only out of economic self-interest. This is anathema to the defiantly individualistic Cord, who soon becomes a danger to the corporations that control the world and a symbol of freedom to the downtrodden penny-stock people. Cord's conversations with friends and enemies fill most of the book, alongside lectures on the mechanisms of the incorporated culture. The Kollin brothers keep the plot moving briskly despite the high proportion of talk to action. Their cerebral style will especially appeal to readers nostalgic for science fiction's early years.


Open the Roof!
Jan 23, 2007
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Phoenix, AZ
I just finished "A Feast for Crows" last night. I am hoping that A Dance of Dragons tells me what happened to Brienne.

I think it will toward the end. The author's note describes the continuity issues with the 4th and 5th books. For the most part, they happen simultaneously, but then he ties up the loose ends during the final chapters of "A Dance of Dragons".


Don't Stop Believin'
Feb 19, 2004
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Amazon.com Review
Amazon Best of the Month, September 2007: Make no mistake: A.J. Jacobs is not a religious man. He describes himself as Jewish "in the same way the Olive Garden is an Italian restaurant." Yet his latest work, The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible, is an insightful and hilarious journey for readers of all faiths. Though no fatted calves were harmed in the making of this book, Jacobs chronicles 12 months living a remarkably strict Biblical life full of charity, chastity, and facial hair as impressive as anything found in The Lord of the Rings. Through it all, he manages to brilliantly keep things light, while avoiding the sinful eye of judgment. --Dave Callanan

Subtitled: "One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible," Jacobs, or A.J., as his two-year-old son calls him, does just that. It is likely that no one but A.J. Jacobs could have accomplished such a feat. After all, his last book, The Know-It-All, chronicles his reading of the entire Encyclopedia Brittanica, from A to Z. No one but a smart, witty, self-deprecating, nitpicky kinda guy would undertake two such daunting tasks, and complete them with grace, no pun intended.

Jacobs, a New York Jewish agnostic, decides to follow the laws and rules of the Bible, beginning with the Old Testament, for one year. (He actually adds some bonus days and makes it a 381-day year.) He starts by growing a beard and we are with him through every itchy moment. Jacobs is borderline OCD, at least as he describes himself; obsessing over possible dangers to his son, germs, literal interpretation of Bible verses, etc. He enlists the aid of counselors along the way; Jewish rabbis, Christians of every stripe, friends and neighbors.

In an open-minded way he also visits with atheists, Evangelicals Concerned (a gay group), Jerry Falwell, snake handlers, Red Letter Christians--those who adhere to the red letters in the Bible, those words spoken by Jesus Himself, and even takes a trip to Israel and meets Samaritans. Through it all, he keeps a healthy skepticism, but continues to pray and is open to the flowering of real faith. Jacobs is a knowledge junky, to be sure. He enjoys the lore he picks up along the way as much as any other aspect of his experiment. One of the ongoing schticks is his meeting with the shatnez tester, Mr. Berkowitz. He is the one who determines whether or not your clothes are made of mixed fibers, in keeping with the Biblical injunction not to wear wool and linen together. The two become friends and prayer partners, in only one of the unexpected results of this year.

In the end, he says, "I'm now a reverent agnostic. Which isn't an oxymoron, I swear. I now believe that whether or not there's a God, there is such a thing as sacredness. Life is sacred." Not a bad outcome. --Valerie Ryan --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

This book was awesome. The most fun I've had reading a book in a long time. If you like AJ Jacobs I know you'll love this book.



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Apr 2, 2004
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I am looking for some good ones.Heard about Under the dome by Stephan King.Any other suggestions.

If you were to list a few of the authors or books that you've read and particularly enjoyed it would make it easier for us to offer recommendations.



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Apr 2, 2004
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I've also enjoyed (and am anxiously awaiting the next one at the end of oct.) all of the Duane Swiercynski books. (linked to his amazon page)

I know who he is but I've never read any of his novels. Unfortunately, all his Kindle editions seem to be 10 bucks or more and I draw the line at 8 dollars. It's too bad because I'm looking for a new author. Right now I'm re-reading all my old W.E.B. Griffin stuff (hate his new, collaborative efforts) out of sheer boredom. If I don't find something soon I'm going to have to break out my Moorcock and Zelazny collections and I'd really prefer to stay digital.



Nov 18, 2008
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Cave Creek
Recently finished: "One Call Away" by Brenda Warner. Yes. That Brenda Warner.

Currently reading: "The Mirage Man: Bruce Ivins, The Anthrax Attacks and America's Rush To War" by David Willmam. Excellent.

Reading a little bit at a time: "The Internet is a Playground" by David Thorne. Laughing so hard it sounds like I'm coughing up a hairball so I'm limiting myself.
Last edited:


Stone Cold
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Banned from P+R
Mar 13, 2004
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Modesto, California
not reading anything currently.....but I did just finish a short story to be published next spring....it will be in a collaboration book called "Voices From the Bayou" a collection of short stories from Louisiana authors.

My contribution is a story entitled,"Permission Slip" and is the basis for the books I am currently writing, "The Chronicles of Dragon Company"

So wish me luck!! I will let you know when the book is published!


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Apr 2, 2004
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not reading anything currently.....but I did just finish a short story to be published next spring....it will be in a collaboration book called "Voices From the Bayou" a collection of short stories from Louisiana authors.

My contribution is a story entitled,"Permission Slip" and is the basis for the books I am currently writing, "The Chronicles of Dragon Company"

So wish me luck!! I will let you know when the book is published!

Will it be available digitally (Kindle)? How about a brief description of the Chronicles books and when you expect to finish them?



Stone Cold
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Banned from P+R
Mar 13, 2004
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Modesto, California
Currently I am unaware if "Voices" will be available digitally so I will bring the subject up at our next meeting. For this particular type of book digital copy would make sense I think as our authors are generally unknown right now. The public can invest less money to see what we have to offer which is good I think.

Chronicles is a fantasy series that follows a group of young adventurers as they grow and learn about life. They embark with the cockiness of the young thinking they are going to conquer the world and soon learn they have much more to learn.

It takes place on a moon across the universe that has two moons of it's own. The society they are a part of are descended from an Earth colonization team that crashed and fell to ruin ten thousand years earlier. Due to the large stock of DNA material that was aboard the ship most of the inhabitants of their world are just like our world, but the unique atmospheric conditions and evolutionary scenarios on their little moon cause for some interesting alien beasts as well.
Cannot give up too much as every day I hit a wall and have to make changes so that everything flows well and fits together....there is still a lot about this world and these characters that even I do not know at this point. I am however considering building a web page next spring and maybe using it to get some public feedback on some storys and characters from chronicles.

I cannot tell you anything about publication on chronicles as I do not currently have a book deal for them. The short story will be my first ever published work and I am hoping it is well received to motivate a publisher to pick up Chronicles.
Also, though I started these characters and this world back in the eighties..... I never had the nutz to sit down and put it all together until now....so I have only one chapter of chronicles right now,lol..... with motivation and luck however I hope to have at least a rough draft of the first novel by next summer.


Supporting Member
Apr 2, 2004
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Currently I am unaware if "Voices" will be available digitally so I will bring the subject up at our next meeting. For this particular type of book digital copy would make sense I think as our authors are generally unknown right now. The public can invest less money to see what we have to offer which is good I think.

Chronicles is a fantasy series that follows a group of young adventurers as they grow and learn about life. They embark with the cockiness of the young thinking they are going to conquer the world and soon learn they have much more to learn.

It takes place on a moon across the universe that has two moons of it's own. The society they are a part of are descended from an Earth colonization team that crashed and fell to ruin ten thousand years earlier. Due to the large stock of DNA material that was aboard the ship most of the inhabitants of their world are just like our world, but the unique atmospheric conditions and evolutionary scenarios on their little moon cause for some interesting alien beasts as well.
Cannot give up too much as every day I hit a wall and have to make changes so that everything flows well and fits together....there is still a lot about this world and these characters that even I do not know at this point. I am however considering building a web page next spring and maybe using it to get some public feedback on some storys and characters from chronicles.

I cannot tell you anything about publication on chronicles as I do not currently have a book deal for them. The short story will be my first ever published work and I am hoping it is well received to motivate a publisher to pick up Chronicles.
Also, though I started these characters and this world back in the eighties..... I never had the nutz to sit down and put it all together until now....so I have only one chapter of chronicles right now,lol..... with motivation and luck however I hope to have at least a rough draft of the first novel by next summer.

Well, best of luck with it. It sounds like it's right up my alley so I'll look for updates from you.


Brian in Mesa

Advocatus Diaboli
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May 13, 2002
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Killjoy Central
Play Dead by Ryan Brown.

A fresh and riveting supernatural thriller about football player zombies bent on revenge in a football-obsessed Texas town.

Jersey Girl

Stand down
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Sep 17, 2002
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Super Scottsdale
Decided I need to take the time to read more. Picked up "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" about a week ago. Looking forward to starting it this weekend.

Jersey Girl

Stand down
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Sep 17, 2002
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Super Scottsdale
Decided I need to take the time to read more. Picked up "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" about a week ago. Looking forward to starting it this weekend.

Finished it. Liked it. Easy read.

Now I have to find something else to start.

Town Drunk

Longest serving ASFN lurker
Aug 30, 2003
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What if—whoosh, right now, with no explanation—a number of us simply vanished? Would some of us collapse? Would others of us go on, one foot in front of the other, as we did before the world turned upside down?

That’s what the bewildered citizens of Mapleton, who lost many of their neighbors, friends and lovers in the event known as the Sudden Departure, have to figure out. Because nothing has been the same since it happened—not marriages, not friendships, not even the relationships between parents and children.

Kevin Garvey, Mapleton’s new mayor, wants to speed up the healing process, to bring a sense of renewed hope and purpose to his traumatized community. Kevin’s own family has fallen apart in the wake of the disaster: his wife, Laurie, has left to join the Guilty Remnant, a homegrown cult whose members take a vow of silence; his son, Tom, is gone, too, dropping out of college to follow a sketchy prophet named Holy Wayne. Only Kevin’s teenaged daughter, Jill, remains, and she’s definitely not the sweet “A” student she used to be. Kevin wants to help her, but he’s distracted by his growing relationship with Nora Durst, a woman who lost her entire family on October 14th and is still reeling from the tragedy, even as she struggles to move beyond it and make a new start.

With heart, intelligence and a rare ability to illuminate the struggles inherent in ordinary lives, Tom Perrotta has written a startling, thought-provoking novel about love, connection and loss.

Just finished this. Pretty good. Easy read and entertaining. Looking for my next book now, if anyone has any suggestions....

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